

Reaching the back door as she looks out seeing the few pieces of steel. Diandra step out taking up a piece about four feet long.

And another piece about five feet to five and a half feet long. Resting it inside then lock the door. going to the kitchen.

Making a cheese sandwich and warming a glass of milk for Joash. Reaching his room, Alex had already dress him. "Come sweetie, mummy bring her baby foodie.

Alex notices how he sits on her lap and she was constantly asking him questions as she feed him.

Before Alex realized Diandra had finish feeding him and he hold the glass drinking his milk.

'Dear Lord, I now see how she get him to eat all his food. This morning he give me such a hard time to eat half of a sandwich, but from what I gathered yesterday he likes jam and bread.'

Hearing her telling him to drink out all the milk and he will get big like his Papa. Listening to him laugh as he gulps down the last in the glass.

As he rests the glass in his mother hand and stretch. Looking at them brings such joy.

Hearing him saying, "Mummy, me get strong to push Granpa chair?"

"Yes honey, and your Grandpa and Grandma will be coming soon to see you."

"Mummy, will Uncle Ken come?"

"Sweetie, if your Uncle Ken don't come, Mummy will call him to see this baby. Now mummy baby have been a very good boy today.

And it is time for you to take your nap so Mummy can tell her baby a long story tonight."

Alex sees him nod as she lie next to him kissing his cheeks. "Mummy, Granma bring cake for me?"

"You want your Granma to make you a cake?"

"Yes, Granma cake."

"Okay, I will call grandma and tell her Champ want her to bring cake, so be a good boy and close your eyes for mummy."

Alex notice when all the movement stop and he was fast asleep. Thinking she had only fixed his food, I am sure she is hungry.

Leaving her with him and went down to the kitchen. There he busies himself fixing two cheese and sausage sandwich.

Putting lettuce and tomatoes just as she had showed him that first day when he had burned the eggs.

Resting it in a tray then pour out two glass of juice and return upstairs. She was just leaving the room with the tray resting it on his basket, with his dirty laundry.

"Honey, come and eat something then you will do the laundry."

When she take the first mouthful not even a minute later she didn't have time to reach the face basin and everything she had for the day was on the floor.

Alex hurried to her side when she reaches the face basin. When she washes her face and rinse her mouth.

Seeing how she lean against the sink for support. Alex lift her up and take her back to bed.

"Tell me what you want to eat? I know you can digest cheese so what just happen?"

"I cannot digest the sausage."

"Okay, rest until I clean up here, then I will fix you a cheese sandwich. He then hurries and get the mopping pail and mop to clean up the mess.

In the room her eyes were close, when Alex finish cleaning the floor and was leaving the room to get her a sandwich.

Reaching the door Diandra call out to him saying, "Alex we need to talk?"

"Okay, relax until I return then we will."

Alex was just ascending the stairs when his phone rings, seeing an unknown number, he answer, "Hello!"

"Mr. Mellford!"

"Yes, speaking."

"Sir, we are in Melville Street, can you please give me your house number?"

"And who may I ask is calling?"

"Sir, we are here with a package for a Mr. Alexander Mellford."

Alex gives them his house number letting them know they will have to wait for a few minutes before he opens the gate.

Hurrying up the stairs to give her the sandwich, resting the tray on the center table next to the bed saying to her, "You eat I have a package to collect," hurrying out the room.

Hearing her squeal out his name, he rushes back to her. "Alex, don't go outside, someone is watching the house."

Seeing the fear in her eyes saying in a reassuring tone, "I will be very careful don't worry."

As he leaves the room Diandra walk to the window.

Seeing one of the company van parks at the front and one officer was standing at the gate entrance.

Thanking God, she returns to the bed. Diandra had only eaten half of the sandwich when she heard footsteps.

Turning around only to see Alex doctor standing by the door. Standing up Diandra rest the tray aside, "Dr. Ferguson did Alex call you?"

"Yes, he did, I come to give you a check-up." Diandra invited him in seeing he close the door.

Doing as he asked, she lie down, noticing the frown on his forehead wondering if something was wrong?

Waiting until he finishes, Diandra asks, "Doc, is my baby, okay?"

Hearing the way, she asks; he knew she seems worried, smilingly he responds, "Your babies seem just fine."


"Yes, babies, it seems as though you are having twins."

"Doc, are you sure?"

"I believe so but you will have to come in and do an ultra sound."

"Okay, but can you do me a favor?"

"What is that, Ma'am?"

"Doc, I don't want you to tell Alex anything, after I do the ultra sound, I will surprise him with the news."

"You cannot hide this from him Ma'am, he will become angry with me for canceling this from him?"

"I know, but it is just for a few days until I do the test. So, give me a date to come in and do the test?"

"Okay, how about Wednesday for eleven."

"Thank you, I will be there."