

Walking down the stairs Diandra look around for Alex and the child. Wondering where could they be?

After checking the kitchen, the study then the library. Not finding them there Diandra check Sam room.

Deciding to go to the back using the entrance to the dining room. Noticing the back door half way open.

Diandra peep out to the back seeing Alex holding Joash on his lap relaxing in a chair,.as Joash was playing games on his phone.

Hurrying back inside Diandra get her charger from the study and went into Sam room and close the door.

Plugging her phone then she gets the call card giving the phone a few minutes to power up while she stood by the window and observed the men across the street.

Wanting to make sure if the Sergeant had someone watching the house, or if the house is being watched

Dialing the Sergeant when the battery power was eight percent. With her back facing the door she speaks to the Sergeant.

Taking up the child Ales speak softly to him. "Come son, your mummy wakes up." Walking into the house Alex look for her.

'Was I imaging her? I know I smell the soap and her perfume. About to go and checking the bed room Alex heard the soft speaking in Sam room.

Opening the door listening to her speak.

Hearing when she said, "Then I am afraid we might have another person watching the house again.

I could be wrong but will you set men at the both entrances. And Sergeant inform them if they see a black BMW to take the license plate numbers, please. Thank you very much Sergeant, and bye."

Alex just looks at her wondering which one of his Sergeant she was speaking with? When he enters the room Diandra heard the footsteps and turn around.

Wondering, 'How long he was there and from which part of the conversation he heard?

With the child standing at the back of him and Diandra was about to walk out the room. Alex holds her shoulder and spoke.

"Now can you tell me which one of my Sergeant you were speaking with?"

"Alex it was nothing."

"Diandra stop lying to me, I am not Sam, Maria or Ken, you could manipulate them. Now look at me for God's sake?"

Hearing the child Alex quickly let go of Diandra shoulder and turn towards him.

When her hand touch Alex, he turn around only to see she had misbalance and was falling face down. Grabbing her right before she hit the floor.

Holding her close to him only to see how pale her face were. 'Oh God what have I done?' Seeing fear in her eyes and hearing the child crying.

Sitting with Diandra then call the child to him, "Your mummy is okay." Lifting her up, "Come my son, we are going upstairs, But his cry was more intense.

Alex had to put her in Sam bed then pick him up, Hugging him, "Don't cry son, your mummy will be alright."

Alex continues to hug him but he recalled the fear in her eyes. 'Oh God, she is still afraid of me.

But why is she hiding which one of the Sergeant she was speaking to. And did she say that the house is being watched again?'

Walking to the window shifting the curtain a slight bit seeing the blue car with the bonnet up.

'These men are having a mechanical problem. Alex observed their movement for a few minutes ,he realized now and again they keep glimpsing across here.

'Is she right?' Calling the office speaking with Melissa. "Melissa which one of the Sergeant is in the office?"

"Sergeant Holmes Boss, do you want to speak with him?"

"No what I want to know is did my wife called the office a little while ago?" Hearing her say no, Alex said thanks.

Then switch of, 'If she didn't speak with Holmes, then who did she speak with?' When Joash stop crying, Alex put him down. And pick up Diandra as he calls Joash.

Walking up the stairs talking with him so he won't cry, in the room Alex put her on the bed then called his doctor.

Letting him know not to ring the bell when he reaches. "Doc, just call me so I will take of the electrical alarm."

Hearing him saying he will be here within an hour, Alex remembers the delivery van supposed to bring his order today.

Calling his office once more speaking to Melissa letting her know he wanted to speak with Sergeant Holmes.

Hearing him Alex responds to his hello. "Sergeant Holmes, will you send an available officer to my home. I am expecting the doctor to visit and a delivery van in a little while.

Hearing him speaking in the phone, Diandra opens her eyes. With his back facing her, Diandra gets of the bed and walk down stairs.

Going to the kitchen she pours herself a glass of milk and went and sit on the couch.

When Alex turns to check the child thinking Diandra was still unconscious. Seeing the child alone sitting on the bed. Alex lifts him up and went to see if Diandra was in his room.

The room was empty so he went down stair seeing her relaxing on the couch and the glass was empty.

Wondering if she had eaten anything when she came downstairs earlier? And shouldn't she be using a vitamin or some sort of supplement?

Noticing how pale her face was still looking. When the child said, "Mummy!" Alex put him down as he ran to her.

As he sits on her lap Alex heard her saying. "Your skin is sticky, you need to bath, come with mummy."

When she stood up reaching half way up the stairs, Alex said. "Diandra I will give him his bath and I call the doctor to come and give you a check-up.

Reaching the room hearing him saying, "You lie down and try to get some rest, the doctor will be here in a while."

Lying down hearing them as he bathes, Diandra recalled they were in the back. Calling out to Alex asking if he had locked the back door?

When he said no, Diandra said, "Don't worry I will do it, you finish bathing him."

She get of the bed and hurry out to secure the door,