

Hearing Sam raise his voice to her, it is something he hasn't done in a long while.

When he said, "And who are you, don't you know that you are also my child, that I love very much? Princess, because of you and Ken the radio station has flourished."

Stroking her seeing the tears, "Now listen to me, when Margret and Natalia got married, I started off their business for them, so you see my dear child they are well taken care off.

Princess it was the two of them that discussed this and came up with this suggestion before they approached Maria and I. Princess, we are please with their decision so don't be disheartened?"

Looking at her, "Now the decision is finalized among us and within a few weeks the document will be ready.

This decision make me happy so that's why I am telling you, We know you never ask for anything so we want you and Champ to have thirty five percent ownership.

Ken will get twenty five and Margret and Natalia will only take twenty percent each and I agreed immensely."

Sam notices how she keeps shaking her head, "Sweetheart, Margret was satisfied with the work the two of you are doing.

And tell me this? Why is it that Ken had to tell us about your friend when you had the opportunity in all the years you have been with us?

Not once you mention your friend or anything about your life. So tell me who is this Alex you went to assist in Brixton."

"Sam, I am sorry but he is just a friend who needed some help. We met while I was living with Christina that's all.

After you all left I was cleaning the cottage when he came. We haven't seen each other in the four years since I came to Longfield.

Sam, I was missing you all so much so I seize the opportunity and we did catch up on old times."

"Dee, I have been observing you since I return and there is a sadness, when you told me that you was missing us I was worried, but I accepted that answer.

Honey, we are home a few weeks now, and that sadness is still there. I only hope this Alex has nothing whatsoever to do with that?"

"Sam, you are worrying unnecessary, he and his wife is separated and he wanted someone to stay in his home while the interior designers were working, so I agreed to assist him.

Look I was really missing you all so much, every side I turn something keep reminding me of you all, so I accepted the job when he approaches me, it was simple as that.

And beside it was like a getaway holiday, Sam, if you remember you did told me to have fun, so I did, now will you stop worrying please?"

"Princess, from the impression Ken gives us, he suspected that your friendship was more intimate than just friends."

"Sam, you know Ken always worrying about me, so he does exaggerate a bit you know?"

"You might think so, but he is just looking after your wellbeing, and he has a big heart."

"Sam, who knows that better than I, look Alex is just a friend. Most of the time he was at work."

"I only hope so child because I really don't want anything or anyone to hurt you."

Stroking his face, "Sam, there is no need to worry, as you see I am here and I am fine."

Snuggling up to him knowing, 'If they know the truth and I return to Alex as he had suggested then Sam won't last.

I don't want to even think about that. So, making the sacrifice to have him here with me is nothing compares to what I owe him.

I love Alex, but when he was ashamed of me and I was left all alone, Sam took me up from the street and give me love and comfort me.

It was difficult to cope without Christina, and Sam and Maria had filled that gap. Now I cannot be ungrateful or unthankful.

I have to trust God, and if it is His will for I to be with Alex, then I am expecting Him to make a way for me.

But in the mean while, I am not going to leave Sam though matter what. He need me and I need him more that he think.'

Hugging him as he strokes her, thinking, 'I have never had a fathers love, but you my dear Sam has made up for that in so many ways that my father wasn't able to.'

When Maria enters the room with Champ seeing the both of them asleep, "Come son, your mummy and grandpa is sleeping, let me give you some food."

"Granma, my belly full."

"Champ, it is evening and you have to eat something until dinner time."

"Gramma, Security Uncle feed me foodie and I drink juice."

"Champ how many times I told you don't eat from strangers."

"Gramma Security Uncle is very nice, he like all the children and he help me when we have to pray for the children. Gramma he loves Jesus like you and grandpa."

"Okay, but don't leave the school with anyone, only when the van comes for you."

"Yes Gramma, mummy tell me that every day."

"Good boy, do you know gramma and grandpa love this baby very much."

Seeing him nod then he said in his sweet and loving voice, "Gramma I am a big boy now."

"Yes love, you are big and a very brave boy, and gramma is very proud of you."

As he hugs her, Maria, think about the other grands, 'None of them grew up with us and we never got the opportunity to experience this love with them.

With Champ being with us, he has showers us with so much love that gives us something to live for everyday.'

"Gramma, can I go and sleep with grandpa and my mummy now?"

"Yes love, but you have to be very quiet."

"I will be quiet gramma," Maria laugh when he whispers.

Changing his school uniform putting on a vest and boxers then put him next to Sam to lie down.

Reaching the door, she turns around seeing Sam hug him, 'Lord, those two love Sam so much, and every time I hear Sam saying he is worried about their future and her happiness.

I am also worried Lord, if she finds happiness what will become of Sam. He cannot live without them and if something happens to him what will I do? I will be at a lost?'