


"Oh Jesus" I moaned as I tried to sink further in my bed trying to find a more comfortable position.


"hmmm" I frowned waving my hands back and forth trying to grape my alarm which is suppose to be on my bedside table but weirdly I fell nothing.


"Ahhhh" I groaned in anger throwing my blanket away only to see my step mom Isabella smiling while leaning holding my alarm on my door step.

"Good morning sleepyhead" She greeted with a bright smile

"Good morning mom" I said while stretching myself

'You better prepare yourself it's already 8:45" She voice walking towards my bed

"WHAT?!!" I nearly screamed running towards the bathroom.

"Jesus if I did not came I wander when you would have gotten up" I heart her comment from the bathroom.

I hastily brushed my teeth, took a bath and tried to do my hairs.

My name is Mikah Rayce and I am 15 years old. I have long wavy brown hairs reaching my waists and brown eyes I am just a simple girl in contrast to my mom who has straight shoulder length blond hairs and sparkling baby blue eyes.

I wore a black croc-top and a blue knife pleated skirt reaching my mid thigh. Because of the cold weather, I paired it with an over knee black sock and a pair of white sneakers.

I tied my hairs in a high pony tail. I don't wear make up because of my allergies to some cosmetic thus I just apply lip gloss. I took my white blazer with blue lace and went out my room closing the door behind.

Descending the stairs were photo frames hanging here and there I touched some recalling our happy moments. The living room was decorated with lively colors and next to it was the dinning room.

"Good morning" I cheered happily

My dad was sitting in the dinning room happily drinking his morning coffee and reading news I think he is the last person who reads news on paper nowadays while my brother was engrossed on his phone

My dad Nathaneil is 48 years with brown hairs and blue eyes he looked quite young and well conserve for his age and my brother Jhonathan is 25 years and has the exact features as my dad.

My step sister Kayla is 18 years. Kayla resembles her mother apart from her long hairs reaching her waists. She looked very beautiful with her pink one shoulder dress displaying her long legs and black stilettos with matching pair of jewels.

I took place near my brother meanwhile mom brought us a plate of pate of pancakes to which I happily chirped in and drank my cup of milk.

Kayla was busily eating an apple when mom asked

"Kayla sweetheart why don't you try to eat more"

"Mom I don't want to became fat" She said looking at me.

I lowered my head and push the plate aside as Kayla exited the room. Waving a goodbye to everyone which was followed by a good luck, I followed Kayla to her car since I am yet to drive.

I hooped in front making myself comfortable, I took out my phone and my Airpods playing a relaxing music.

We are schooling in a prestigious school were students are usually rich kids or children of political figures. Only the school fees are equivalent to a normal person's salary for a year.

Dad is a CEO and mom is an A-rated actress so our family is basically well off.

I was lost in my though and did not even realize we already pulled in the school parking lot until Kayla suddenly jerk me on.

I carefully exited the car and Kayla immediately went towards her group of friends.

"Ahh" I sighted how I envy her. She is popular, beautiful and has countless friends while I am just a looser and a loner with no friends at all.

But I am optimist this is a new year and I want to at least make a friend or maybe even two if I am lucky.

Shaking off all negative thought away, I walk towards the school entrance with confidence radiating out of me until I bump into something as hard as rock.