

Turning sideways Diandra angled herself towards Alex so no one will notice us, when she touches his hand, saying, "Alex will you please zip up my dress?"

When she drop the shawl slightly from behind her neck, reaching down to get the zipper. While pulling it up Alex felt her flinch, saying, "Sorry, sorry, did I hurt you?"

Seeing she shake her head, Alex notices as she bends her head, saying to her, "Okay it's all done."

As she straightens up in the chair. Alex thought, 'If the zipper didn't pinch her, then why did she flinch?'

Afraid to look at him, but released the breath slowly, 'Knowing nothing miss those eyes of his, feeling the fire still radiating in her veins from his touch.'

Noticing how flushed her face was, smiling to himself, 'Is my touch affecting her the same way I was being affected.

I have held so many women hands and hugs them, but never have I felt what I felt this evening.'

As his mind went back to Saturday when he touch her hand. 'Was it scorn or was she feeling this surging fire from being touch?

I had no idea she was attracted to me, now all I need to do is get her to trust me.'

Noticing her glass was half when the waiter came with his order. 'Hearing her say, "Oh dear."

"What is wrong Diandra?"

"This is too much on my plate, it will just waist."

"Don't worry, Rossi, will you put half of the meal in a container please?"

"Yes Sir."

Diandra saying her thanks to Rossi, then ask Alex, "Did I had you waiting long?"

Noticing how he smile, he still have that boyish smile, when he said, "You are here that is what I am concern about, but did you had a problem with the taxi?"

"No, the taxi was on time, but the men was delayed trying to complete a piece of work.

So I took the name of the restaurant when I went to pay him, and ask one of the men to drop me when they finish."

"Very good."

Diandra sees him smiling, asking him, "What is it?"

"You are looking very spunky."

"Spunky, you say?"

"Yes, spunky, when I saw the dress I thought about you immediately, I know it will turn heads and it did."

"You are exaggerating."

"No I am not, Diandra you are a very beautiful woman, and I am proud to be sitting here with you having dinner."

Noticing her blush, then he ask, "So what work did the men do today?"

She was about to relate to him the day's event, when the waiter came. Saying her thanks as she takes the container, hearing her saying to him, "I will have this for lunch tomorrow while the men work in the kitchen."

"I could bring you lunch, it won't be a problem."

"You are busy and that will just disrupt your routine, but this will do just fine." Glancing at her as she eats, noticing how she hold the fork and spoon.

'So much has changed within those four years, she is a raving beauty, feeling so stupid for ignoring her for so long.'

Recalling how when she was being escorted by the waiter as every eye was on her. Her makeup was mild and matches perfectly with her dress.

Alex was so engrossed with his thoughts, that he wasn't aware when Beverly came and sit next to him and said, 'Good evening, Alex."

Feeling the person sitting next to him and the touch, as in a daze he looks at her, when she said, "Hi darling, are you okay, you are looking at me as though we are meeting each other for the very first time?"

"I was thinking about an incident that took place at work today."

"I have a matter I wanted to discuss with you, but your secretary said you have an engagement. I now see you are dining with the beautiful Diandra."

Alex looks at Diandra who seems to ignore Beverly completely, reasoning within, 'From the way Beverly said her name it seems they are acquainted with each other.'

Looking at Beverly hearing her saying, "It seems as though anything I have, she tries to snatch it away.

I wonder what Ken would say if he sees you with this lovely gown and having dinner with this handsome gentleman?"

Alex notices Diandra slowly raise her head, there was no fear as she responds, "I know exactly what he will say," laughingly she said as she looks, the both of us in our eyes, "Beverly, Ken would say, Diandra you have truly outdone yourself."

"I believe that will be his exact words, it seems you know him pretty well?"

Unable to keep silent any longer, asking, "Beverly, do you know Diandra?"

Observing Diandra hoping to get some sort of reaction, but she was normal as though she wasn't a part of the conversation.

She continues eating as Beverly spits out, 'Yes she meets with my husband every Wednesday, doing what, I don't know."

With her head still bend, Diandra said, "Why don't you set up a camera? Then you won't have any misconception or doubt in your mind, about how we spend the few hours together?"

"You shameless bit---" but before she could finish saying the word.

Diandra said, 'Please Beverly, don't go making a spectacle of yourself, Ken will have to come and bail you out again?"

"You illiterate fool."

"From where I am sitting, you more seem like the illiterate, sometimes people never appreciate what they have, and when they lose it then they see its worth.

Are you planning on hiring Alex to investigate Ken?" Looking at her, "I will give him a hint."

Beverly turns to Alex who had no idea what rivalry those two women have fighting over the same man.

When Beverly said, "How could you have dinner with this?" Waving her hand in Diandra's direction?

Alex was about to explain that Diandra is his wife, when he felt the kick on his shin bone feeling this stinging pain hearing Diandra responds to Beverly, "I am working in his house."

"You did not want Roxanne or me in your house but you invite this money-hungry witch?"