
The Backrooms Keeper

Follows the journey of Liam, a young man who, after enduring a lifetime of loneliness and torment, discovers he possesses extraordinary powers granting him control over the backrooms, how will he use this newfound power. nothing except the MC and some random side characters are mine Dont expect consistent chapters this is just for fun, so if you have ideas just put them in comments and we shall see how it goes ps don’t waste power stones on this, use them on other novels that are updated regularly that you enjoy. I’m not here for the stones

Tiamat372 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 6: The Calm Before the Storm

Brad and his friends were buzzing with excitement as they prepared for their camping trip. They were heading to a secluded campground on Tyler's parents' farm, a perfect spot for a week of drinking, partying, and forgetting about school. It was a tradition they looked forward to every summer, and this year was no different.

"Got everything packed?" Brad asked as he tossed a bag into the trunk of Tyler's SUV.

"Yeah, man," Jason replied, hauling a cooler filled with drinks. "This is gonna be epic."

Emily and a few other cheerleaders joined the group, adding their own supplies to the pile. The mood was light, filled with laughter and anticipation for the fun ahead.

Meanwhile, across town, Liam was preparing for a different kind of week. He had learned through overheard conversations at school that his tormentors were planning this trip. It was the perfect opportunity to test his newfound powers and exact a bit of revenge.

In the darkened warehouse, Liam stood surrounded by the shadows that now felt like an extension of himself. He could feel the energy of the backrooms pulsing through him, growing stronger with each use. He knew he had to be strategic, to plan his moves carefully to ensure maximum impact.

It's time to make them pay. But I need to be smart about it.

Liam spent the next few hours summoning and refining his creatures. He started with smaller, seemingly innocuous entities that could blend into the background of everyday life. These creatures would serve as his eyes and ears, gathering information and keeping tabs on his tormentors without drawing too much attention.

"Go," Liam commanded, his voice steady. "Follow them, observe them, and report back to me."

The small creatures, resembling dark, shadowy animals with gleaming eyes, scattered into the night, ready to carry out his orders. Liam watched them disappear, a sense of satisfaction growing within him.

This is just the beginning. Now for the more... impactful part.

Next, Liam focused on summoning the more terrifying entities. He called forth shadowy figures with glowing red eyes, twisted limbs, and razor-sharp claws. These creatures were designed to instill fear, to create a sense of unease that would build over time.

"You will wait," Liam instructed the more horrifying creatures. "When the time is right, you will make yourselves known."

The creatures nodded, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. Liam felt a thrill of power as he watched them fade into the shadows, ready to do his bidding.

They won't know what hit them.

Over the next few days, Liam kept a close watch on his tormentors through the eyes of his creatures. He saw them going about their daily routines, unaware of the dark presence that lurked just out of sight.

Brad, Jason, Tyler, and the others continued to prepare for their camping trip, their excitement growing with each passing day. Liam's small creatures moved stealthily, gathering information and reporting back to him.

They're completely oblivious. Perfect.

As the day of the trip approached, Liam began to set his plan into motion. He directed the small creatures to create subtle disturbances around his tormentors—misplaced items, strange noises, fleeting shadows. The goal was to sow seeds of doubt and fear, to make them feel uneasy without fully understanding why.

One evening, as Brad was getting ready for bed, he heard a faint scratching at his window. He glanced over, but saw nothing. With a shrug, he dismissed it as a tree branch in the wind.

Just my imagination, Brad thought, though the doubt lingered.

In another part of town, Emily was in her room, brushing her hair in front of the mirror. She thought she saw a shadow move behind her, but when she turned around, there was nothing there.

I'm just being paranoid, Emily told herself, but a shiver ran down her spine.

Liam watched these moments unfold through the eyes of his creatures, a dark smile playing at the corners of his mouth. The fear was starting to take hold, just as he had planned.

This is only the beginning.

As the day of the camping trip dawned, Liam felt a surge of anticipation. He knew that his tormentors were already on edge, their confidence shaken by the subtle disturbances he had orchestrated.

It's time to escalate.

He summoned the more horrifying creatures, directing them to take up positions near Tyler's farm. They would remain hidden for now, waiting for the right moment to reveal themselves.

Soon, they'll see what true fear is.

As Brad and his friends loaded up the SUV and headed for the campground, Liam's creatures followed at a distance, keeping a careful watch. The small creatures continued their surveillance, while the more terrifying ones stayed hidden, ready to strike when the time was right.

Liam felt a sense of grim satisfaction as he watched the convoy disappear down the road. Everything was in place. The week would be a turning point, a time to embrace the darkness within him and wield it as a weapon against those who had wronged him.

As Brad and his friends arrived at the campground, they were in high spirits. The cabin in the woods was rustic but comfortable, with enough space for everyone. They unpacked quickly, eager to start the week.

"This place is perfect," Emily said, looking around. "I can't wait to get the fire going."

"Yeah, let's get started," Brad agreed, grabbing some firewood. "This is gonna be the best week ever."

As they settled in, laughing and talking, none of them noticed the shadows lurking just beyond the tree line. The creatures Liam had summoned moved silently, their eyes fixed on the group.

Liam watched through the portals, a dark smile playing at the corners of his mouth. He could feel the anticipation building, the excitement of what was to come.

It's time to begin.

For the first few days of the camping trip, Liam directed his smaller creatures to continue their surveillance, ensuring that his tormentors remained unaware of the true danger that surrounded them. He wanted them to feel comfortable, to let their guard down before he escalated his plan.

Brad and his friends enjoyed their time in the woods, hiking, swimming, and sitting around the campfire. They laughed and joked, the tension of the school year melting away in the summer sun.

But as the days passed, the subtle disturbances continued. Items went missing, only to be found in odd places. Strange noises echoed through the woods at night, and shadows seemed to move of their own accord.

"Damn, it's getting creepy out here," Jason said one evening, trying to keep his voice light. "Anyone else feel like we're in a horror movie?"

"Don't be a wimp," Brad scoffed. "It's just the woods. Nothing out here but us."

But even Brad couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The shadows seemed darker, the woods more menacing than he remembered. He glanced around, trying to spot anything out of place.

Just my imagination, he told himself, though the doubt lingered.

Liam watched these moments unfold, his anticipation growing with each passing day. He knew that his tormentors were already on edge, their confidence shaken by the subtle disturbances he had orchestrated.

This is only the beginning. They have no idea what's coming next.

As the week progressed, Liam's more terrifying creatures moved closer, still hidden but ready to strike at his command. The stage was set, and the moment of reckoning was fast approaching.

Liam felt a sense of grim satisfaction as he watched the group through the eyes of his creatures. Everything was in place. The week would be a turning point, a time to embrace the darkness within him and wield it as a weapon against those who had wronged him.

This is my revenge. And it's only just begun.