

Diandra closes the door behind her, seeing every side she turns some piece of his toys, his bicycle the clothes that remind her of him.

Getting a box she started to throw all his things that will remind her of him and pack them away in the stock room, in one corner and cover it down then lock the room.

In the kitchen, his cup, plate, and snacks, boxing it, then rest it in a corner. Trying to eat some food but it stuck in her throat.

Dumping it into the garbage can then clean up the kitchen cupboard and pass a broom, and went to her room.

"Oh, My God, this feeling is worse than when I could not read or write. If only I could leave this house, maybe I won't feel this helpless and loneliness."

Thinking of a place where she will get away for a few days, 'but the only place that comes to mind, that will be able to occupy her mind was at Ken, but the traveling is so exhausting.'

Thinking about it after a while, 'That should be the ideal thing, I will be so tired I will fall asleep easily.

The night was long and hideous, it was worse than what she had expected, watching the hours go by and sleep won't come.

She tried every corner in the bed turning and twisting. Trying to read the bible but that didn't help her to sleep either.

She prayed for a while, hoping sleep will come, when the clock strikes three, her eyes were bright as a bulb. "Dear God, how am I going to survive for two weeks like this?"

When she did fall asleep, she keep hearing this loud banging, covering her ears just wanting to sleep, "Oh God where is it coming from, please let them go away?"

Pulling the pillow over her head, but it did not seem to help or stop the banging. Listening carefully to hear where it was coming from, only to realized it was at her door.

Then the doorbell starts ringing, "Why don't they just go away," but then the banging on the door starts all over again.

As the thought of what transpired yesterday, "Dear God has something happen to them," running down the stairs and fly open the door.

Feeling like everything get blurry seeing the person in a uniform standing in front of her door

Opening her eyes, only to realize she was lying on the couch, 'How did I reach here? Did I sleepwalk?'

Trying to recall what has happened, 'Oh God was I dreaming, did I see right, the gentleman in the uniform was looking like Alex.'

Looking around the hall, but there was no one, 'Maybe I am having a relapse or I am hallucinating? I know I did not get enough sleep.'

Walking slowly up the stairs still with her eyes close, feeling confused but she lie down pulling the covers over her head.

Still confused but Diandra puff up the pillow a few times, "Oh my God, what is really happening to me?

Are you playing a dirty trick on me, four years and he never come one day at my door, I am sure this is all a bad dream?"

Taking some deep breadth allowing her body to relax, as she close her eyes repeating the Lord's prayer, her thoughts drifted away, only to be disturbed once more, this time the constant ringing of the phone caused her to be awaken.

Running down the stairs grabbing the phone, "Hello!" Hearing it was Maria, "Yes, Marie, you arrive safely, thank God, how is Champ doing?

And Sam? Okay, don't bother waking them, I am find, I didn't rest well last night so when you call I was asleep that's why my voice is sounding horsey.

And Maria if when you call the house phone and don't get me, you can call my cell, well, okay, you enjoy yourselves bye."

Once more in her bed, Daundra thought to herself, "I am not hungry, so there's no need to get up and cook or fix a sandwich."

Closing her eyes, but then her mind started to run riot.

"Lord, is it that my mind is playing tricks on me? If it was not Alex at the door then who was it? And how did I reach on the couch? Was I really sleepwalking?

So why is all this so confusing to me now? Lord, what is really going on with me?" Getting off the bed, "He will not stay here without my permission I must believe that."

Opening the window seeing a van park at the front of the house, 'It is him, why is he here?' Running down the stairs and bolt the door.

"Oh God what should I do? Please Lord I am afraid of him, help me."

As memories flashback, feeling her body started to tremble, and tears began to flow down her face. Climbing the stairs once more, Diandra ponders in her heart, "Thank God Sam and Maria had taken him with them."

Looking around to see if anything of his was lying around, he must never know of Champ's existence.

I must also be careful not to reveal anything.' In all the years, we were separated, I can't imagine what has brought him here today?'

Showering, then change into an old jean pants and a jersey, doubling her hair and band it up with a scarf. "I am not going to let him get to me, I must be able to stand my grounds.'

Going downstairs into the stock room taking out a cobweb broom, the mop andv bucket, and a broom then lock the door. Maria and Sam was right I won't get this opportunity again to clean.

Busying herself dusting the hall first, then sweep. Taking her time wiping the wall. Halfway through feeling a bit hungry, she went into the kitchen and decided to make a light lunch.

Putting up two pots of water to boil, one for pasta and another for potato and egg. Peeling two medium potato cutting it into cubes then take two eggs and put it to boil together with the potato.

She then add the pasta into the other pot and return to clean inside the cupboard.

The kitchen was not big, so it won't take to long, wiping and placing the items back. Halfway through she stop and complete her cooking.

She was about to dish out when the doorbell ring. Asking herself, "What should she do?" Knowing it was Alex at the door.