

Alex said, "Okay, give me some time and before the day is over I should have someone here to take you to see him."

Diandra look at Alex then wondered, 'If the house is being watch, then it will not be safe for she to leave. Because the watcher will follow us straight to Sam and Maria.

I will never forgive myself for putting their life at risk, and I am sure the watcher is aware of Joash and I.'

When Alex finish drinking his coffee and was going to make the call. "Alex, my dream wasn't that scary, so let me call back later. If it is serious then we will know what our next move should be."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, don't worry, by the way, don't you have to be at the office today?"

"No, do you wanted something?"

"No, no, I was just thinking we could return to bed and get a few hours extra rest."

"Great idea, the place is still dark."

Holding her hand, as the thought struck his mind. Is she worried that they might be followed, is that why she changes her mind so quickly? Dear God, she is so protective and cautious.'

When she sits on the bed, I walk next to the window to ensure that the house is not being watch.

It has been two days now since the police called me giving me the report. I should call the Lieutenant and get an update on what they have. I know this is not finish yet.

Looking at her face to see if there were any fear, 'She is either a good actress or she must be unaware of what is escalating around us?

Should I tell her or should I not. Dear God this is more confusing. If I tell her she will be on the alert, and if I don't she might take a walk at the front and might put her life and the baby at risk?

Alex lied down with her getting a few hours rest. When his eyes open she was still resting. Allowing her to rest Alex move away quietly and went to check on Joash. He was also sleeping.

When Alex reaches the room seeing her sitting on the bed, he went and sit beside her.

Maybe if I get her some warm milk it will help her to relax, noticing her eyes was close.

Taking her hand in his, gently stroking it then rest it on her lap. I was about to get up, when she grabs hold of my hand.

Strange as it maybe, I really thought she was having a headache or praying but she was asleep and must be dreaming.

As if in a trance she glides down, then her hold slackened on my hand and I ease of the bed. Peeping by the window to ensure that the house wasn't being watch.

Looking up and down the street but the vehicles was flowing freely. And it scarcely had pedestrians.

Lying next to her praying when his crying started. Hurrying to get him before he wakes his mother.

She already had a terrible night, so she needs the rest before the pain starts all over again. Taking him in his arm Alex heard him calling Sam.

'What is going on? Diandra sense that something is wrong and now the child. Just supposed Diandra isn't saying anything so I won't be worried?

Also, she might not want to put their lives in danger. I should call and find out just to make sure.

And it seems what Ken was saying is true. Anytime something was to happen to someone close to her, she gets a warning sign before.

Was it a sign she was experiencing for Sam becoming unwell with all that pain yesterday? Nah, that can't be, it is because she had fallen.

Just to make sure I should call Dr. Ferguson to check her, just to be on the safe side. I can't risk the baby life and I still have to get her to do that ultra sound.'

When Joash fell asleep I lie next to him. half ten I call Dr. Ferguson to make a home visit. Also I call the office letting Melissa know so that a plain clothes officer will be at the entrance when he reaches.

When the child woke up I help him with the brushing of his teeth, then take him downstairs.

Recalling Diandra had feed him the jam with the bread, I did the same. Which he seems to love a lot.

While Joash play he called Ken, hearing it wasn't that bad, it was just a gas pain. Diandra was right. How do I misjudge her so often?

Well never mind they are fine and when she hears that she will rest better. Thinking, 'Now that I am home for a few days, I should let her rest late.

But when she was here the two weeks she used to rise early. Except for that day she had waked the entire night painting.

Now School will begin from Monday and we will have to register him for the new term. It has the pre-school next to the Elementary school where we used for training new recruits.

It will be convenient for me to get the officer that is working there to drop him home before returning to the office.

I must discuss this with Diandra. I wonder if she has a driving permit. She had hidden so many things from me but who can blame her?

She has been left on her own for so long, and she is only answerable to herself.

I have to be patient with her and just as I learn about her reading and story telling I will learn about everything else. And recently learning about her being an accountant.

I am just happy to have her home once again and I am not going to allow anything to come and separate us, not even that shooter.'

Diandra woke up half eleven, feeling refresh and the slight pain that had woke her up early this morning was completely gone.

Wondering if there were any news of Sam, taking up her phone to check, but it was switch off.

Maybe Alex did that so it won't disturbed me while I rest. Seeing it just had two percent. I charge the phone early this morning.

Checking to see what apps was up, but it really didn't have any. 'Well, the number of years I have it, the battery might need changing.' Resting it down knowing the charger is in the study.

Enjoying the quiet, Diandra when and freshen up then take up the phone. Hearing the rain drizzling she went to close the window seeing a blue car park up with the bonnet up.

When the person sees her, he turn quickly as though they were fixing the car. Closing the window I left, I must make sure it is not someone from his office.