

Seeing Alex holding the two glasses of ice-cream in his hand, and looking at us with a beautiful smile.

Diandra thank God for the rest, she was feeling so tired and drain with what had happened.

Stretching she then turn on her side to sit up. "So, why is Champ being a bad boy for his Papa?"

"Mummy, Champ is a good boy."

"Okay, my handsome boy, mummy is very sorry, will you forgive your mummy, Champ is a very good boy?"


"Now is my son hungry?"

Seeing him raise the vest and pat his tummy, "Mummy, belly full."

"I can see that tummy is very big." Tickling him he rolls and laugh.

Diandra seeing the two glasses off ice cream in his hand melting, as he looks at us playing on the bed.

His smiles were breathtaking, "Alex, does it have cone to go with that ice cream?"


"Then he won't eat it unless he gets cone or the container, but bring it to me I know what to do."

Taking the glass to her thinking she was going to feed him, but she puts it to her mouth and drink it down.

Alex looks at her, 'She has change so much in those last few months. She said she didn't like vanilla ice cream when she was here, now she drink out the whole glass. I have so much to learn, and I am sure this is a craving because of the pregnancy.

I heard the men saying when they ride with me while doing patrol, whose wife are pregnant that the woman has such crazy craving. They want to eat the weirdest things.

I am sure this is one of Diandra craving. When she said, "What are you doing with that glass?"

"It's mine and you know I love vanilla ice cream?"

"Yes, I know, but you cannot eat that."

"Hello, I am sorry but you are not getting it, you already drink one."

"We shall see, now have you taken your medication I got for you?"

"Yes, I did and thank you very much."

"You are welcome and now I rest my case, so give me the glass."

"No way."

"Alex, stop wasting time, the ice cream is melting."

"Sorry, I have a craving for it just like you."

Unable to believe his ears the way she was laughing, but then she said, "It will be mine because I hope you remember, when you using anti biotic you cannot use any milk."

Seeing the wicked smile, 'How could I forget that, when I was the one who was constantly reminding her when she hurt her foot.'

"Okay, so you win, here dispose of it now. As you can see it has melted and it not to my liking any longer. But you still have to pay for it."

"Not a problem I will when I get up and get my bag."

"Ah, but this service cannot be paid with cash."

"Is that so, then I believe you are talking about kind, well whatever, to pay I will have to?"

Seeing she put the glass in her mouth and drink it down. "Okay, name your price," she muttered.

"How about a kiss that should compensate for the excellent service, and it might get rid of this horny feeling?"

"Sounds wonderful, but we have one problem."

"And what problem is that?" He ask as he sit on the bed next to her.

"Have you forgotten you just give me the ice cream and that is loaded with milk, but I could give you a hug for allowing me to take a rest, and I could owe you for the ice cream."

"You sure is a business woman, you can negotiate very well, so I agree."

"Thanks, and I know, many of my beautiful dresses I got, it for half price." Kissing her lips then he lie next to her, when she cuddles up to him.

Reaching across his hand then he hug her. Whispering in her ear, "This feel good, I have been missing this so much."

When Joash tiny hand hit him it was burning, "Papa, my mummy." When he push Alex, Diandra just laugh as Alex had to make room for him to get in between us.

"Yes, son this is your mummy." Hugging the two of them now.

When he said, "Mummy, Papa bad."

"No, my son, your Papa love your mummy just like how you love your mummy."

Alex, loves the camaraderie as they cuddle up in his arm.

"Now my beautiful wife, tell me how long you started to eat vanilla ice cream?"

Diandra, just rest her head on his shoulders, when she responds to his question. "The craving for vanilla ice cream only started a few months now."

"Sweetheart, are you giving me a daughter?"

"Does it matter?"

"I supposed not, but every time I see you, you seem to be glowing more and more."

"Then I must thank you for the complement."

"I should say so, but have you seen the nursery, I prepared for the little one on the way?"

"Not yet, but I am sure it is magnificent, because you have fixed this room beautiful for Champ. Oh, and can you do me one small favor?"

"What's that?"

"In the bathroom door I need a latch a bit high, so he will not go to the bathroom unsupervised."

"I will handle that myself."

"Thank you," Holding her hand Alex leads her to the nursery. Diandra seeing mostly everything pink.

"Alex, you seem pretty sure it's a girl I am having. But just supposed it's a boy what will you do?"

Seeing him pull a curtain and switch the light on and the color in the room just flip and it was almost blue.

"Wow, where did you come up with an idea like that?"

"I have to be ready and think quick, as you know my wife can match colors and is no longer illiterate, and nothing miss those beautiful blue eyes of hers.

So, when I explain to the designer what my concerns where. She said she could fix that confusion in my mind, as you can see it's fixed."

Hi guys, I am sorry but I am edditing Saving The Family Name at this ime.

It is one of my book so I want to comple it. Also I have My Proposal and Dawson Heir. If you havent read any of these feel free to read it and leave a comment.

The Beautiful Story Teller is almost to the end. So I am working on all the books before I start on any others.

Thank you for understanding. Blessing and peace, please be safe. Bye.

Iza_Thompsoncreators' thoughts