

I looked at the young man with sharp features that can make your knees week, with a sharp jaw, perfect arched brows, dark hair, green eyes, tanned skin and heavenly build body. He tightly held my waist looking directly into my eyes.

I subconsciously watch this man who made me to avoid a huge humiliation in the school hallways on the first day. I could not help but be grateful towards him.

"Excuse me I was not looking" I excused myself looking down avoiding the curios gaze of passerby.

"No you don't need to it is also my fault" He said in a soft voice

I look at him in awe not only was he handsome but was also polite I thought he would snap at me for bumping into him or just ignore me like others did.

"Humm please c-can you" I tried to explain looking at his large hands still holding my waist.

His gaze followed mine and in a split of second his gaze darkened and his grip on my waist tighten holding it in a bruising grip.

"Ahhh" I hissed in pain

My sudden cry seemed to have pulled him out of any trance he was and he quickly released my waist followed by a long sight.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking a bit worried

"Y-yes!" I answered

"My name is Chase Sullivan. I am new student" He presented himself

"Will you mind to accompany me to the secretariat to get my personal time table " He added

"Ahh um I...." I tried to refuse but did not know how to reject him without being rude.

"That's my girl" He said gently stroking my hair flashing me a million dollar worthy smile before taking my hands in his dragging me towards the secretariat. I never said yes!! What in the world is happening he did not even let me utter a single word.

The secretary is a woman of middle age with light gray hairs and black hairs and gently colored green covered by bubble glass eyes with wrinkles and light pimples spread all over her face

"Good morning" She greeted with a smile.

"How may I help you" She inquired

"I will like to have my personal time table" Chase said with his usual cheerful tone.

"Your name please" She asked typing on her computer in the speed of light.

"Chase Sullivan"

"Well is your schedule and other information you will surely need."

"Thank you Mrs...." He trailed on

"Paisley, And you how may I help you?" She asked looking at me

"No, it will not be needed" I answered with an awkward smile. Unfortunately for me I am not a social person and I always feel nervous around strangers.

Chase took hold of my hands dragging me towards the school entrance with his signature sweet smile. I was trailing behind him trying to match up his pace with these short legs of mine God I am only 5'4 while my father and brother are around 6'4

Chase himself was quite tall I think he has the same height as my brother. I was pulled out of my dream land by his overall sweet voice.

"Good bye Mikah, I will see you during lunch" He said giving me a kiss on my cheek.

*I never told him my name*

Before I could even react he was already gone. He brought me right in front of my locker and that invited certain questions like how did he know where my locker was found isn't he a new student?

Before I could think further, The bell rings indicating that it was time to go to class. I took out my text book, a book and a pen, pencil eraser and a sharpener. I put my bag in my locker an I walk towards my first class which is Math in the hall number 3. I was not really interested in this subject but I had to work hard in other to maintain good results.

As I stepped into the classroom my nerves began to kick in. My eyes went towards a seat near the window there was a a guy near the seat i used to like, Surely I did know how to interact with my pears so I discreetly made my way to my seat.

The guy had short black hair with purple edges, He wore a black hoody and had Airpods in his ear.

I put my textbook and book on my table he was aware of my presence as he looked at me.

"Hi" He said

"Hey" I answered looking down

"What is your name?" He asked looking at me with those beautiful purple eyes

"Huh....., Your eyes" I implied pointing at my own eyes.

"I was born with them" He answered with a grin

Waoh!! I lean more towards him looking keenly at his eyes after a moment he suddenly burst out laughing holding his stomach. Did I say something funny? It took him some time to finally calm down

"These are contact lenses" He explained

"Do you really believe there are people with purple eyes.... You are so gullible" He mocked

"By the way you never answered my questions"