

Half eleven Melissa knock at the library door then open it, "Madam the lunch has arrived."

"Thanks, for letting me know Melissa, but be kind enough as to ensure that all the men eat. I know that is not your duty, but I feels so exhausted."

"Are you feeling unwell?"

"I will be alright after I get a little rest." Alex observed the men lingering around, entering the library.

"Diandra, honey the meal has arrived and I already called the men together."

Noticing her covered with the thick blanket, 'Is she alright? The place is so hot,' Stooping before her, "Are you feeling cold?"

Ignoring his question, "Alex, I already spoke to Melissa, I hope you don't mind, it's just my foot."

"Let me check it?"

"Alex not now, you go and sit with the men they will feel bad if none of us is with them. After they eat you will come and check it?"

Melissa observed the plate of food was just sitting in front of him, he had barely taken a bite. Wondering what he was thinking about, he seems to be lost.

Alex ponders in his heart, 'Now that the work is completed what will be her next move, is she ready to return to Longfield?'

Melissa realized something was bothering him since he came out the library. Did she tell him something?

I know he was okay before he enters the library, but she wasn't looking to well herself.'

Breaking the silence, "Boss, should I take in a tray to the madam?"

"Thanks Melissa, I will dish it out, go get a tray in the mean while."

Seeing how quickly he rose up and began dishing out a plate for her. Returning with the tray seeing he had put a little of everything for her as he rest it on the tray with a juice. "Here take this in to her."

Resting the tray down, "Madam, the Boss send this tray for you."

With her eyes still close Melissa notices the tears seek down, touching her hand, "Madam, what is the matter?"

When she opens her eyes and look at me thinking, I could be wrong but she is in pain and hiding it from Boss. When she did speak, "Melissa, has Alex finish eaten."

"Not as yet Madam, when I bring in the tray he was still eating, but do you need help with anything?"

"My foot is paining a lot; will you tell Alex when he finishes eating to call by the doctor and make an appointment, please."

Lifting the blanket then the towel she covers the foot with seeing how it had swollen and it look red. Touching the foot, "Madam, your foot is roasting."

Closing the door quietly seeing why Boss was worried but she was hiding it. 'I cannot hide this until he finish eating, she need to go to the doctor immediately.'

Going to him observing his plate wasn't touch yet, whispering to him, "The madam needs to see the doctor immediately, her foot is really bad."

Seeing how he stood up and went to his office, overhearing him on the phone, then hurried to the room as I was there with her.

"Melissa, please remain here as the men work, I won't be long the Doctor is expecting me."

Alex sees how she was sweating, taking her up with the blanket still covering her he rushed out to the van.

Melissa already had the van door open when she rushes to the side her foot was. Alex notices how she wrap the foot with the towel and close the door.

Reaching the doctor office within twenty minutes, without saying who he was, the clerk was waiting patiently to lead him to the theater.

When Doc Ferguson remove the towel, he immediately gives her and injection.

Saying to him not knowing if he was listening as he hurried about attending to her foot.

"Doc, this morning while changing the bandage I notices a few pieces of steel flakes."

"I suspected that the moment I see the foot. With her under the antistatic Alex notices how he attended to the foot.

Having to flush the inside of the wound, unable to look any longer, he turns his back just holding her hand.

As the thought cross his mind, 'Suppose this affects her so badly that she might have problem walking.

Then I would be the one responsible, and every time her birthday comes around, she will remember that her foot got damage in my house. How will I ever be able to forgive myself?'

Hearing Doc Ferguson saying, "Now that all the steel flakes are out, there will be no need for the foot to be inflame any more, it should start healing up nicely.

Those steel specimens were irritating the foot, thank God she is not a diabetic, or she would have lost the foot already. Alex I just have one concern."

"What is that Doc?"

"If that steel has penetrated to deep, she might end up with a limp, so I will need to take an x-ray next week say Monday.

I could forward it to the therapist, so she will do some massages on her foot to prevent that limp."

"A limp," 'oh dear God this is what I was afraid off.'

"Alexander, are you listening to me?"

Looking at him, 'Only when mom used to be angry with him, she called him Alexander'

"Doc, I heard what you said, for I to bring her Monday to get an x-ray done. This sound very serious so please you don't need to worry she will be here, I promise you."

Alex notices how he dress the wound, hearing him saying , "All done, you can take her home but try and avoid her standing in the foot for a day or two. Let her repeat this course of anti-biotic."

"Thank you Doc." Alex paid the fee and took her up.

Reaching home when he lifts her up from the van, seeing her eyes open, "You are awake," seeing how sweet she smile as though she was drunk, but she was fully aware of where we were.

With her head resting close to his chest when the men came to see her, as they shake her hand saying, "I hope you feel better soon."

When she reaches to Mr. Alvin, before he said anything she said, "Johnny, when I wake up and check the work and if anything is displeasing I will be calling you to fix it to my satisfaction?"

"Yes ma'am."

Alex notices her smile and then she closes her eyes. Seeing Mr. Alvin nod I ascend the stairs slowly.

Tired but the heavy burden has been lifted, so many complications could have occurred, but now her foot will become better.

"You will be alright now." Alex said to her as he ascend the stairs.