

Alex thought, six weeks has already gone so quickly and every day since school started he had passed by the cottage and went knocking at the door.

She never seem to be home but then seeing how neglected the garden was and the sign was still hanging on the door, on vacation. 'I never ask her why she hang that sign there but what was the purpose for that?'

Looking at the gallery and steps the heaps of leaves and dust were gathered as though it hasn't been swept in a month or more.

It even has some cobweb around the door edges. Alex knew she isn't home but where could she be?'

Thinking, 'She is a bit to clever for him, he knew she don't have much money to go and pay rent, and when he calls her phone, he never get any responds except that first day, she left the house and return his call.

Oh, dear God, I knew she was on the phone for a minute or two then she cut it off. Could it be that the battery was low and it cut off?

That could be the only explanation, because her charger was in the study. It could only be she doesn't have money to replace it, but then she spends the little she had behind me ensuring the kitchen is well stock.'

Holding the sign that was hanging on her door, 'Why did she hang that sign up, there must be a good reason?' Walking around the cottage but there was not a sound of anyone.'

Sitting now in his office thinking, 'If only Beverly would visit me now, or call I would get Ken's number and he will inform me of her whereabouts, but it seems as though they have all disappear into thin air.

Lord, if only I could find out where her friends live, then they will enlighten me of Diandra whereabout?'

Closing his eyes, Alex realized that he had underestimated her, 'She never slip up one day since she left Brixton, and all his effort of finding her has failed'

Relaxing now thanking God, 'For the two extra hours,' because the pre-school had no water and the children was sent home after lunch.

But that was when he comes to me, he gives me such joy in my heart, and he clings onto me and the way he strokes my face, it was just like in my dream.'

With his eyes still close as the dream flashes back and his fine voice said, "Papa don't you love me?"

Supposed he is my son, and Diandra is afraid that I will find out and she is now hiding away from me?'

Feeling restless Alex went and stood by the window, she must be thinking I will want custardy and seeing she cannot read or write she might think she will lose him.

Oh God is that what is happening, she is shielding him away from me. Oh, my Lord I love her so why would I separate him from his mother, if he is my son I already feels so attach to him?

If only I could see her, I am so worried about her and misses her so much. Lord I feel so incomplete and at a lost without her.'

"Boss!" When he turns around, he seems to be so loss, and he haven't stop crying since she left six weeks ago.

Every time he is alone, he cries, is he feeling guilty about something and he never heard when I enters the office. "Boss, I brought you a snack."

"Thanks Melissa!" Seeing him look at his time, when he said, "That snack is exactly what I needed, so will you switch on the radio please for me?"

Thinking, 'Since school reopen he wasn't able to listen to the story broadcast.'

Hearing the children singing, Melissa ask, "What are you listening to Boss? Oh boy, since you started to work in that pre-school you have change so much.

And now you are listening to children program, I believe you really need to check a therapist."

"Is the change that bad you are recommending I see a therapist?"

"You tell me Boss, and just listen to yourself?"

"You really feel I am tripping, but please don't worry I am going to be fine?"

"Sometimes, you put me to wonder Boss?"

Laughingly he said, "I like listening to this station."

Looking at him wondering, 'What is really happening to him?'

Alex seeing the puzzle look on her face said, "Melissa, please don't be confuse or puzzle, you see Diandra is locked on to the radio program right now, that is the reason I listened to the broadcast.

I feel so close and connection to her, knowing she is listening, that is the only thing that comfort my heart."

"I understand what you are saying, but tell me have you heard any news of her whereabouts?"

"No, but I thought I glimpsed her a few weeks ago in the town, but by the time I get to the car park she had already gone.

Diandra, is much smarter now, she might be illiterate but she is a woman of wisdom, now she pays attention of her surroundings and is always on the alert." Melissa see the smile when he said, "Melissa, she listens to God voice."

"Boss, you are praising her."

"Yes, I know but can you recalled the incident with the shooting when the young officer got shot?

Melissa, that morning Diandra was up very early, long before I woke up, she made me promise to be careful because she dreamt that I got shot.

Melissa if Officer Marcus didn't push me out of the way I might have die or lying in a bed cripple.

She doesn't ignore her dream but allows it to guide her. The same thing happen before her friend had gotten sick. Once she told me most of her dreams come true and I believe her."

Sitting in his chair, "You know the two weeks we were under the same roof, it was so different, I know she was affected by our closeness, because I sense that she was pushing back, but I felt something keeps pulling us together."