

Before Diandra could say a word to Margret, she lift her left foot upon her lap saying, "Let me see what is happening with your foot?"

As Margret remove the bandage, saying to her mom, "Mom will you please get my bag from the car, and Diandra why didn't you tell me your foot was hurting earlier?"

Watching as she took her time removing the bandage but ignores her question, Diandra just close her eyes as Margret keeps massaging her foot.

Feeling a great relief from the pain but the thought of them accepting her words is such a big relief.

When Diandra stood up, the way the foot was paining and how she was limping, it wasn't that bad, but it wasn't completely gone either.'

The remaining few days Margret continue to give the foot a massage, morning and evening for about twenty minutes.

Sunday after lunch Margret said her goodbye promising to return soon.

As the days go by Maria continues to massage the foot.

Maria notice the tears in her eyes, not wanting to be inquisitive thinking her foot must be paining.

But it continues and she became concern, she was about to ask her what was really wrong? When she wipe her face, she must be thinking I didn't see the tears. "Diandra is the foot still paining a lot?"

Having no choice she replies, "Sometimes when I stand for long periods of times, and I force it, it swells and pain." Hearing her laugh Diandra ask, "Maria why do you laugh at me?"

"Oh honey, I don't laugh at you, when I see you cry it take me back to when I was a little girl.

Honey my mom was a patientless woman, and she would slap me when I cry. Every little thing would make her angry, I laugh because she would have given you a good few slaps already."

"I always thought you didn't like me, that's why you laugh."

"Oh, sweetie I love you so very much, and I love to take care of my Princess hair." Wiping the tears so Maria won't see her crying still, 'But those were Christina exact words. She used to call me her Princess.'

"Are you speaking the truth, Maria?"

"Yes, now have Sam spoken to you about the business?"

"No, did I do something wrong?"

"Diandra my child, why do you always feel that you are doing something wrong?"

"Maria, it is because everyone before I met you and Sam used to make me feel I never did anything right."

"Dee, you are twenty six years now, and you have improve your life in so many different ways, so for God sake, don't allow any one to make you feel inferior or belittle you.

You my dear are very beautiful and special, Sam and I love you very much. You and Ken have given us something even our own children was not able to do.

We consider you two as our very own and the greatest challenges we had encounter, and sweetheart you two blossomed so beautifully."

Maria strokes her face, "Do you know the sacrifices Sam and I made for you two was very rewarding, every time you two acknowledges us as your parents and calls our name, we feels very honored. What more can we ask for, our dreams now is to see you and Joash happy."

"Maria, I am very happy staying with you and Sam."

"Sweetheart, you need to have your own family now."

"Maybe later on Maria, but for now Sam needs to get stronger. I can't think about that right now and Maria my next story is completed and I already started on another."

"Oh Dee, that is wonderful news."

Hearing the phone ringing Diandra stood up quickly from the floor where she was seated at Maria feet and hurried to answer it.

"Hello good afternoon, Ken, it is so good to hear your voice. I am so sorry but I forgot my charger in Brixton.

Okay you don't have to shout I am not deaf you know, okay, okay I hear you I will buy one soon, my foot is now feeling better.

Yes, I didn't realize you will worry, now tell me what is so urgent? We did, oh that is wonderful news, Ken I am going to give Sam the good news right now."

Hearing Maria calling to know who was on the phone,

As Ken said, "The week after school close."

"Then that will be just perfect by then Sam will be much stronger to attend with me. Look Ken Maria is coming, you can give her the good news and I will give Sam."

Placing the phone in Maria hand, she ran to Sam room to relate the wonderful news. "Oh Sam, I have good news."

"Come here and sit down with me, I need to speak to you about some urgent matter. Now tell me what exciting new you have for me?"

"Sam, Ken just told me we are invited to participate in a story telling competition."

"Honey, you should not be astounded by the news; you narrate your stories in such an explicit way.

I hope you know that the hearers are overjoyed, and it left people emotional in a way that each heart are touch in a very special way. So, when did Ken say is this big day?"

"Ken said the week after school close."

"Then we have exactly a month to complete your story Princess."

"Sam, I completed my story last week, I am so excited."

"I could see that from the way you are reacting but you need to settle down and we need to discuss something."

"Why ae you so serious?"

"Because, what I am about to tell you is very important."

"Sam, you are scaring me."

"Oh Princess, there is nothing to be scared about but it's serious business, now listen to me?

Maria, Margret, Natalia and I had a family talk and we all decided that you and Ken should hold the majority shares in the radio station."

Seeing how she covers her mouth and keep shaking her head, when she did speak, "No Sam, that inheritance belongs to your children."