

Diandra heard him asks for cookies, holding his hand as she slowly walk to the kitchen

Watching him as his tiny hand was already in the cookie jar while she pour two glass of milk.

He was already on his second cookie by the time she place the glass in front of him.

We both had cookies and milk then went upstairs. "Champ, tomorrow grandpa will take you to ride on the train with him."

"Yes mummy, Grapa told me!"

"I don't want you to cry, do you hear me?"

"I won't cry mummy, I am a big boy."

"Yes, you are, and when you want to speak with me, just tell grandpa and grandma and they will call me, so we could talk, and don't give them any trouble."

"I am a brave boy Mummy, I won't cry."

"I know my Son, and I know you will take good care with them for Mummy."

Hearing him say, "Yes, mummy," as Diandra hug him.

"I will miss you so much."

Seeing him stretch both his hands out saying, "I miss you so much, Mummy."

Having to control her emotion in front of him, Diandra just kiss his chubby face, feeling as though her inside was being crushed and shattered into many pieces. "Let us go and pack your bag?"

Champ was so excited he empties his entire draw of clothes. Having to select the few pieces for him to carry.

As Diandra fold the pieces she selected, she realize, 'All the clothes is what Marie has been buying for him.

Every time she goes to the shops to get something and she sees new stocks come, or what she likes, she buys it for Champ.

From the time, he was born she has been buying all his clothes and Sam bought his toys.'

"Champ, you cannot carry all your clothes, look Mummy already pack the pretty ones you like and your bag is too small, come on you have to put these back, come and help mummy to fold it."

"Mummy Granpa said, I could carry David and Go-liath."

"No Goliath, only David, Goliath is too big he won't fit into your bag."

When he sees his bag close, he jumps on his bed, "Won't you sleep with Mummy tonight Champ?"

"Will you tell me the story of Pretty Princess?"

"Mummy love to tells that story, honey."

When he lay down on her bed, Diandra hearing him call "Mummy do quick."

"I am hurrying Champ, just give me a minute."

Fixing the covers then dim the light and lie down next to him, "I am here now let me begin,"

But he was so quiet and his breathing was soft, "Champ, Mummy is ready to tell you the story."

But he was already asleep, cuddling him in her arms, as the tears just flow. "Lord, I need you to help me to go through these two weeks please."

The night was long and restless. Feeling his tiny hand tickling under her neck then her nose, "Mummy school."

"Champ, there is no School today."

Hearing him laugh "Ha, ha, ha," as he docks under the covers.

"What are you doing Champ?"

"Hiding from Miss Kay."

"Oh honey, Miss Kay is not coming today, she only comes when you have school."

"Mummy, today is snack day."

"I know honey, but I have plenty of snacks for my sunny boy."

"I like Miss Kay snacks."

Seeing the tears, "Honey Miss Kay is going on holidays just like you and grandpa."

"No snack?"

"No snacks from Miss Kay, but Mummy got a lot of snacks for you." Kissing his face and hands as he rolls and laughs on the bed.

Diandra, get off the bed after eight, getting him to brush his teeth, then he runs down the stairs still in his PJ, "Champ no cookies yet."

The day sweeps in so quickly when the hour came for her to dress him, her heart sank wanting to hide him instead, but she have given her word.

Taking her time to feed him, then bathe and dress him. He wanted to tie his shoelace, 'Oh for a three-year-old, he is very smart,' when he was done.

"Now I know you are a big boy and very smart, now let's go downstairs, Grandma will be here very soon, now go on down and I will bring your bag."

In the hall, Diandra took him once more in her arms and pray, "Lord, I don't really ask for much but please bring them back safely to me.

Grant them traveling mercies and heal Sam so this journey won't be too tiresome, I ask all these mercies in Jesus name amen."

Unaware of the tears, when Champ wipe it away, "Champ, you know Mummy love you very much?" Seeing the nodded, "Be good for me and remember no running."

Hearing the horn feeling her heart beating so fast, drying her face quickly, then tickle him to hear his laugh as she hurried and open the door.

Holding his bag and his truck as we walk to the taxi. While the driver put his things in the trunk.

Diandra hug San and kiss him, then went and give Champ a hug once more as he sits next to Sam. Lastly she hug Maria who was standing outside of the car ,saying to Maria, "You will take care of them for me."

"I will Dee."

Bending to look inside the car, "I love you Son bye, bye."

"I love you, Mummy."

Touching Marie's hand as she stretches it out the car, "Go before I change my mind."

Whispering as I turn to watch her still with her hand waving, "If I had known this was going to be this hard, I would have asked her to go with us."

Looking at Sam but he was looking out the window. When Champ wipe her face, and said, "Gramma, why you are crying?"

"I am so happy you are going with us Champ."

"Gramma, is that why my Mummy was crying to?"

Sam turns around suddenly looking at Champ "Was your mummy crying son?" Sam asks.

"Yes, Granpa."

"Maria, please let's forget about this trip."

"Sam, will you just relax she will be fine, it is only two weeks, we have been planning this trip for so long and the girls have been so excited.

They will be so disappointed if we turn back and you may never get the chance again to travel."

"But Maria, she will be all alone?"

"I know, but she will be okay when we reach I will call Ken."