


Fuck I whispered as she walk past me. She looked so adorable with red tainted cheeks, I stood there looking at he hips swaying in that so called skirt of hers as she went towards her first class. I was so drawn into her beauty that I actually forgot that I also needed to head towards my class as well.

"Hello students, Please welcome our new student Chase Sullivan." Mrs. Thombson introduce me to the rest of the class.

"Students, He has recently moved here and from his previous record he is surely one of he best student I ever had. So, Please welcome him." She said in a very cheerful voice.

"You may take a seat near Mr. Smithson, Will you please raise your hand" She yelled out to the class.

A boy sitting at the end of the class suddenly raised his hands. Most of the guys just glared or rolled their eyes and the girls giggled and whispered.

"Came and see me during lunch" A fake blond bitch slutered twisting a strand of her hair in her hands while licking her lips coated with an ugly shade of red.

"BITCH!!" Someone yelled from behind

"Shut-up Kyle, Go fuck yourself with your 5 inch dick" She retorted and the class roared into laughter.

I just ignored them and sat down while Smithson just rolled his eyes his distain for me was very obvious but I could care less.


I stared blankly at the teacher as he explain he explained how to solve a simple quadratic equation on the board. He was an obviously perverted teacher who fuck one of his students. It was evident the way he looked at that blonde girl sitting in front, How he licked his lips whenever she pushed her boobs forward, Anyway that does not concern but the girl seems familiar for what ever reason.

"And for your assignment don't forget to solve questions on page 95" The math teacher said before the bell rang.

The students packed their belongings and went out without hiding their grunt of annoyance as they were giving an assignment on the very first day of school

"Mr. Sullivan its already lunch time the bell went off 5 minutes ago" The math teacher asked after minutes of silent.

"I know" I simply stated.

He did not insist further or it may seem suspicious.

The blond girl was solving some equations. Taking extra classes is surely their main excuse to hookup during school time.

Another 5 minutes went by...

I packed my books and made way to the door on the curios gaze of the teacher and the blond girl.

As soon as I was out I lean onto the door and


I start recording, They were sucking each other faces as if their lives depended on it. That makes me think of her. I think its enough after all my princess must be lonely.


I finally found her, My beautiful princess was sitting on the roof top, Her smooth silky hairs were coming on her face from her loose braid, Her lips making an annoyed pout which makes her look so cute, I want to kiss the put away, I want to capture those lips with mine. I want to taste them. Her big beautiful honey brown eyes, rose pink cheeks and red plump luscious lips.

"Hello Micah" I cheered waving in her direction.

She look up at me and I gasped holding my chest my heart hammering as her honey brown eyes look from her book into mine. She is so beautiful, I could barely contain my joy.

"Heh! Chase what are you doing here?" She asked in her sweet honey coated voice.

"Well, I was just walking around and happen to see you, Will you mind if I sit near you?"

"O...Of course no , You can sit here" She said patting a seat near her.

Normally I don't like to sit on the floor but I can make an exception for my baby girl.

"I have some fruits with me take some" I said gesturing towards my well prepared healthy fruit snacks.

"Open" I said bringing a strawberry near her lips.

Like an obedient slave she slightly opened her lips. I pushed half of the strawberry inside lust shook my inside when she innocently bite into the red strawberry. I watch heatedly as she chewed on it. The juices dripped and coated her lips as her teeth crushed into the soft flesh of strawberry. My Adam apple bobbed up and down, A new torrent of desire surged through my body.

Without thinking I presses my lips against hers, Closing my eyes and enjoying it. She started to hit me with her little hands. I hold them in mine and kiss her hard.

Her lips are perfected I just one to swallow her whole. I pressed her against the hard cemented floor trying to explore her mouth but she did not let me in so I gave a tight squeeze to her full breasts and she gasped in pain. I took my chance and explore every corner of her delicious mouth. I felt her getting out of breath so I pulled away and went down to her neck. I pecked open mouth kisses on her neck living behind a trail of saliva.

She was breathing heavily. It turn me on, fuck my pants grew uncomfortable my cock pulsating leaking with pre-cum. I could not hold it any more. Lifting her skirt, I started grinding on her crotch covered by her silky panty. I lost myself into this intense pleasure ready to cum when I felt a hard thug on my shoulder making me to fall backward and she took this opportunity to run.

Just then did I realize the stupidity of my actions. I held my head in despair


She will forgive me right? No she must forgive me after all she is my little bunny.