

Alex notices as Beverly walks towards the window, looking out, when she did turn around and said, "You know what Alex, you could be right, the energy and effort I give towards getting a divorce.

If I focus my attention on saving my marriage, it might just worth the fight, your advice is good sound counseling, I will start working on it immediately."

"Then take my advice and prepare a nice meal for him and make him feel special, who knows what will transpire."

"Alex, do you think that will work?"

"You will only know if you try, the question is, you keep saying you love him but do you love him enough to fight for him?"

"Yes, Alex, and now that you have shifted my focus, I am ready to fight to save my marriage."

"You don't love him for his money alone, right?"

"Hello, I am not here for a lecture and I am speaking the truth, I have nothing to hide." Seeing the way she was smiling.

"I am glad to hear that, now tell me what arrangement you and Roxanne made?"


"Yes, Beverly arrangement?"

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Then allow me to refresh your memory," opening his phone Alex played the recording of the conversation between she and Roxanne.

Hearing Beverly laughs, when she said, "Roxanne, really said you are very smart."

"Now I want you to listen to me very carefully, if you have any intention of scheming Ken, I will let him know and just remember this is safe on my phone."

"Are you going to blackmail me, Alex?"

"No I will not, but I could play it for Diandra and she could tell this Sam who you want to shot so badly."

"Alex, please don't do that, Ken will lose his job which he loves so much, and then I will lose my allowance.

The truth is Roxanne wanted to get inside your house, she said you have some wonderful paintings.

You see she have a very high gambling debt that the creditors are demanding, and she is looking for a ways so she could get her hands on some fast cash."

"Is that all?"

"Alex that is all she told me, if there is anything else, I am unaware of it."

"Well, my advice to you is to try fixing your own house in order before you go fixing other people's business.

Roxanne, is crooked and she will take you down with her. If you change direction now, you might be able to save your marriage."

"Alex, thank, I will do as you say."

"You are welcome, and I hope we will not be having a conversation like this again?"

"Thanks, and I hope for the same thing."

When Beverly leave Alex went and took special care as he dresses for the evening event.

Seeing he still had some time, Alex lie down on his bed. Recalling all that Diandra had told him co-inside with what Beverly had said to him, but Beverly only know and assumed certain things.

Diandra has many secrets hidden from everyone, even her closest friends doesn't know of her birthday. I even believe Ken don't know much things about her either, she is a mystery to them all.'

Hearing the knocking and Melissa calling out to him, "Boss, please open the door."

"Yes, Melissa."

"Boss I could be wrong."

"What is it, Melissa?"

"Boss, I believe it's the madam."

"Where Melissa."

"On the phone Boss."

"Melissa, she cannot use the phone."


"She doesn't know how to use the phone, she is illiterate."

"But Sir, I am certain it was her on the phone."

"Why do you say that?"

"Sir, she called your name, I believed something terrible has happened to her, she sounds out of it, then the phone went silent."

Grabbing his jacket he didn't say another word, neither waited another minute as he ran out of the office and hurried to his van.

As Alex drives he tried calling the house number, but he keeps getting busy tone. Wondering what could be wrong, and why she wasn't answering, until he stops calling and start praying.

Feeling the sweat running down his face and back, especially having no choice to be patient seeing the lineup of traffic, wondering what was causing the hold-up?

As the vehicles trickle slowly Alex close his eyes and took some deep breaths to calm his nerves.

Hearing the honking of the horn only to see the line was cleared up and the vehicle were flowing once more. Thinking to himself, 'How long did I close my eyes?'

Finally after thirty minutes driving into the garage, hurrying he open the door running inside calling out to her.

First he enters the library then the study. Having to cross over the buckets that were half full with rubles to takeout.

When his eyes caught a glimpse of droplets of blood. Following the drops of blood straight to his room. "Oh my God, Diandra is really hurt," seeing the trail of blood becoming heavier.

Entering the room seeing her flat on her stomach, shaking her Alex realized she must have fainted, seeing a rusty piece of steel was protruding out from her sneakers.

Alex scoop her up then place her on his bed. She has lost a lot of blood seeing the pool where her foot was.

The sneakers was full with blood but he was afraid to pull out the sneakers. Noticing the call card in her left hand.

Alex hurried and called his doctor, explaining what had happen and said, "She seem to have fainted."

As he mop he found the phone under the bed, Alex had almost removed the blood stain when the honking of the car horn came.

Looking out the window thinking it was the doctor, but instead it was the gentleman with the BMW.

Recalling the day the same BMW was driving out the drive way. Pressing the gate alarm as it slides open saying, "Please come up," thinking this is her friend Ken whom she was expecting to visit.