

When the van drives into the garage feeling such relief, Diandra steps out of the van and walks towards the front door.

She was glad for the distance between them, 'because the tension was so thick, it needed a power saw to cut it.'

Opening the door as Alex follow behind, he seem so lost as he drives home, no word was spoken,

Following behind her thinking, 'I am much happier knowing now she could battle in this territory, and is no backing away.

Earlier I thought it might be easy but even when she relax she still has her guards up.' Hearing as she says as I walks closely behind her.

"Just be careful how you are stepping through, it's work in progress." Reaching towards the light switch putting on the bright light.

Alex looks around the hall, all of mom portraits and paintings were removed and there were scaffolds and ladders already setup for the next days work. "Where are all of mom's belongings?"

"In my room upstairs."

"And where will you be sleeping tonight?"

"Right where I slept last night."

"Hear what, you take my room and I will sleep in another room."

"I am comfortable where I am."

"Do you always have to fight me down and be so stubborn?"

Looking at her feeling this anger and rage that was boiling within, 'Boy this is worse than before she leaves the first time.

She used to be crying for every little thing, now she is as stubborn as a mule and wanting to fight back everything I say, there is no winning with her.'

"Look, forget I even ask, I haven't the strength to argue or fight with you, you just do what makes you comfortable."

Alex was about to walk upstairs when Diandra said, "Please, would you be kind enough to unzip my dress?"

When he stepped behind her, she took a deep breath.

Alex, on the other hand, was very careful as he unzip her dress, when his fingers touch her skin it felt soft and smooth.

He was going to kiss the nape of her neck, when she steps away saying, "Thank you, and good night."

Feeling this burning desire, 'But thank God she moves aside, did she knew what I was about to do? Sometimes the way she moves, it's like she have eyes at the back of her head.'

Moving away seeing she was heading for the study, Alex sigh, thinking, 'It's a good thing, because things might have gotten out of control.

When I thought of her being here, I never thought this was going to be so hard.'

Hurrying up to his room closing his door then discard all his clothes, going straight to the bathroom.

Putting the stop cork Alex full the bathtub, then he sit down allowing the cold water to cool the raging fire that was surging through his veins. 'She is my wife and it is not a sin to desire her."

As the thought crosses his mind, 'But she is not ready as yet, she is still afraid of me.'

Closing his eyes as the words refresh his mind, " But she is also right, I lost that privilege the day I had forced myself on her and never looked for her not once.

I never say sorry although I knew that I loved her. I was very foolish and weak then, but Lord the way I feel now is so different.'

Thinking about it now, we hardly knew what to say to each other, and when mom died it made things even more worse.

We didn't know how to console each other, I was hurting by myself and she used to lock herself in her room and just cry.

But tonight was special being with each other she looks so beautiful and holding her in my arms make me realized that I can't let this second chance pass me without making an extra effort.

'I will need your help Lord, I can't be a fool twice in one lifetime.' Pulling out the drain cork then dry himself.

When the towel pass over where she kicked him on his shin bone, it pain, having to rub it with a pain and muscle balm, "I should have known she doesn't want anyone to know of him,

As Beverly's words ring in his head, 'She goes on a Wednesday's to meet Ken so, what does she and Ken do when they are alone?

She had no fear in her eyes when she told Beverly to set up a camera, now if she was having an affair why would she suggest that? She has become fearless not caring what others think about her.'

Alex just slumps down, thinking, 'No one would believe she is illiterate, she speaks and moves with such confidence.

I am unable to profile her, her body movement says one thing and her speech says another, she is so unpredictable, I can't seems to figure her out.'

Confused with the many questions, 'Diandra knows that Beverly is Ken's wife, yet she was not afraid of her accusation.

Or is this some kind of charade to make Beverly jealous, because she and Ken are always speaking to each other."

Recalling the conversation at the cottage, They were talking about this Sam feller. So who is he and if she goes to church will she commit adultery?

She may not be able to read but she has a very good memory. All the stories mom used to relate to her before she got sick, Diandra used to repeat those stories word for word to mom.'

Alex never thought he would be so lost, trying to unravel one person, but the many questions just keep surfacing.

'I don't think she will jeopardize her salvation. She loves the Lord, she knows what God's word said. She hugs the bible and sleeps, that seems to be the only thing to give her comfort.'

Thinking about it now, 'I had not seen any guilt in her face when Beverly was ranting out those accusations.

From deep within I don't think what Beverly said has any bearing to it. It more seems as though she wants to get out of the marriage.'

Finally making peace within Alex take the bible and read, then kneel and pray, "Lord, please give me ideas to win over her love and affection.

I have never felt this burning desire before. I am completely at your mercy, I am begging you for restoration in my marriage.

Lord all that is broken between us, I am asking you to please fix it and bring us back together, I ask all these mercies in Jesus's name, amen."