

Diandra knew she had to convince Alex, "Look, Ken had shown me what to do in your computer, but there were so many numbers I completely forgotten.

I try but could not remember, I must have punch in a million numbers, and I only hope I haven't spoiled your computer?" Resting her on the bed

"Can you show me what Ken tells you to do, I could help?"

"If only I could recall exactly what he showed me, then I would have done it already but I keep forgetting."

"Okay, stop worrying, I will bring up my laptop, and later we will figure it out, what you say?"

Before she could answer he hear the car door slam, knowing it must be Melissa.

Going to the window to make sure seeing it was her, then he hurried to the door, calling out to her. "I will be down in a minute."

"Boss, I got the madam fish, I hope that is alright?"

"That is great." Seeing Diandra with her eyes close, she seems to be praying."

"Honey, I am going to get you your lunch and I will be right back."

Hurrying down the stairs seeing Melissa busy in the kitchen, "Let me do that Melissa?"

Dishing out her food then set it on a tray, doing the same for himself.

Taking up the tray Melissa follow him, "Is the meeting set for the evening?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good, after we have lunch we will work in my study," turning around seeing her hand empty.

"Where is your lunch, or have you eaten already?"

Seeing she shake her head, "Then go and get it, we will have lunch together.

"Boss, how is the madam doing?"

"You will see for yourself when you return."

Entering the room Alex expected her to be on the bed, but she wasn't, seeing her sitting on the floor.

Resting the tray going on the other side sitting beside her, Alex noticing her crying.

"What is the matter, is the foot paining a lot?" Then her phone began to ring, seeing she made no attempt to answer.

"Diandra, aren't you going to answer your phone?"

When she leans her head on his shoulder saying, "Its Sam, he got another heart attack."

"Oh, honey I am so sorry." When the ringing stop Alex rest his hand over her shoulder, when the phone rings again.

Alex picks it up answering, "Hello!" Hearing it was Ken, "Ken can you call her later, she is unable to speak right now."

Hearing him saying he will come to visit her, "Okay, just call before you come over."

When Diandra said, "This is all my fault, I ask God to delay the trip home, so they won't see me like this."

"Diandra what nonsense you talking about? You didn't ask God to bring sickness upon him?"

"I am so selfish and ungrateful; I didn't ask for that but I know that will be the only reason that will delay him."

"Look, you might think so, but you are the most loving and caring person I know, come on we will pray together for him."

You know prayer has no boundaries, and if we believe together who knows what can happen?"

Taking her in his arms we pray, Alex felt her body trembling as he lifts her, up putting her on the bed.

Observing Melissa standing looking at us, "Melissa don't stand there, go and get a chair or sit on the bed."

Placing the tray on her lap then take his, "Try and eat something, then you can take your medication."

Seeing how slowly she eat, 'Alex, know she was trying,' when she rests the empty plate on the tray, he took it and give her the medication. Taking the tray with him, "I will get the laptop for you."

"Please hold up on that, I am going to take a lie down."

"Okay, you rest and before the meeting start, I will check in on you."

Melissa, notices as we work in his study, he stop suddenly and walk towards the window, he was so quiet, and he look confused.

Not wanting to disturb him, but he seems very worried about her.

I don't know much about their relationship, but I know he loves her a lot.

The little I heard from their conversation her friends are unwell.

But the few years we have work together, not once have he mention or indicated to anyone of his marriage or separation.

The way he carried about himself, everyone thought he was a bachelor, but since she has return, he has change and he look so troubles right now.'

Quarter past five we stop working, "Let me check on her."

"Boss, is she really illiterate?"

"I really can say for certain, during those four years, I can't say if she did anything to improve herself.

Melissa, from the few conversations we had at her home, it seems she is, but she confuses me at times."

Entering the room, seeing her on the phone, realizing it was Ken hearing her saying, "Thanks, and I will see you Monday."

'Maybe her friends will be returning Monday, or Ken might visit Monday.' Not wanting to pry he ask, "How was your rest?"

"It was good, I feel much better, and Ken said they should be here by Tuesday.

Alex, I know it is almost time for your meeting, but if you have a little time to put on a movie for me, I will really appreciate it and please if there are any snacks, I could munch on?"

"Do you still eat roasted ground nuts?"

"Yes, have you gotten a pack?"


"Thank you and Alex bring something I could throw the rubbish in."

Looking at her seeing the questionable look, "Will you put on your jeans please?"

"I don't see the need for that, but if it will help settle your mind, okay."

Returning downstairs seeing Melissa fixing the refreshment for the officers, I ask her to put in a few things in a tray for Diandra.

Adding the roasted nuts in the tray then left her to complete her task.

Hurrying up the stairs to set the laptop on, then went and get dress for the meeting.

Melissa was walking up the stairs with the tray when the officers started coming in. Calling out to them "I will be with you all in a minute."