

Alex felt her head nod against his chest, "You give me a pretty good scare today. So tell me why didn't you let me know you needed to go by the doctor earlier?

I would have taken you immediately, instead of you having to go through all this unnecessary pain. I hope you know, I was planning to take you anyhow. Now tell me are you still in much pain?"

"Alex, I am sorry about that, but I didn't want to disturb your work."

"Diandra, you are more important to me than my work, or any work, the work could be completed later or another time, but just suppose if your foot had become more inflamed? What would have been the outcome."

"I am really sorry."

When her head shifted, Alex became afraid, " Diandra, are you okay?"

"I am, it's just I am a bit groggy."

"You can sleep it off, I have a few things to do."

When she stroked his face saying, "Thank you for being patient with me."

"No my love, I must thank you, the work you have done is very impressive. Everyone who has seen the work complement the designer. You have been such a blessing and you possess such talent."

"Thanks, for the compliment."

"Sweetheart, the house looks as though it's a page out of a catalog, I am so proud of you."

Before entering the room Ales stop turning around slowly for her to see the finished work, "This is your handy work."

"Maybe, but you will make me dizzy."

"Sorry, I am so excited and happy with the work and for deciding to redo the house."

Resting her on the bed, when she reaches up and touches his face. Hearing her saying, "If only we were alone, but the men are still working and so is Melissa."

Seeing her eyes closing once more when she said, "Alex!"

"Yes, love," still trying to figure out what she meant by her statement, when he rest her down.

"Alex, if there is any food left, will you store it away?"

As he kiss her forehead whispering, "I will," when she reaches up with her hand and holds behind his neck bringing his lips to hers.

Her kiss was demanding and he respond to that demand without hesitating. He could feel his body was on fire, wanting her as never before.

Before he knew what was happening her hold just slacken and she was out of it. It was like if her body just shut down atomically, leaving him on a limb.

Lying next to her feeling that hunger and desire have awakened. Alex had to take some deep breaths to calm his body down, remembering his promise to her.

Going to the window opening it allowing the fresh air to get into his nostril, so he can think clearly. 'I know exactly what she was insinuating when she kisses me.'

Feeling his body slowly relaxing, thinking, "Since her foot gets damage we have grown much closer, but what will happen to us when she leaves?"

When Melissa calls, Alex, just look at her sound asleep and leave the room.

"Boss this is an important call."

Hurrying down into his office, "Yes Officer Edwin, can you let them know that the Secretary is out for half an hour on her brake and will be in soon.

Thank you for calling, and don't worry Melissa will be there to rectify that matter immediately. Never mind that, you did an excellent job."

Thinking Melissa was listening when he turn around she wasn't there, calling out to her hearing she was in the kitchen, "Yes Sir."

"Melissa, this is the problem at the office."

Noticing her reading the note he place into her hand. "You need to attend to this matter in my office immediately."

Seeing the frown, "Hello, you have handled matters more complicated than this before, so I know you will handle this matter accordingly.

Now get your things, I already call a taxi and when the matter is resolved, you can go home."

"Thank you, Sir."

"No Melissa, I must truly thank you for all your help, and I know you are tired so take the few hours to get some rest."

Hearing the horn, "Hurry, the taxi is here."

When she left Alex lock up then went into the kitchen only to see the plate covered from lunchtime, and Melissa, had already stored the leftover away.

Alex was sweeping the kitchen when he remember the envelope for the men, that he had planned to give them after lunch. With Diandra getting sick he had completely forgotten, and they had already left.

Alex thought as he began sweeping, 'I will just have to call Mr. Alvin for it."

Noticing how easy it was to sweep and, she has made life so much easier for him. I know from what she has done here, she really loves this house.

Unaware that the men were still here, it was only when Mr. Alvin came to say they were leaving, Alex was happy that this burden is lifted.

"Mr. Alvin I must really thank you for a fabulous job, you and the men did. I know you work beyond what was estimated so I have something extra for you, just give me a minute."

Hurrying into his office getting the envelopes, giving each of them an envelope.

"Sir, you didn't have to do this."

"I know, but as I told you before the madam can be very influential and demanding at times. But I am well satisfied with your work, so please accept it, it is well deserved."

This time Alex securing the gate and doors. Then completed the cleaning and moping.

Eating the food that he had reheat, then went and take a long shower. While bathing Alex recalled that her friends will be coming Tuesday.

'I still have a few days to convince her to return home, or I could spend the weekend with her.

I could even take her up on Fridays and drop her home on a Sunday evening. I must change my schedule to facilitate her conditions, but we must be together, I must find a way.'

Changing then take his bible and read, getting on his knees, he asks God favor and blessing.

He prayed for Diandra friends, all his workers, and for his business to prosper and expands, then for Diandra's foot to heal and no complication to arise."

Getting under the covers seeing she was still asleep, wanting so much to be with her. 'The hunger and desires she has awakened has become difficult to ignore especially being close to her, but I must keep my promise.' Closing his eyes he fell asleep.