

Sitting in the gallery resting his feet on a chair, 'Here is so quiet, in the night, enjoying the cool breeze and the quietness.

Was that the reason why I never appreciated visiting here because it was too quiet?' Thinking about it now, 'He had always liked the hustling and bustling around.

But being here now, he now understand why Mom came often here, she wanted some peace away from everything and everyone.'

Making his plan seeing that the hall and dining room was completed, the study and stock room are locked.

Tomorrow, I will complete the outside but she still has not indicated to me if she will be going.

Diandra listened as he was praying, "All I can do Lord is to trust you, to make it happen."

Unable to believe her ears, hearing him praying, 'Has he really change Lord, I asked for a sign.'

Returning into the kitchen silently without disturbing him, and dish out his food then took hers and went to the swing with her plate. Being aware of his presence next to her, she eat quietly.

Glimpsing in her direction a few times, 'She knows I am here, but she seems to have the whole world on her shoulder.'

Noticing how she chew her food so slowly, 'Oh my Lord, I need to know what she is thinking?' Enjoying the coolness which was rejuvenating from the heat inside the house.

'I wonder why Mom never get around to putting a swing? Diandra was always childish since Mom brought her home, maybe this is how she is?'

Wanting to break the silence, Alex said, "Diandra, this is delicious, it reminds me so much of Mom cooking."

Noticing she still had her head bent as if she was still unsure what should be her decision?

'What should I do? I need her help and she is not responding to anything I am saying. But sitting under the stars having a quiet meal is better than being all alone.

From what I have observe she has learned to cook, and she looks so beautiful. Yes, much more beautiful than when we had gotten married.

This morning when I lifted her, it was like if my dream come true. and her lips was soft.

But why were her eyes swollen, as if she was crying the entire night? And from what she had response when she opened the door.

She thought I was an officer bringing some bad news, was she expecting someone?'

Hearing the phone ringing, she was out of the rocker and ran inside. Following her only to hear her saying, "I cannot come to meet you, I am planning to visit a friend for a few days.

If it is important then call me tomorrow after ten and we will discuss it, okay bye." She didn't seem to care what I think, she just walks past me and went into the kitchen.

Making her tea, she knew his eyes were on her but she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of thinking she was afraid of him or now he could just drop in and control her life. "Alex, will you like a cup of tea?"

"Yes, thanks!"

"Will tea bags do or milo?"

"Tea big will be fine thanks."

Taking a teabag resting it in the cup then pour the boiling water. Adding milk to her cup, "Do you still take milk?"

"Allow me please," resting the pack of milk down then sit at the table opposite of her when the clock strikes nine.

'At least she has not run me out the house as yet, so I still have some hope, from what I gathered in her conversation on the phone, it seems she is considering my proposal but I could be dead wrong.'

Lifting her head, she looks me straight in my eyes then said, "I will help you out under one condition."

"Anything, just name it!"

"If you double my allowance for the month I will help you, three hundred could barely feed me and pay my bills."

"Okay, that's fair enough, I don't mind, I was going to increased your allowance anyhow. I should have done that a long time."

Looking at her Alex thought, 'I know I heard her right when she said three hundred.'

Opening his wallet resting down some bills on the table. "Diandra, look at me." When she raise her head, Alex said, "Show me how much money you get in the envelope each month?"

Seeing she pick up six. "Okay," being quite satisfied that she collects the amount I have been sending each month.

"How much is this?" She shrugs her shoulder. "Diandra, this is a hundred dollars, now show me, how much you pay on the light bill?" When she touches a hundred dollars. "Okay, and the water bill?"

She touches two twenty dollars notes, a ten and five. "And the phone bill?"

She takes up a twenty and five, calculating in his mind, 'That is one hundred and eighty dollars, so all she remains with is a measly four hundred and twenty.

Dear God, how has she been managing all this time, she barely has enough to buy food much less her clothes and what sort of recreation could she have?'

When she stood up suddenly and went towards the sink, "Tell me, when will you like for me to go with you?"

"Will tomorrow afternoon about three suit you?" She didn't answer, all she did was complete the washing of the dishes and wipe down the counter, then pass the cloth on top of the table.

"You know where the guest room is, so when you have done, lock up and try to get some rest?"

She was very soft-footed, she was almost out of the kitchen when she whispers, "Good night."

Responding to her, "Good night Diandra, and thanks for a lovely dinner and for accepting my proposal."

Locking her door then sits on her bed sighing, "I am sorry Lord, but he must know nothing about my life, You know I never meant to deceive him, but less he knows is best for me."

Thinking, 'With the extra allowance he will send for her, she could put that in a saving for Champ.' Selecting her clothes for church, she shower and lie down on the bed.'