

Feeling so uncomfortable, being in the house after so long, "Oh Lord, I appreciate the sacrifice she is willing to make for me.

I had made so many mistakes, I was so arrogant and benightedness when we got married, seeing her up close now after all those years, I now understand why I had no pillow friend.

I still love her, if only I had some patient with her, today she would be reading and writing."

Feeling guilty for being so inconsiderate, picking up the broom and sweep the house then mop. Knowing the way, he was feeling, sleep was far from his mind.

Walking up the stairs for half ten, stopping just for a minute looking in the direction at her door, it seems she has the light dim and not a sound was coming from her room, "Is she asleep already?"

Continuing to the guest room, entering the room, Alex switching on the light; seeing it was clean and painted in a beautiful baby blue like the color of her eyes.

Taking out sheet from the wardrobe and fixing the bed first then he went straight to the shower.

Thinking, 'At least we are sleeping under one roof after four years, this was something I never thought would ever happen.

I know she said that day she left my home that she won't step foot into my house, but it seem she had forgotten the way she was angry, or could it mean she has forgiven me. Well whatever I must thank You for touching her heart.'

Pulling on a pants and vest then lie down, now that we have break the ice, I will try and help her out.'

Closing his eyes smiling, 'Dear God she is still beautiful as ever, today when I held her hand it feel good, but her outburst was frightening, but who was the person she spoke with on the phone?

If she has find happiness, I don't want to disrupt her life. I didn't expect her to wait on me, after the foolishness I did to her, but I am certain that I am still in love with her. Now I must wait and see if there is any hope for me.'

Pulling the covers, "If only I had a bible," repeating the Our Father prayer then Psalm 23. Then silently thank God for his favor and blessing.

Smilingly saying, "I didn't expect the day to flow so smoothly, now it is over and things are looking up, if only I could make things right, so I will need your help, Lord."


Waking very early Diandra made breakfast, then hurry and dress for church. Taking her time walking to church, reaching for seven. Looking at the empty seats which no one occupies.

Sitting trying to concentrate on the service, 'God, it is a good thing I have decided to go into the city, if I continue like this I will end up a nervous reek.'

Nine o clock service was over, holding her shoulder bag in one hand and her bible on the other.

Diandra began her journey home. When Joshua a member of the choir offer her a drop, she accepted willingly knowing she was feeling hungry.

Saying thank, knowing if she was walking it would take her at least thirty minutes, but with the van Maria only takes five.

Waving, as Joshua drives away, she had just started to walk up the entrance when the front door open.

"Diandra, you went to church, I thought you were still asleep, if only I knew you were going to church I would have gone with you."

Looking at his face seeing the smile, saying "Sorry, I didn't know you were interested in going to church."

"You have a bible?"


"Oh gosh, if I only knew that I could have borrowed it last night."

"As you know everyone walks with a bible to church, so I does the same."

Hearing him laugh, "You are right."

Walking up the stairs to the front door Diandra stops and turns around asking him, "Did you eat the breakfast I prepared for you?"

"I am sorry I didn't notice, as I said earlier I thought you were still asleep."

Noticing the way he was looking at her, "Is something wrong with me?" Seeing the way she was looking at her dress and she pass her hand over her hair.

"Oh dear I am staring, I am very sorry, please forgive me for my bad manners, but you look very lovely and nothing is wrong with you. In-fact you look very beautiful and this pink look amazing on you"

"Thank God, for a moment I thought my makeup or my hair was in a mess or smudge somewhere.

That would be very embarrassing, imagining me walking on the street, what a horrible sight that would be. I thank God I am not an embarrassment anymore."

Before she could say another word again, Alex turns and walk to the side of the house. Feeling the words she spoke were like a dagger stab into his heart.

'I need to be very careful next time, whether asking or saying something. With her, I might think of it as a compliment, and she might turn it or twist it as a weapon sticking straight through my heart.'

Seeing him walk away, Diandra turn and walk inside, going to her room. Resting down her bible on the bed head, then change into a flowered cotton house dress.

In the kitchen taking the cartoon of milk, it was less than half, and sit with the cookie jar. Resting her feet on top of another chair and relax enjoying the cookies.

Entering the kitchen seeing her with the cartoon of milk, "Diandra, I didn't know you like milk?"

"Does it matter what I like or dislike, within the last few years I have changed many things in my life?

If I leave it by the time I return home, I will have to be discard it, so I might as well drink it out. I spend money not to throw it away.

As you can see, your breakfast is under the cake saver, you can reheat it and when I woke up I notice you did some work after I went to bed?"

"I could not sleep so I completed the inside, and thanks for preparing breakfast for me." Observing her raise the cartoon of milk and drink it out then discard it in the bin.

When she said, "Then if you don't mind I will prepare lunch early and pack the few things that will perish to take with me, and throw in a few pieces of clothes for the few days."

Noticing as he continues to stand there, not making an effort of attempt to reheat his meal. Diandra went and reheat his breakfast, seeing the tomatoes and bake, "Diandra, do you want a piece?"

"No thanks, I am good for now."