

When the broadcast started Alex focus his attention on the voice of the Story Teller.

"Good morning boys and girls, today I am going to to tell you a wonderful story about two young plants that was put together.

Do you know that fishes have family, and you and I have families, so to plants have families.

Once upon a time there was this beautiful flower garden where a mama plant had a young tender plant that she loved very much. So she got this big beautiful pot and planted her young tender plant.

As the years go by, her young plant grew up to be big and strong, the mama plant was so proud of her young plant. So the Mama plant decided to get her young strong plant a companion.

So she search out the entire flower garden for a beautiful plant, but she found none that was pleasing to her. So she decided to visit other garden nearby, which she did but she was not satisfy. She was very determine to get a beautiful plant that will be compatible for her young plant.

The mama plant journey to many gardens and the trip was very tiresome, but she knew she could not give up. She was just so tired and could not go any further.

Seeing a cool spot she decided to sit down and relax seeing this huge tree that will shade her from the heat. Time has pass and the place became cool, the cool breeze under her leaves made her stronger and firmer.

Then suddenly as the breeze blow her eyes glimpse this beautiful unique plant hiding among some thorns, opposite to where she was resting.

She thought, this plant had to be very special although the thorns try to squash her, she was flexible and was surviving although they surrounds her putting presser upon her.

That mama plant find a way and took the young special plant out of all her troubles, and took her to her own beautiful garden and planted her inside the huge beautiful pot her young strong plant was in.

As she admire them both, how lovely they were together, the mama plant heart felt such joy that her young plant has a companion that was very unique.

Then as the weather changes together with the season the mama plant started to see her leaves weltering one by one, and she began to feel weak.

Her young plant never paid much attention to the mama plant, neither the companion next to him. He used to loved to look at the other plants that glitter when the dew fell on them.

The other young plants knew this young plan was looking at them, so they swerve and twisted as the breeze blow allowing the sunlight to glitter on their leaves to dazzle the plant, to see how beautiful they were.

The young plant neglected the mama plant and the beautiful special plant his mama planted next to his side.

The beautiful plant used to look at the mama plant that had planted her next to her young plant, and as the days go by she observed the leaves drooping.

She was afraid to go far because the garden was new to her, and she didn't want to get lost for the mama plant to worry.

But she went to seek nourishment to help the mama plan so her leaves will become stronger, just like the day she rescued her from the thorny bushes.

She tried everything to care for the mama plant until the day came and the mama plant just stop moving. When all her leaves dropped off and finally the mama plant weltered away.

Now the young strong plant neglected the special unique plant just as he neglected the mama plant.

Then not too many days had passed after the young plant began to miss the mama plant and he became angry and frustrated until he wasn't able to control his emotion.

It was not many days after his grief had consumed him, and he fought with the unique plant his mama get as his companion and hurt her terribly.

The unique plant had also missed the mama plant very much and was grieving silently having no one to comfort her.

After the fight the unique plant didn't want to stay in the beautiful pot that she loved so much, and went in search of another garden.

Many days had pass before the unique plant found a new flower garden, because she didn't know how to follow direction.

Then as the days passed the unique plant began to get sick, and her leaves started to weltered for the lack of proper nourishment.

When two elderly plant found her seeing she needed help, they get her nourishment and help her to get sufficient sunlight until she became stronger.

When the unique plant became stronger the elderly plants notice that this unique plant had a bud to bring forth another plant.

The elderly plants thought this young plan was very special and they liked her a lot, so they continue to nourish the plant.

When the baby plan came the elderly plant loved the baby plant very much, more than their own young plant. So they name the baby plant Champion, because he had beaten all the odds and overcome all the obstacles to be alive.

The special unique young plant was very weak, so the elderly plants take care of the baby plant. until he was three years old.

The special unique plant celebrated the baby plant third birthday then her friends decided to go and visit their young plant garden.

The special unique plant became very worried thinking her baby plant will miss her elderly friends because he was very attached to them.

As the days grew closer for, them too leave the elderly friends ask her permission too take her baby plant with them on the trip.

The special unique plant was very sad because she could not live without her baby plant, but then she considers the favor the elderly friends did for her when she was unwell.

The unique plant gave her permission for him to visit with them to the other flower garden. She didn't want to be ungrateful to her friends for taking such good care of her.

The day the baby went on his journey the unique plant cried the entire night, because she missed the baby plant very much.

Then the next day a beautiful butterfly brought her good news, that her baby plant was happy meeting new plants, and making friends and how brave he was.

That news makes the special unique plant very happy, knowing her baby plant was becoming a blessing to others.

The special unique plant realized that if she didn't allowed her baby plant to go, then she would have been selfish and responsible for steeling the baby plant blessing

Boys and girl sometimes we receive gifts, so we can use it to be a blessing to others.

The end."