

Closing her eyes once more whispering a prayer, "Help me Lord to survive these two weeks without him.

You know I cannot live without him for a day, so please give me the extra strength to endure for the two weeks.

Lord, You know I also cannot be ungrateful and unthankful to them, they have done so much for me. Maybe this is one way I can repay their favor for the last few years.

Lord, please hear me because I will need your courage and strength to go through, I know he gives Sam strength when he is around him.

Lord, seeing how distraught they were, how could I refused them? How could I say no when I know the numerous amount of sacrifices they had already made for me?

You, my Lord, had used them to help me, now it's my turn to return the the favor for their sacrifice and to be a blessing."

Hearing the knock wiping her face quickly, Diandra said, "It is open."

Watching them enter when Maria said, "My goodness Dee you look so tired?"

"I am, but I cannot complain, God was good to me, I got some extra orders this morning, but I finish on time."

When Champ came and sit on her lap Maria said, "Dee, I cannot stay, I still have to complete our packing and to secure the place."

"Maria, it have a bag on top of the cupboard for you." Holding the bag then stop in front of Diandra, "Dee will you be alright?"

"I will be fine, I am just tired from the hustling."

"Dee, you know I am not speaking about today's work, I am concern that you will miss the child. You know I would not have ask you to make such a sacrifice if it wasn't for Sam?"

"Don't worry Maria I understand," standing up hugging Maria, "I just want you all to enjoy your vacation, God will give me the strength, it will only be two weeks and that time will fly so quickly."

"Dee, thank you so much for understanding and I will see you at four tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, not a problem and Maria thanks for keeping Champ the extra two hours today."

Walking home brokenhearted knowing she has done so much for us, yet we continue to ask more. from her

She has such a big heart, despite all the struggles she faces each day. There was never a day that went by where she hasn't hug or kiss him.

If it was I in her shoes, I would never send my child away from me for two days much less two weeks, but her love for Sam is unmeasurable.'

Recalling when Sam had taken upon himself that responsibility that day he saw her struggling with her few bags. Her hair was all messed up and in a terrible state.

She looked so confused and distressed, all in tears. Unable to move from where he was seeing how disturbed she was he went to her assistance.

Sam is a very kind and loving person, if something were to happen to him I would be at a loss.

His retirement had him depressed and grumpy. That day he met her his life has changed completely. When he asked her, "Where she lives?'

She said, "I cannot read so I don't know the street."

He then realized that she had newly come to Longfield to live. When he saw, she took out a piece of cloth from her purse, and wipe her face, tears came to his eyes.

Asking her, "If she could direct him to her house?"

When she nod, he then took her bags and place it in the trunk and help her to sit in the back seat.

She keep pointing in the same direction we came, he then drives slowly as she continues giving direction, reaching Homer Street we drive-in.

When she said that was her cottage. Sam said, "That is Christina's home."

"Yes, yes, it is Christina home."

"Are you Christina's daughter?"

"Yes! I am."

"How is Christina doing child?" Sam asked her.

Once more she wiped her face with that old piece of cloth then said, "Christina died a few months ago, so I recently come here to live."

Sam, thought, 'If she cannot read, how did she find this place or did someone bring her here? And where are they?

How could they leave her in such a distressing state, aren't they afraid that she could end up in the wrong company? '

Unable to see how desperate she look, Sam took time with her, offering to take her every week to the grocery.

Before Sam left her place that afternoon, he invited her to have lunch with us, telling her he will come for her. Then it was every day she started visiting.

'When I washed and comb her hair, and take her into our home, we taught her to read and write.

Then our life and home became very pleasant and rewarding once more, Sam was no longer frustrated or grumpy. He looked forward to seeing her everyday.

When Champ came on the scene, Sam came more alive, and the table had turn, giving Sam something to live for.

If they hadn't come along when they did, I would have lost Sam a long time ago.

She was the only one who could have kept him calm when he got the stroke. There were days when he was so miserable, but she would sit with him and read the bible and he would simmer down.

Because of her today I continue to do my massage therapy to those that have given up all hope of walking or having feelings to their limbs.

Now we are a family, Sam has adopted her as our own daughter, he misses her more than Margaret and Natalia.'

Maria whispers a prayer, "Lord, You have seen the sacrifice she has been making for my family especially Sam.

Lord please keep her and give her the strength to endure for these two weeks.

Lord burn the sacrifice she has been making and grant her favor to have happiness."