

Noticing she never takes her eyes from Beverly when she said, "Yeah, well I have my charms which you seem to have lost a long time ago."

Alex was so shock hearing them, as they rattle on degrading each other, but Diandra's stood her grounds.

Her words were like a sword cutting the heart, especially when Beverly said, "I thought Ken was a fool but you, Alex, is a bigger fool."

Diandra smiles up to her, "You see Beverly, I am very good at picking my fools, they tend to feed me and clothe me. Now from what I have observed, the fool you picked have just left you hungry and walk out of the restaurant.

But if you hurry you might be lucky to catch up with him, I am sure you could influence him to at least get you a burger or hot dog, so hurry along."

Alex saw her desperation as she hurried outside, when Diandra said, "I should have just given her this, now she will remain hungry.

Well, who cares, you know the saying, how you make your bed, so you will have to lie on it."

Alex notice how subtle she were and he didn't want to offend her next thing she become angry and walk out the restaurant, but he ask in a sweet tone, "Diandra this Ken you were speaking with, is he Beverly's husband?"


"Does her allegation has any truth to it?"

"Maybe, it depends on who is asking."

"Diandra, I am your husband."

Seeing how she leaned forward towards me saying only for my ear, "Oh sweetheart, you lost that rights and privilege four years ago.

If I recall you told me earlier today all forgotten, so let us not allow Beverly to spoil a wonderful evening."

Lifting his head knowing what she had said was right. "You know what you are so right, four years ago you would have been the one running out of here instead of Beverly, I am so proud of you."

"Thank you," but Alex notice her head was still bent as she continues to nibble on her food, she never knew how to use the knife and fork.

Alex could not help it but admires how she used the fork so eloquently. Not taking the meat up with her fingers, which was what she used to do though matter how many times mom teaches her

Mom had finally given up, but that never stop her from taking her out to dinners, neither was she embarrassed.

Beverly knows she is illiterate but though matter what Beverly throws at her she just throws it back harder.' She has stopped running and now she is fighting back harder and rougher.

Asking her to dance with him, getting the nod Alex holds her hand, as they walk to the dance floor.

Being move and very impressed with the way she dances, enjoying how her body touches his and swerves beautifully with the music.

Taking advantage of the opportunity Alex holds her close to him as they dance. Recalling how she controls her emotion and she speaks with such boldness.

'I like this new Diandra, I have so much to learn about her, now it seems she has grown wings.'

Hearing her laugh it was very seductive when the clock bangs ten thinking 'He have never stayed out so late after dinner.'

Looking around the dance floor it had just a few couples dancing but most of the bachelors were looking at us.

Dipping his head near her ear whispering, "Sweetheart, there is a lineup of handsome gentlemen waiting to get a dance with you."

Hearing her laugh Alex heart rejoiced, holding her closer to him. When she said, "It has already passed my bedtime and tomorrow will be a very busy day at the house."

"So, what do you suggest we do?"

"I will go to the lady's room while you paid your bill and take up my bag. Or should I fake a limp, as though my foot is squashed by your shoes, what do you think?"

Hearing him chuckle as he said, "Don't worry, I will be your knight in shining armor."

Seeing her bow and said, "Thank you, kind Sir."

At the same time, the music stopped, and Diandra slips away to the lady's room.

Returning to the table, Alex signals the waiter for the bill, then he took up her bag and the container, and stand at the entrance waiting for her.

Thinking, 'This evening was exceptional, he had never imagined that it will be this exotic. Now that he is aware that Ken is Beverly's husband, he has no fear, she is all his.

Hearing her laugh in his arms is a dream coming true. Wooing her shouldn't be that difficult, a few more evenings like these will set the wheel in motion and it will make a vast difference.

She is still my wife, although she said I lost that privilege. Holding her in him arm felt good and he felt she was enjoying herself.'

Alex notices how she slip out so smoothly from the sight of those hungry looking men, without being detected.

Feeling so proud to be the one with her among all those envious lions who were ready to devour her.

Taking her hands in his as we walk to the car park. "I hope you know that you were brilliant, how you sneak out so cunningly, I will have to be very careful."

"Age and experience bring wisdom."

"I can see that now."

Reaching to the van, Alex opens the door for her, "Diandra," when she turns to look at him,

"Sweetheart, I am very sorry for all the hurt and pain I have put you through. I am so glad we had dinner this evening, you, my dear have been delightful company."

"I am glad that I was pleasing to you, and not a total embarrassment."

Seeing she take a seat in the van and close the door, I walk towards the driving side, but my heart was feeling as though a sharp dagger had pierced it from deep within.

'Why does she always have to remind me of my mistakes with those hurtful words?'

The journey home was very quiet, Alex tries to think up something to say to break the tension but nothing came to mind.

Glimpsing her direction a few times, but her head was turned towards the window.