

Turning around to face him, Diandra was shock to see him wiping his face. "You are right, I have been a disappointment to you and Mom, that house could wait, I don't entertain any guest so who would notice.

I thought I could turn a new leaf over, thinking I could please Mom, but it doesn't matter anymore, once a failure always a failure."

Unable to contain herself any longer, sitting on the floor resting her head on her knees. Alex hearing her cry, he was so confuse.

Wondering, 'One minute she was in such a rage and the other she was disconsolate. Afraid to touch her, he just look on and watch what mood swing will come next.

She is so unpredictable, this last two years when I looked at a person, after a few questions and observing their reactions and behavior, He was able to profile them but Diandra gets him confused.

Every time he tries profiling her, it turns out to be the opposite to what he was expecting. Reaching to the door he said, "If you don't mind, I will like to freshen up before I leave?"

Raising her head from her knee, Diandra said," Alex, do you mind if I think about your proposal."

'Dear God, she really confused me, I thought she wanted me to leave,' afraid to reply, Alex just said, "Thank you for considering my proposal."

Feeling a sense of relief, 'At lease she hasn't kick me out, well not yet anyhow?' Whispering a word of prayer, "Lord, I need your help to sooth her heart, you brought me this far and I know you will take me through."

Taking out his bag he return inside going straight to the washroom. Taking a minute Alex looks around the house, 'She has taken good care of the house.'

Half an hour later he enter the kitchen, she was nowhere around but a steaming cup of coffee was covered on top the kitchen counter also a plate.

Seeing the back door open, he approach the entrance holding the coffee. She was sitting on a swing, rocking.

'We never had a swing, and the little money I sent for her, she builds a swing, painted the house. For someone that is illiterate, she utilized her money wisely?'

Realizing she want to think about his proposal, Alex return and uncover the plate. She has not change, it seems she still love macaroni.'

Tasting the meal, thinking, 'If she is happy with it, then who am I to complain? But it was good, with the mixture of the vegetables, she had a little of everything.

Eggs, potato, carrots sweet pepper fried in with the macaroni and some ketchup, together with the fresh salad at the side it was a complete meal. I on the other hand cannot even boil an egg without burning it.'

Seeing she had started her cleaning he continue, moving aside the stove and wipe, then doing the same with the refrigerator.

Half four he had completed the kitchen and begin where she had left of in the hall., seeing she had already completed more than half.

This house is not as big as home but it is comfortable. This is the home where I was born and most of my childhood I lived here.

When we moved to Brixton I only came about three times, but Mom came often and when Diandra came to live with us, she and Mom came every few months and spend weekends.

Before Mom death she had set up a trust fund for her and had given her this house.'


Diandra sits quietly pondering within her heart, 'It will be nice to see the house again and this is a good way of getting away from here.

Alex is not the kind of person to humble himself the way he did, I have never seen him beg anyone for anything in all the years I have known him.

This is a side of him I have never seen before, hearing the way he continue to beg for my assistance, what should I do Lord?

He keeps repeating he is sorry, has he really change, he is no longer angry the way he used to. But suppose he is putting on an act for me? He said he will not hurt me, but how can I be sure?

Did you do this Lord, I have never seen him cry, even when his Mom died he did not cry, please help me, show me a sign. He was always so arrogant and selfish, never thinking about how others feel.'

Walking into the kitchen, noticing that he had completed where she had left of, places that were difficult for her to clean he had clean it.

'I didn't believe him when he said he will help me,' reaching the hall, he has done so much already, he almost finish the dining room.

Returning to the kitchen pondering what to fix for dinner, 'The macaroni is finish and what he had eaten won't keep him up for much longer?'

Searching through the refrigerator, it only had one eggplant and a few tomatoes. Putting the eggplant on the fire then mix some flour.

Taking up the kitchen curtain he had rest aside on a chair, and take it into the laundry room. He was busy wiping, 'Is he really that desperate for I to go with him?'

Throwing the curtain into the machine and return into the kitchen, thinking, 'When Christina was alive, he never moves a finger to help with the cleaning. Well who cares my work is finishing and that is my main concern.'

Diandra was so caught up with fixing dinner seeing the time was passing so quickly. When he speaks, she jump, she had not heard when he enters the kitchen.

Seeing he had a juice in his hand and was leaning on the back door. Looking at him to hear what he was saying.

Alex notices the puzzle look in her face, "I was saying you have taken good care of the place?"

"This is all that I have, do you expect me to sell it and live on the street as before, I am illiterate but I am not brainless."

Unable to respond to her remark, he just stood there silently, enjoying the aroma from the eggplant and the bake. It has been a while since he has eaten this dish.

Turning around hoping she had finish feeling hungry, but she was no longer in the kitchen neither in the hall or the laundry room.

Standing at the front door seeing she was in the flower garden doing something. Seeing she was returning he step behind the door as she hurried to the kitchen.

To his amazement, she had a trough with seasoning planted, just like how Mom had hers, and there were bird peppers trees.

'She really did well, when I thought she had learn nothing, she had followed what mom used to do and did the same.'