

Melissa went and stood by the window, while Alex just wipes the tears away. Alex neither Melissa was aware that the others secretaries were all standing in the office.

Each lost in their own thought as they walk silently to their desk and continue doing their work.

The weeks passed by slowly but every Wednesday all the workers gathered together in Boss office to listen to the children broadcast.

There was a bonding among the staff that has grown since the staff started to listens to the broadcast together.

They looked forward to sharing the time every week. At times they bought doughnuts and sodas or made coffee. They all walk with their chair just enjoying their brake time together.


The first week in July Diandra return to her cottage but kept the door locked and she never answer the door for anyone neither answer the house phone.

Diandra, felt such relief now that she has return home because she knows that nothing misses Sam eyes, and the many questions he keep asking these last few days.

She was sure he is beginning to suspected that something is wrong. Right now all I need is to get some rest for a few day and I am definitely sure all the aches and discomfort I have been experiencing will leave.'

As the days linger by, Diandra was experiencing this pain more severely, which was becoming unbearable and very frightful.

Every time Maria comes to visit Diandra, she tries her uttermost best to ignore the pain, so she and Sam won't be worried.

This continues for a week until the pain was so aggressive that Diandra could not ignores it any longer.

Visiting the doctor two weeks after she returned home the Thursday morning, only to learned that she was already ten weeks into her pregnancy.

The news was very unsettling knowing she will not be able to hide her pregnancy for much longer.

'Oh, dear Lord, how could I not have realized it, after I had made such a blunder, but the thought of her pregnancy continues to linger on her mind.

Recalling the night how she had convinced Alex until he gives in to her demands, 'This baby is conceived with such love.'

Feeling the tears trickling down her face. Diandra knew this is all her fault not Alex, so who does she expect to blame?

She knows now she might as well accept that her foolishness has brought about this problem?"

As she wipes her face thinking, 'When Champ was conceived, Alex was so angry and frustrated that he didn't know how to handle his grief that he took out his rage on her.

When she left Christina house with just five hundred dollars, she had told Alex to send her an allowance but she wasn't sure he would have done it but he did.

When she met Maria and Sam, they help her so much. Maria took time teaching her to cook and to take care of herself.

Then she learn to bake bread to make an extra dollar which is more than she could ask for. Diandra knows she must give thanks that Champ turns out to be a real blessing.

Now this baby is here and she have to make some new plans. She know she haven't sin, but how does she expect Sam and Maria to understand that?

And beside it has the people in church, what will they think, how could she explain everything without revealing the truth?"

Entering the cottage feeling this heavy burden, knowing from deep within how she was going to start explaining. Taking the medication, the doctor prescribed to her, then went and freshen up and lie down.

Hearing the voice in her head saying, 'I told you that your foolishness will get you pregnant now you will have no choice but to tell Alex, Sam and Maria that you are pregnant?'

Feeling her heart skip a beat Diandra closes her eyes as fear builds up. Thinking, 'They will be so disappointed in her.'

With tear fill eyes Diandra decided to start planning ahead. 'I know Sam said he will give me and Champ thirty five percent ownership, but when he hears about this, he will disinherited me.

I might as well make a new budget, and with Alex already started to send twelve hundred. Also my work at the Radio Station, well I hope it continue.

She know that her stories bring in a fair enough income, and as soon as she start feeling better, She will start her baking again, so it should be a fair enough income and to have a saving.

With that in mind Diandra closes her eyes knowing there will be sufficient for the three of us.'

The week ended and Diandra focus her attention on the upcoming story telling competition, She need to get a dress to attend to the function.

Beginning of the second week in July Diandra went to Brixton, while crossing the street she heard her name call. 'Know immediately it was Alex, ignoring him so he will think that he has mistaken someone else for her.'

Hurrying through the entrance then up the few stairs and into the mall. Using a side door and run into a street so he wouldn't find her.

Seeing this out of the way boutique and step inside and walk to the back of the store. Seeing a chair Diandra sit down breathlessly, glad to rest her feet and for the relief from the back pain. 'Please Lord, don't let him find me.'

Easing the chair between the lain with the dresses. Getting a few minutes to enjoy the cool breeze under the air condition. Trying to think of a way not to be seen, Diandra, knew she has to get a dress, and leave quickly.'

When the footstep approaches her, she opens her eyes seeing it was a clerk, standing up, "I am sorry but my feet was paining and I took a seat."

"It is all right Madam, do you need any assistance?"

"Yes please, it has this function I am invited to and I need an outfit."

"Any particular choice of dress you have in mind?"

"I was thinking a whole dress with a jacket, it must be right under the knee."