

Alex, "I see you have it fix according to what you want, but you know Sam wants a girl so how am I going to fix that for him? Will I have to make a twin for the both of you to be happy?"

Seeing his wicked smile, when he said, "Aye, there is no problem, I could wait a few years to get some sons."

"Sons, what do I look like, a machine?"

His laughing was so jolly, Diandra knew he was happy, when he said, "Will you just relax, we will take it one day at a time, all I want is for you to be happy."

"I should hope so."

"Okay, all I want is a son and a daughter, she must have long beautiful blond hair, so I won't mix her up with you, and she must be as beautiful as you."

"That sound more like it, for a moment you had me worried."

"Honey, I don't want you to ever worry that pretty head of yours, because I am not. You see the angel told me what my heart desires, I will get it, so I want you to look at this?"

Seeing him switch another light and two bulbs came on, a blue and pink and the room was multi color.

"Oh Alex this is truly amazing, I love it, in-fact it should remain this way all the time."

"Then your wish is granted, if you like this color then so be it. Honey, it have one last thing, I have set up a camera and a baby monitor."

Alex observed she was quiet, "Diandra, honey what is the matter? I thought you would be happy?" Alex, seeing the tears when she said, "This is perfect, all we have to do is put a camera in Sam room."

"Okay but it will have to be a special surprise until the baby comes."

When Diandra hugs him whispering, "Thank you so much, this is the best gift he will get beside the baby."

"You are welcome, now it is late so let us fix dinner, then try and get some rest. Your face still looks as though you need some more rest."

"You are right."

Returning once more to Champ room. Taking the towel, Diandra went and give Champ his bath. Then dress him in his PJ.

Alex notices when he passes his hand over the PJ and said, "Mummy pretty."

"Yes, it is Champ, now you will stay with your Papa while mummy take her bath." Expecting him to make a fuss but he just settle down with Alex on the bed.

Walking to the window thinking, 'The day was long and very cumbersome.' As she put the AC on her eyes glance towards the roadway.

Seeing two men sitting on the pavement opposite the house, wondering, 'If the Sergeant had sent men to keep their eyes on Alex?

When they saw her looking at them, they turn their head away. Thinking to herself, 'If they were sent to protect Alex, then they would have waved to me, but they hid their faces.

That mean they are scooping out the premises. I must call the Sergeant to make sure. Shifting aside and peep at them from behind the curtain seeing that they were looking at the house once more.

Calling out to Alex, "Alex, I am going downstairs for a few minutes." Grabbing her bag Diandra then hurried downstairs and into the room Alex prepared for Sam.

Locking the door then get the card, the Sergeant give her and calls him. Informing him what she had observed, only to hear that, "He hasn't sent any one to watch the house."

When he ask, "What color vehicle they had?"

"Sergeant Gomez, from what I notice, they are on foot scooping out the house, and there isn't any vehicle park at the front."

Listening to him then said, "Look Sergeant, Alex has no idea that the house is being watched, but I am not taking any chances."

Hearing him saying, "Anything new crop up to call him immediately."

"Thanks, I will keep you inform."

Returning to the room Diandra whispers. "My suspicion is right and this is worse that I had anticipated. They are watching his every movement."

Alex is the target and now they know where he is living." Diandra return to the room hearing Alex and Champ in the room.

Taking her bath then went to Champ room. Hearing him squealing, "Okay, that's enough noise, let us go for your tea, are you coming Alex?"

Entering the kitchen seeing the boxes and groceries bags, "Alex did you make groceries?"

"I call Melissa and she did the groceries, but if there's anything missing and you need just make a list and I will get her to pick it up for you."

Busying herself washing the few dishes while the water hot in the kettle. "Alex, will you like a sandwich or the soup?"

Seeing she was fixing the child tea, he said. "You attend to him, and I will warm up the soup for myself."

When she finish feeding him his tea, Alex notices him yawning, when Diandra said, "Come on son, let Mummy tuck you in bed."

When he holds Alex hand, Alex kiss him then said, "Good night Son."

"Night Papa."

Going to his room, Diandra lie down with him as he say his prayer, when he falls asleep, she dims the light and leaves the door half open.

Knowing the place is strange to him and if he wakes up during the night he might become afraid and cry.

Taking a peep out the window before returning downstairs. Seeing the two men still sitting on the pavement.

Dimming the light in Alex room thinking as she walk down the stairs. 'These men are serious about getting Alex, I must strategize a plan.

He really thinks by hiding the truth from me, he is protecting us, but this is very serious. These men are not giving up neither joking.

And from what the Sergeant told me earlier today, this is the fourth attempt on his life, well I think so any how. I will have to listen to the recorder to make sure.'

Going to fix her dinner when Alex call out saying. "Honey, I already warm your milk and have it here."

Sitting next to him, Diandra touch his hand lightly. "How are you feeling now?"

"It is paining slightly, but I am fine."

"Alex, tell me what happen today?"

Stroking her face with his thumb, "Let us just relax and not talk about that incident for now. I still have a slight headache."

Kissing him, knowing he has no intention of revealing any information to her.

"I am so happy you are not badly hurt, I was so scared when I try calling you and wasn't getting any answer."

"You are here now so there is no need to worry any longer." Diandra thought, 'If only he knew that the house is being watched, then he will get on high alert.'

"You are right, I am so relieved and thankful that my dream didn't come true."

"How do you mean?"

"I dream you got shot and die, that is what brought me up here. I was so scared, especially when you weren't picking up."