

"Mr. Alvin, she is shaken up pretty badly, but she will be fine."

"Sir, I am really sorry for the damage that was done, but I was able to locate a glass, so I am going to collect it immediately."

"Thank you." Going to Diandra, "Let me take you upstairs to the room that is prepared?"

"There is no need for that, go and finish your meeting, there has already been enough delay and setbacks, I will take my time and Melissa will help me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, go on the men are waiting on you." Diandra, stood up and walk slowly up the stairs.

Alex notices how the men whose back was facing the stairs get of their chairs and stood looking at her although he asks to continue, nothing he said could have shifted their focus.

Hearing Sergeant Jackson saying, "Wow, her hair looks amazing," while another said, "Is she for real?"

When Sergeant Wilson said, "Her hair looks like black velvet and it looks like what we read from those fairy tale book."

"Okay men, that's why I kept her a secret, and as you all know she is my wife, now let us finish off here please."

As the meeting proceeded, no one seems to be focusing with what was being discuss in the meeting.

Sergeant Gomes being one of the senior officer to the others realized the Alex was becoming angry.

Standing up saying, "Sir, can I make a suggestion?"

"Please Sergeant Gomes, go right ahead," giving his permission, "If you all will excuse me for a few minutes."

Gomes, sees when Holmes nod giving him the go ahead, when he notice Melissa went to his office and Alex followed her.

Melissa, was using the phone when he enter, waiting until she had finish then ask, "How is she doing?"

"I leave her drying her hair, let me go and help her."

"Melissa, what is wrong?"

"I can't say but she is very angry and has been crying since we reaches the room."

"Did she say why, is her foot paining?"

"No Sir, she is angry you told everyone that she is your wife."

"So what is wrong in that, it is the truth?"

"Look Sir, I don't quite understand what is the relationship between the two of you, but she is worried."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well from where I am standing and what I have gathered, she doesn't want you to be hurt because she has every intention of returning to her home.

Sir, what she said to me is, she doesn't want when she leaves for you to feel bad in front of the men."

"I don't care about that, I love her and I am not embarrassed of her."

"You was embarrassed of her?"

Melissa, observed how he became so angry when he said, "Just forget it."

Half seven the meeting concluded, the officers were just about to leave when Mr. Alvin and his men descended the stairs.

Alex thanks all the offices for attending, and being patience with him. He then thank the men for working the extra hours trying to complete the job.

When Mr. Alvin said, "Sir I had one of the worker sweep through so the splinters from the glass that was scattered is removed and it is safe. "

"Thank you so much, and I will see you all tomorrow."

Melissa was descending the stairs, "Sir, do you need any work to be done before I leave?"

"No Melissa, the meeting now finishes, so I will update you tomorrow."

Locking up after everyone left, Alex felt drain and tired, entering the room seeing everything just as it were when the accident occurred.

Johnny did not touch a thing. Dusting of the pieces of glass that was on top of the laptop, resting it aside, "At lease you didn't get crush."

Folding the sheet that had majority of the shattered pieces of glass and put it into a garbage bag that was resting on the small table next to the bed lamp.

Closing his eyes thinking, "If that plank did drop on her with the force it was going as it burst through the glass, what would have happened to her?"

Reaching down and take up the curtain from the floor. "Thank You, Lord, for using that curtain to hold up that plank until I reach.

You protected her, but because of my selfishness all this is happening. I so wanted her in my bed, her foot got hurt, I so wanted my men to see her, I almost lose her.

Lord, how would I have answer to her friends, from what I gathered, when I overheard her conversation. Lord her friends cares a lot for her, and the same with her.

I already hurt her those few years back. Lord, I cannot think about myself, but it is about her happiness now.

She came to help me, Johnny said she cares a lot, and if we part as friends, she won't turn me away when I visit her.

I will just have to find a way for us to be together, today I saw fear in her eyes when she clings on to me.

I know she love me; I just have to believe and be patient with her, and I know You my God, will make a way for us."

Going to the room Johnny prepared for us, not disturbing Diandra, Alex, just take a bath and lie down.

The night seems to have no ending, as his mind was in torment recapping the incident as it reoccurs over and over.

Jumping as her squeal came, he opens his eyes, only she was resting. 'Knowing he was having a dream, but it seems so real.'

Closing his eyes once more but his sleep has cut, and it all started to replays on his mine once more.

Still unable to grasp the whole scenario. The thought never leaves his mind that he could have lost her forever.

Turning to look at her, thinking, 'She might have nightmares, but she was resting comfortable.'

The clock chime eleven and sleep has vanish. Hearing twelve chime and he still wasn't asleep.

Then her groaning began as she crawls into his arms seeking comfort.

Her feet must be paining a lot, stroking her, seems to help her relax, feeling good, seeing how perfect she fits into his side.

With that in mind his eyes began closing, when he heard one chime.