

When Beverly said as she plead with Alex, "Alex, all I am asking you is to please try and find out where Diandra and Ken will be meeting, or is that too much to ask from a friend?"

"Beverly, I am a friend but I am sorry as you know Diandra is my house guest. I am paying her to remain in my house while the men are working.

As you can see I am here now and most evenings when I am home, she is with me discussing what work the men have to alter and what I want to see completed.

Now, I gather that isn't the information you wanted to hear."

Looking at his time, Alex wondered, 'Why do women have to linger when they know some things are impossible.

Yet I believe she is concocting something up in that head of hers. When she turn and look at me before she comes up with another scheme, "Okay Beverly you did say your husband's name is Ken?"

"Yes, I did, but what does that have to do with what I am asking you to do for me?"

"Never mind that, what I want to know is, what is his profession?"

"He records children's stories."

Alex thought this is his one chance, if I send her away now, I may never know who the storyteller is?

This is getting interesting, and I may never get another opportunity so I might as well seize this chance now.' "What type of children's stories?"

"Alex, come on and be real, I am distressed and confused and you are asking about his job?"

"Just flow with me for a few minutes, so what kind of children's stories he records?"

"Alex, what does this have to do with what I am requesting?"

"Will you just answer me? I will get back to your problem in a minute, now what type of children stories he record?"

"Well, from what I gathered, he mostly records Bible stories, why do you want to know."

"Okay, now have your husband ever spoken of a Miss Loretta in his studio."

"Not that I could remember, but why do you ask?"

"Just curious, I only heard about the person today from Diandra, I was thinking your husband must have spoken about her, but never mind.

Now tell me something, don't you go into your husband's recording studio?"

"Why should I? I just hate hearing about the place much less going there."

"Okay, from what you have been telling me about Diandra, if you revealed a bit more about her then I will know if what you are claiming has any bearing to what intel I have on her."

"Look Alex I know what I am telling you about Diandra is true, and for your information, they have been seeing each other for about two and a half to three years now."

"If that is your opinion about her, then why is it you didn't file for divorce long before now, so why the rush to get one now?"

"I am tired of this affair, I want out." Noticing the way Alex was gloating, 'Is he aware of something I am not aware of?

I know he is up to something, if only I could put my finger on it. Roxanne, said he is very smart so what trick he is concocting?

And this Loretta that Diandra told him about, who is she? Is Ken seeing this person and Diandra is just a front, so I won't suspect it is their plan?'

When Alex said, "So tell me Beverly is my friendship with Diandra, is it just a waste of time?"

"Just be careful, once I overheard a conversation between Diandra and Ken, I never said anything, but I believe Diandra has been married and is now separated."

"Are you sure, or could you be misinformed? Beverly just supposed you didn't heard the whole conversation of what they were discussing and now jumping to the wrong conclusions?"

"Look it could be all of what you have said, I don't know and I really don't care, I just want some proof of their infidelity."

"I will think about it, but from what you are saying I could get caught up in Diandra web?"

"Just take heed to my warning, Ken is already caught up and now you. What is it she has that I don't, the bitch cannot read neither write, yet her tongue is like a honeycomb?"

"Maybe, it's her beauty Beverly."

"Oh my goodness, she was such a ragger muffing a few years back, but from the day she and Ken met they hit it off immediately. I hate Sam so much for introducing them."

"And who is Sam Beverly, is it someone Diandra is also seeing?"

"No Alex, Sam is Ken's boss." Beverly sees Alex sigh as though it a relief.

"So Diandra know this Sam?"

"Yes, she keeps him company during the day, and takes care of his grandson."

"Beverly, has Ken ever asked you for a divorce?"


"So why are you rushing to get a divorce? Just suppose you are misinterpreting this relationship, between the both of them.

And Diandra could just be a good friend that Ken confide in, who knows, she could consider this friendship like a brother and sister bonding.

And if that is so, then it will be like you throwing away your marriage, because you misjudge the relationship?"

"Oh, you are so wrong Alex, do you know what it's like knowing that someone is enjoying what belongs to you?"

"Beverly, I am just suggesting, I don't know him but just supposed you are blowing these things out of proportion, because you are the one that really wants to sever this marriage?"

"This is not true Alex, I love Ken."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, that is so."

"Then answer me this question, why do you date other men, when you could focus your attention on winning your husband's affection?"

"You really don't get it, Alex, Ken does not care for me."

"Have you try fighting to save your marriage? or are you willing to give up the love you keep confessing since we first met?"

"I never really thought about it before."