

Sitting in the kitchen with a sock full of ice, resting it on her forehead, whispering, "This swelling will paint quite a pretty picture on my face."

Pulling another chair to rest her feet, with her eyes closed Diandra work out a plan for the day knowing they want to start work in the kitchen.

The more I help the faster the work will complete, deciding to box all the utensils so it will be easy for someone to move it across to the library.

Then the thought crosses her mind, 'If the colors inside the house change then the covering in the couches, chairs, and the sofa will also have to change.'

Rising up from the chair seeing it was four-thirty, Remembering where Johnny rests the catalog the evening before, going for it. Recalling Alex said he has to work but he is still sleeping.

Taking the reading lamp from the study, Diandra relax on the couch, browsing through the catalog.

From what Johnny said, it seems Alex had not made any suggestion towards anything he wanted, he just asks for a makeover.

But Christina was very particular when it comes to her colors, she never likes too many bright colors.

Selecting a beige for the outside and the edges with brown and a cream on the inside. Looking through the catalog to select the cushion covers to match, and chairs covering to work in.

Folding each page that impresses her, seeing some magnificent patterns for the mats, Diandra decided to show Johnny and gets his opinion.

So caught up in the beautiful interiors not wanting to choose all of the same designs from the same page, that she never heard the footsteps came down the stairs.

Alex wanted to know if she didn't sleep and noticing her nighty was so revealing, 'Have she any idea what she is doing to me?' Thinking in his heart, 'Lord if I lose control this will not be my fault.'

Going to the closet taking out a blanket and cover her, "Diandra, why are you half-naked and the place is so cold, you could catch a draft."

Seeing his concern, "Aye, I only came out here about fifteen minutes ago, and my robe is in the kitchen."

"How long were you up?"

"Maybe about two hours now."

Alex looks at his time, "It is almost five."

"My goodness, is it so late already?"

"No, Diandra it is early, didn't you get any sleep?"

"I had a bad dream and couldn't fall back to sleep since after one."

"Diandra, that is almost four hours ago and what happens to your head, Diandra, look at me did you fall off the couch?"

Seeing him bending down, to look at it, "Alex it's just a bump."

Removing her hand, "Just a bump you say, but from what I am seeing it is the size of a tennis ball."

Hearing her laugh, "Don't worry it will go down before the evening."

"Okay, but you shouldn't be sleeping on the couch and you should be sleeping now so when I leave for work go back and sleep."

"I can't Alex, it has so much work to be done."

"So tell me what are you looking for?"

"Well, I was planning to suggest to Johnny that we paint the wall in cream, but then we will have to change the couch and chairs covers and the mats"

Looking at him, "We are doing a makeover, so we have to choose things to match the colors, have you made any suggestions to Johnny?"

"No Diandra, I leave that to Mr. Alvin that is what I am paying him to do."

"But Alex, you should have some say, he will not know what Christina likes from dislike."

"Diandra, the truth is I don't know about these kinds of things, that's why I got a professional."

"Well, it doesn't matter anyhow, it's not like it will be living here and Christina is already gone so who cares. I am just here to see that the doors open and close."

"Diandra, don't make it sound like I don't care."

"Well, Alex from where I am sitting, that is exactly what I see."

"Okay, okay, I get your point, so show me what you have in mind."

Leaning on him as she unfold the few pages, she had chosen, "Alex this will go perfect with the cream and look at this mat when we put down the tiles."

"One minute Diandra, who says anything about tiles?"

"Alex, you are doing something already, so it will last for another century, so do it good?"

"When you finish with me, I will go bankrupt."

"Not in a million years, you have enough money to cover your grave."

"Okay miss knows it all, when my money run out and I cannot pay the workers and enough to double your allowances, what will I do?"

"How about I lend you some, most of the changes I made?"

"Yeah, like you have really plenty money, Diandra, talking about that have you ever check on the trust fund mom set up for you?"

When she shook her head, "Okay, seeing that I am the trustee I will check on that before you leave."

Thinking, 'The interest must have accumulated a nice amount. And I have neglected her these four years, so I will add a small bonus to make up for the small allowance I used to send her.

But it seems as though money doesn't bother her, and she has trusted God to make do with what she has, but Beverly called her a money-hungry witch.'

"Tell me something Diandra how have you been living?"

"I don't quite understand what you are asking Alex, but I make do with the money you sent to me each month."

"But honey, that wasn't much?"

"For some people, it might not be much, but when God bless it for me, it stretches, it comes like the bread and the fishes. It always has leftovers."

"Okay, so how long have you been attending church?"