

Melissa heard Sergeant Gomez ask as he enters through the house, "Is the Boss unwell?"

"He is fine Sir, he will be with you all in a few minutes." As she hurried up to Diandra with a tray for her.

Giving her the tray saying, "The Officers are here so you enjoy."

Hurrying down seeing Boss already with them at the table in full uniform.

When Sergeant Wilson said, "Sir this house looks like a page out of a catalog."

"Thank you Sergeant Wilson."

"Who is the designer Sir?"

"He is upstairs doing some work, now gentlemen seeing Sergeant Holmes, "Sergeant Holmes I am happy you are here."

"No Major, it is I that is happy to be here, I am bless to see how you have kept the home. I know your parents will be very proud of you."

Hearing him laugh when he said, "If you had seen it two weeks ago you won't be saying that, but thanks any ways. Now that all of you are here, we can begin."

Seeing Melissa set the trays with the refreshment on the middle of the table then get her note pad to take notes.

We had work for about an hour when the loud crashing sound came, then the squealing.

Alex stood up then rushes up the stairs as a few others follow him, and a few went outside hearing the noise of things falling still.

Entering the room seeing she was covered with broken glasses that was shattered from the window pane and the plank was right above her being held back by the curtain.

Rushing to her by the bed just shifting the lap top aside, and lifting her up only to see the plank drop exactly where she was.

When the squeal came again, as she clings on to him hiding her face in his jacket.

Feeling her body trembling. "You are safe now," hearing the shattered glass falling off from her as he held her.

Hurrying down the stairs taking her to the laundry room. Calling Melissa to get her bag as he closes the door resting her on top the table and began stripping her of the clothes.

Her hair was covered with pieces of glass and on her hand has specks of blood when she was cut from splinters.

Saying to her, "I will have to comb your hair then wash it, thank God you had the jeans on it save your legs for getting cuts.

When the knock came, Alex, went and open it, taking her bag, saying to her in a whisper, knowing all ears was listening. "Get me two large towel from my room and the few things of hers from my room to attend to her hair."

Getting her clothes he loosens her hair, then rest her on a chair and a stool for her to rest her foot.

Opening the pipe allowing the water to wash the glass out having a bathtub behind her so her hair wasn't dragging on the floor, then Alex began bathing her.

When Melissa came and knock again, he opens taking her shampoo and comb.

Afraid to pass his hand with the shampoo he combs through the hair first seeing the many pieces of glass on the floor and at the bottom of the bathtub.

Emptying it then began once more combing it until he was satisfied that it was safe to pass his hand.

Slowly applying the shampoo then rinse it, seeing a few fine pieces on the floor as the water drains.

Doing the same with the conditioner then soap her seeing the cut on her hands and face.

She was crying silently as he baths her. Maybe still in shock from what had happen.

Whispering a silent pray of thanks, "Thank you my Lord if that curtain wasn't there, she might have gotten badly damage."

Wanting so much to hug her at that moment but there was shattered glass on his clothes.

Using the hose and rinse her then his hands. As he removes his jacket, then rinse again then the table.

Lifting her up Alex rest her on top of the table, then began drying her hair, using another towel to dry her body.

Changing her cloths, Alex know his clothes were soak, and he could not lift her up.

Not wanting to ask anyone of the Sergeant to assist, he dust the towel he dried her hair with, and wrap it around from his chest He then double up her hair, resting it on his arm as he lift her up and carry her to the couch.

Seeing Melissa with the bag to change her bandage. Alex had only removed the bandage when one of his Sergeant came to him assistance.

Let me do that for you Boss," removing the towel spreading it on the floor as he rests her hair on it.

Her eyes were close as he told Melissa to get the hair dryer and help her.

Alex then hurried to his room and take a quick bath and change.

Coming down the stairs when Mr. Alvin said, "Sir, I have prepared another room and I am sorry for the accident.

"Is any of your men hurt?"

"No Sir, they had just come of the scaffold when it misbalances."

"Thank God," going to Diandra seeing all the men surrounding her, "Gentlemen, I want you all to meet my wife Diandra."

As they shake her hand each making their introduction.

Alex said, "Okay men, the meeting get held back but let us complete it, it is getting late.

Asking Sergeant Williams to take notes while Melissa assisted Diandra.

As Melissa comb through her hair applying the hair food, then she blows drying her hair.

Closing her eyes, Diandra was wondering at that moment, 'Exactly what was really happening, one after the other, something is trying to hold her back.

First it was my foot then this, oh God if Alex didn't come when he did, then that plank would have come crashing down on me.

What would have happened to me and who would have taken care of Champ?

No one knew who his father is, and Alex would never have known he had a son.

Oh Lord why is it I feel like there is another force at work here?'

Whispering thanks and praise for keeping and protecting her.

Alex asks excuse seeing Johnny descending the stairs, going to him when he asks, "Sir, I am worried about the madam, how is she doing?"