

While eating his breakfast Alex keep observing her hair how lovely it looks with the ribbon band around the plat.

She had clips, to pins the little flowers on the ribbon, it look so beautiful and was neatly in place.

That must have taken her a lot of time.' Recalling when mom used to comb her hair, it was just a few inches above her ankle.

Alex recalled how he hated her hair so much, because he never saw the beauty in it then. 'I thought it used up so much of mom time.'

Observing it more closely now, 'It seems as though she has shortened it quite a bit.

It looks so lovely how she decorated it with the beautiful clips and the roses to keep the ribbon firmly in place, and its length now seem more manageable.'

Admiring her as she busy herself with her work in the kitchen, but she continue glimpsing at the clock.

When the phone did rings she rushes to answer it, listening as she speaks to a Ken and about a Sam.

'Last night she was not revealing the name of the individuals, but now she seems to forget I am here, or is it she doesn't care if I hear or not?'

Recalling how the young man was gloating over her when he drops her from church, 'If I ask any question, she might say to mind my own business.'

Leaving her with her phone call and went to complete the last two walls. Taking about three hours, feeling the sun on his back, but he wanted to complete the last piece.

Tired and thirsty, Alex enter the kitchen as the aroma of whatever she was cooking blast his nostril, causing him to feel hungry immediately.

Checking the refrigerator to see what it has to drink, taking a child pack juice, seeing just two more.

Being tempted to take a peek to see what she was cooking, smelling the chicken piqued his interest that he could not contain himself any longer.

Opening the oven seeing she has a macaroni pie and chicken baking, closing the oven then remove the covers from the dish on top the cupboard.

Seeing it had fried rice and chunky veg which was smelling fantastic. Inhaling the aroma, thinking 'My God, she can cook.'

Feeling so happy, wondering, 'If she went and take a cooking course?'

But then he thought to himself, 'You must know how to read to take a course. Boy, this is confusing, and how am I going to understand something that has no logic.'

Smelling the sweet fragrance, Alex turns around, unable to believe his eyes. Diandra was standing with her back facing him.

She had washed her hair and comb it through, 'Oh my goodness, only about an inch again and it will drag on the floor.

Seeing how she had tied it up I thought she must have cut it, but why is it I really never saw the beauty in it until today.

Looking at it closely now without the glare from outside, it looks jet black almost like velvet how shiny it was.'

Closing his eyes as this burning desire itches his fingers just to reach out and touch it.

Talking to himself, 'What is wrong with you Alex, If you do that the little inroad you have gotten, will be over before you get the chance to make things right.'

Now understanding why she doubles it up, 'If anyone sees her, they might think a character from a fairy tales book has escaped out of the book. No wonder mom used to call her, her beautiful princess.'

Alex thought at that moment, 'Carrying around all that amount of hair must be very tiring, but she makes it feel so normal.'

Walking out through the kitchen door whispering a prayer, "Lord, I want the chance and the opportunity to be a part of her life once again.

Lord, I promise I will not hurt her neither feel embarrassed though matter what people may say."

When it was one-o-clock Alex went up to the guestroom, taking a bath, and change. He then remove the bed linen, the blanket, and pillowcase.

Walking down the stairs with his bag on his shoulder, and the few pieces of dirty laundry to wash. Alex rests his bag on the couch then went to the laundry room.

Noticing her things was already wash and hanging. Putting his in the machine to wash and went to the kitchen.

There it had two plates covered and the remainder's were already in containers to take away.

And on top of the countertop was a box, and everything she had in her refrigerator was in it, also she had unplugged the refrigerator.

She had already washes all the utensils she used for preparing the meals, and turn them down to drain and was wiping the stove and countertops.

Turning around seeing him leaning on the door lentil looking at her. "I already dish out your food you must be hungry and tired."

"Will you sit with me for a while?"

Noticing she took an extra chair resting it behind the chair she was going to sit on. Next to her plate there was a small towel fold.

Before she sits down she holds all her hair, it was one big handful and rest it over the chair then she sit down. Wiping her hand with the towel which seems wet.

Alex know she was ignoring him, the way he was looking at her, but he could not help himself.

Watching as she remove the cover from her plate, then bless the food and begin eating.

Her plate had just a very small portion of rice, a nice size piece of pie and vegetables, about four shrimps, and a small piece of chicken, and on my plate, she had crown it with everything.

With her concentrating on her meal, Alex was curious to know how she learns to prepared all these dishes. Everything he tasted was delicious. "Diandra!"


"Did you take a cooking course?"

"No, a friend thought me a few years back."

"This is excellent."

"Thank you."

Alex was shocked she had taken a compliment, and she didn't turn it around as a weapon, everything he said since yesterday she twisted it.