

Alex said, "Diandra, please let us go out to dinner, and you could still talk to your friends when they call you."

"I don't know, I will think about it."

Walking out the door Alex follow her asking her a second time, "Diandra will you please go to dinner with me if I get you a beautiful cake and your favorite ice cream for your birthday?"

Diandra turns around with tears in her eyes, seeing his arm open she walk right into it. "You remembered."

"Sweetheart, I never forget."

"No one knew when is my birthday not even Sam, Maria or Ken. Thank you so much this is my best birthday."

"Now will you have dinner with me please?"

"I will love to as long as it has a chocolate cake with frosting."

"Okay my beautiful Princess, please makes sure you are ready by six-thirty and I will be coming for you."

"No taxi?"

"Nope, I will be here to take you up personality."

"Oh this is sounding so exciting, don't worry I will be waiting."

Alex bends his head and kisses her lip, hearing him my, my, my, as he passes his tongue over his lip, "This tasting moreish."

Raising her head slightly kissing his lip, "I believe you are right," When she rests her hand behind his neck bringing down his head so her lips could reach his, "Let me see."

Smiling as his lip captured her then she stopped, saying, "I recently had a dream."

Alex said, "Oh no, please tell me that it isn't anyone shooting at me?"

"Oh it not that, this was a handsome gentleman kissing me right after I fainted."

Looking at her in the eyes, "Was it I?"

"I don't know, I could not see his face."

"Then I am sure it is me, "Alex replies.

"Why do you say that?"

"Diandra, because I am ashamed and hid my face from you for the pain I cause you. Now I leave a few packages in the library for you."

Following her as she hurried along to the library, hearing her squealing, and seeing the way she was jumping.

When she hold the bunch of roses and began kissing it, then she rips open the gift paper anxious to see what was inside.

Seeing how overjoyed she was as all the workers were looking on, as she ran to me kissing my lips then whispering to me, "You could win the first rounds."

Lifting her up spinning her around Diandra laugh hearing him saying "Yippy," then kiss her lips, this time hard and long enjoying every moment of it.

Feeling his body aroused Alex held her slightly away from him then hold her hand, wating to go to his room and continue, but instead he walked to where his van parked.

"Diandra, do you know the name of the storyteller?"

"It is Mrs. Loretta, but why do you ask?"

"Can I get a title so I can search it up?"

"I have only heard the first name never a surname."

"Then who do I address the letter to or even a mailing address, they need to know, that is my life story that they have people listening to, every time that broadcast is played."

"I don't know so I can't help you."

Seeing him bow then said, "I will see you later my Princess."

Laughing, as she bows with one hand at the front and the other at the back, saying, "I will be waiting for the chariot, my young handsome Prince."

Roaring with laughs as he sits in the van, saying, "This is getting exciting as the minute's hand ticks closer to the hour."

Driving away Alex was very happy, feeling this joy inside. Unable to contain himself he whispers a word, "Oh Lord, I thank you for your grace, please Lord give me ideas to overwhelm her with my love."

Entering the office seeing Melissa sitting behind her desk. Smiling then went into his office.

Resting both feet on top of his desk as he relaxes with his eyes close. Melissa enters his office seeing that smile still on his face.

Thinking, 'It seems as though things went well.' Clearing her throat, then said, "Boss did everything goes as planned?"


Expecting him to say what happened but he was just quiet, "Did she like her gifts?"

"Yes, she did, Melissa did you make the reservation for me?"

"Yes, Boss!"

"Did you order a cake, I promise her cake and ice cream?"

"And why did you had to do that? Now where am I going to get a cake this late with such short notice?"

Alex looks at her face then said, "Thank you for being such an angel."

"I believe that I will need a pay raise which is overdue, don't you think?"

"And when do you need that raise?"


"You already get the fattest salary in my company."

"My finger could stop clicking."

"Okay, we will see."

"Boss, you have a guest."

"Then send whoever in."

Beverly walks in smiling expecting him to welcome her with open arms, when he looked up seeing her hearing him saying, "Oh hello Beverly, I only have ten minutes to spare so speak up fast."

"Alex, I need your help."

"Let me hear what you need assistance with?"

"I need some evidence."

"So what that has to do with me, I already told you I am not an investigator and I don't do any private job."

"Alex that woman in your house is having an affair with my husband, I want to get a divorce. I overhear him speaking with her. He has plans of seeing her this week, and they were discussing my divorce."

"Beverly, that have nothing to do with me and I am not getting involve, why don't you do what she suggested, set up a camera, you will get all the evidence and info you need."

"Alex, Diandra is working for you, it will be so much easier when she leaves your home to follow her."

"Hello as you can see I am here working."