

Moving aside the bucket and mop he was cleaning the blood stain with. Feeling the phone in his pocket vibrates, also hearing the gate bell ringing

Taking the phone out to answer as he walks to the window thinking it was the doctor. Speaking to Melissa as he hurried out of the room and down the stairs.

"Hello Melissa, thank you for recognizing her voice, yes she has damaged her foot, will you please cancel the reservation, and get them to deliver two dinners, the cake, and ice cream.

Hearing her concern, "Melissa, remind me to give you that pay raise." Switching off the phone Alex had already reached the door.

When Diandra's friend said, "Where is Diandra, she said I could come any evening?"

"Follow me please," leading the way up the stairs, as we enter the room noticing her on the bed, he asks, "What happens to her?"

Alex notices as he went and kneel near the bed, "Dee, what have you done, Dee please open your eyes?"

When he looks at him asking, "Have she fainted, oh my goodness why are you just standing there she should be in the hospital."

When the doorbell ring saying, "My doctor is here," calling out to him, to come right up.

When Dr. Ferguson see Diandra's foot he said, "One of you will have to hold down her foot and the other will rests their body across her chest, this is going to be painful."

Alex asks, "Can't you give her something to ease the pain or numb the foot?"

"Will you do as I say, this will only take a minute?" Alex sat on the bed as Ken's back was facing his back.

"Are you ready?" The doctor asks, as he pulls out the shoes and the steel came out. Diandra squeals out.

With Alex's upper part of his body over her chest, he silences her squealing with his kiss, then saying to her.

"You are going to be alright," but her groaning became louder. Ken turns around hearing him saying "Sh...Sh... Sh..."

Seeing how he was stroking her, but he was crying. Returning his attention when the doctor said, "To lift her foot a bit and keep the pressure on it, so the foot won't bleed so much."

Hearing what Dr. Ferguson said Alex came seeing she had fainted again and ask Ken to go and rest his hand.

When the clock bangs seven, Alex remembers that her friends will call for seven, saying to Ken in just a whisper.

"Ken, go to my study and get Diandra phone, her friends will call in a while, and please don't let them know she is hurt."

Then Alex focus on what the doctor was doing, trying to get the flakes from the steel out of her foot with the long instrument.

As the blood was gushing out, Alex turns his head unable to continue watching.

When he did look seeing the number of pieces of flakes that was on the pan. Hearing the doctor saying, "I believe that is the last of it, but I will like to take an x-ray to be certain that all is out.

Alex, you could bring her in tomorrow or Friday to my office and I will also know what damage she has done to her instep.

When Ken returns to the room Alex asks, "Did her friends called?"

"Not as yet."

"Did Diandra called you?"

"No Diandra don't call us, we do the calling."

"But she called my office."

"If the numbers are not too complicated she can make the call."

Alex shows Ken his call card that he found in her hand when he finds her. These numbers don't look too confusing."

"Then that means she could read and figure out certain numbers?" Alex respond to his remark.

"I should hope so, because then, all Sam's effort would be wasted."

Ken notices he sigh as he passes his hand over his head. 'He seems pretty concerned, and why did Diandra never speak about him before?

When did he and she meet? Does he know that she has been married?'

Ken notices how he try cleaning the blood that spills while the doctor was attending to her foot, then he discard the sneakers the doctor drop on the floor.

Alex looks at her seeing she was still unconscious, as he recalled when he met her earlier, as memories flashes back to when he had invited her for dinner.

She was so happy, and I was so looking forward to spending the evening with her.

Now the few days that are left will just fly by so quickly,, and she will return to her cottage.'

Feeling this heaviness and pain that has consume his heart, he felt so helpless. Turning aside so none will see the tears as he look out the window taking some deep breath.

When he turn asking, "Was it important for your meeting this evening?"

Ken notices his concern realizing, 'He doesn't seem to know much about her, but he knows about her illiteracy, so that mean her work in the radio station is unknown to him.'

"I just came to visit and bring some doughnuts, she like those especially, if it have chocolate icing."

"Okay Alex, I don't want her eating to many sweets, so try and keep that doughnut out of her reach," Dr. Ferguson respond.

Hearing Ken laugh, "You are right doctor when we buy doughnuts, she eat about six then stop.

When Ken looks at Alex he was staring at the blood that was seeping through the bandage.

His mouth was open, noticing when the doctor turn to him saying, "Here is her prescription, and this is the Anti-Biotic, so please ensure that she use it, and don't give her anything with milk while she continues to use it.

And this is some pain killers for when she revive. Alex are you listening to me?"

Ken see when he shakes his head, "You was saying something Dr. Ferguson?"

"Yes Alex, this prescription is for you to buy for her as soon as possible, she has lost a lot of blood, and this tonic will help build her up quickly."

"Thanks Dr. Ferguson, I will see to it early in the morning, but will she be alright look how her foot is still bleeding so heavily?"