

Alex hear her snoring in a sort of moaning way, looking at her, "My God, she is already so sound asleep. I should check outside to see if there is anyone watching the house."

Easing of the bed feeling his hand touch the bed head cabinet exactly where the bandage was. It felt as though the wound has reopened.

The pain was so agonizing causing him to sit down immediately. Alex thought for a moment he would faint how unbearable the pain was.

Taking some deep breaths so he won't make a sound to wake her. Praying for swift relief he sit silently.

It must have taken him a good ten minutes before he get of the bed. Holding the bedhead cabinet for support, then slowly walks to the window.

Afraid to stand directly in front the window. He lean on the wall and shift the curtain and peep outside.

The road way was clear, no pedestrian, not even a vehicle pass by. Standing for a few minutes listening to hear if there were any sound, but the road was silent.

The only noise Alex heard was the clock bang one. Wondering if it was one am or half one.

Returning to bed after taking two pain killers and checking on Champ.


Rising up, Diandra notices that Alex wasn't in bed. Checking the time seeing it was already nine-o-clock.

Easing of the bed recalling he said, 'He had to go to the office just for a few hours. He must be waiting on me, so he can attend to his duties.'

Looking into Champ room, he wasn't in bed, and his bike wasn't there either. Going to the washroom then freshen up, and went downstairs.

Finding Alex in his study making calls, he was already to leave. "Alex, have you eaten breakfast?"

Seeing him cover the mouth piece and said "Yes, I made sandwich and Champ and I eat, did you rest well?"

"Yes thanks, and thank you for rubbing my back. I feel so much better this morning."

"Good, I fix a sandwich for you and leave it in the kitchen. Now that you are up, I will call for an escort to the office."

"But you have the van."

"Yes, but my hand is still paining so changing the gears will be difficult."

"Then allow me to leave you to your duties "


"Yes Alex!"

"Sweetheart, I know you need your rest so as my son play you can lie down. And please don't go cooking and cleaning."

"Alex, don't worry, I know yesterday was a close call, but I am all right now."

"I am just a bit worried about you and my unborn baby."

"Alex, there is no need to worry, I promise you I will rest."

When the van came for him, Alex prayed for their protection then leave. Feeling this heaviness overshadowed him, but he had to go to the station and cannot put off this meeting.

Reaching the station, hearing the ill news of the two officers sadden his heart. Lieutenant Jones heard him as he mutters, 'This is now happening all because of me.'

Lieutenant Jones, notices how frustrated he looks. "Mr. Mellford, I know this is frustrating, but we will get whoever these persons are. Just trust the Lord, He never fail His children.

I have been praying that whosoever that individual is. My prayer is he will slip up and we will capture him. So don't be afraid neither worry. I just want you to take care of your family and we will do the rest."

"Lieutenant, I thank you for your kind words and I know you have my back, but this is scaring me .

As you know my wife is pregnant. and I don't want her to be stress out. And from what you said others are getting hurt as they does their duty."

Now understanding why he was feeling the heaviness before leaving his home, there is no good news only more heartache and pain.

When Lieutenant Jones said, "Look, we are all doing our path so you need to have faith, and trust the system.

I know you are down courage and becoming frustrated thinking of the danger ahead but Mr. Mellford, we sometimes underestimate the strength and courage our wives have.

They are much stronger than we think, we have to trust them and comfort them. That is all they need and you will be amaze how they fight for us."

"You are right Sir, I am much relieved for your advice. Thank you" Alex shakes his hand and leave.

Reaching home from the police station. Seeing Ken BMW park at the entrance.

Asking Officer Collin's to drop him out, then as he entered through the gate. He notice the Officer Collin's waited until he enter the house, then drives away.

Seeing Joash running to meet him, Alex stoop down and lift him up. "Have you been a good boy for mummy today?"

"Yes Papa, Papa, Uncle Ken come to see me."

"I can see that," walking to where Ken was sitting playing with Joash. "Ken, how are you?"

"I am good, but I hope you don't mind. I brought some work for Dee to complete. And I miss this little feller very much?"

Alex notices when he looks at his hand and his forehead had a frown. Seeing he was curious to know, when he asks, "Alex, what happen to your hand?"

"There was an accident and I was wounded."

"Was it bad?"

"I have no idea; I was a bit out of it when I went for dressing. I will know for certain how deep the injury is tomorrow when I go for dressing."

"Okay, but where did this accident took place?"

"I was going to one of my location when I see a fight and I stop trying to help and was attack parting the fight."

Alex sees his eyebrow raise, realizing he was about to fire out another question, but instead he asks, "Alex, is it very painful?"

Feeling such release, Alex said. "It pains but I am using pain killers and my anti biotics as prescribed."

"Is that why Dee is here?"

"I don't think so?" Ken observed how puzzled he looks by his question. Hearing him saying. "I am glad she is here though?"

"When did this accident occurred?"