
The Astral Genius Technocrat Shall Rule the World

"The World's Greatest Mind shall the rule the world..." Following the downfall of a prominent company that developed AEGIS, Rusthania is now back to its former state. Artificial Intelligence which has a record of harming humanity was thrown into oblivion, erasing the traces of what seemed to be a collective memory full of dread. Aiden Agneia, son of the Former Anti-AEGIS leader, is a child prodigy who excels in Engineering, Computer Science, and Chemistry. Born in an environment without the usual spark of early modern technology, he aims to bring forth a new generation of system and AIs that utilizes Astral Magic to help the country and improve public service. But what if these AIs suddenly became sentient? What if they suddenly become alive and can act, feel, or talk like normal human beings? What if they opposed what they should follow? Will his technocratic mindset solves his country's conflict? Or will it become a curse to destroy their peaceful lives? This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, organizations, laws, etc. are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.

CyrixIsUplifted · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

An Open World Experience

I placed my hand on my chin, trying to examine Diana's new body as well as how they are constructed in real life. The illustration that I did is certainly different. It's no so much of the anime-style design, rather, it transformed into real-life design and now that I think about it, it is kinda weird if Diana's transformation is cartoony.

[What do you think, Love? Do I look good?] Diana moved around and spun as she checked her vessel.

"It's adequate. How do you feel?" I asked.

[While I'm not sure how human beings feel when they're alive, for me, it's refreshing and I feel like I'm free. I can move around and touch some things. I can also see the world around me.] She replied.

"It seems like the transfer was a success. This just confirms my theory that my Quasi-Astral State is more or less can create life through data and concentration."

I noted down the effect on a notepad and started adding some information regarding my condition. Although my Astral Art is different from Lynn, I still think this power can be used in some other circumstances that will be helpful in the future.

Elemental properties won't matter that much in a world that is peaceful like this. But that doesn't mean that peace will last. There will come a time when war, would yet again, incites modern conflicts, and if that happens, I need to be prepared for the worst.

But apart from that, I can use my Astral Arts to create AI that could help some people or use them for labor. For example, I can build an AI bot that could automatically repair any damage inside the building and people won't have to call for the maintenance units to fix it.

The only problem is that some people will lose their job because the labor would be taken by the AIs.

I need to have some kind of proposition so that they won't cancel me. Perhaps I can have them work in my factory instead? They'll do the vessel creation and help me code or do some beta testing of the system. I think it would be a nice replacement but I'm still worried.

Not all people are educated or knowledgeable about technology. There might be some of them who would be willing to study or train but most people work to get fast pay. This is why we have hard labor jobs like construction working where you just work for a few hours and you'll get decent enough pay to sustain your whole day.

My kind of work wouldn't be compatible with all people that would be affected by my AIs. That's why I'm thinking of just being a freelancer but I don't think technocrats do it like that.

Anyway, after noting down some information, I approached Diana and started recording the details.

"Stay still, Diana. I need to record the result of the transfer..." I instructed her.


I first started with her arms and legs. Since the vessel that I created is accurate, the illustration fitted with the construction.

Then, I grabbed Diana's arm and squeezed them but—

[Ahn~...] She twitched for a second after letting out a moan.

I narrowed my eyes. "Hey, what the hell are you doing? Why are you moaning like that?"

[S-Sorry, it's just that... I'm too sensitive about the touch...] Diana answered. I can see her face getting red as I continued squeezing her arms.

"Oh, is that so?"

What I noticed is that her flesh doesn't feel hard at all. It looks like a regular plumpy skinny arm.

The mannequin is made out of resin that is 3D-printed so I assumed it would be tough like a rock but no, it wasn't. It's like the resin dissolved and Diana feels like a normal human being.

Her head, arms, legs, back, etc. Each part of her body feels soft...

[Ugh... Ahn~ S-Stop squeezing it! Don't be too hard! Mnmm...] Her moaning annoys me.

"Endure it for a while, I need to record so that I know the details of your mechanics," I said while feeling her skin.

As for CPU components that I built inside the resin mannequin... Well, they're gone.

Yep. They're gone. I don't know how the hell that happened but it looks like the components fused with the body transfer and now I can't access it.

"Weird... Where is your port? How can I improve your system if I can't find your port..." I scratched my head as I ponder.

[Oh, do you mean the USB port you made?]

"Yes, that one..."

[Well, umm... I-If you want t-to see it... It's on the umm...] Diana's face turned red. She seems to be trying to tell me something but can't blurt it out.


[My port is in here...] That's when I realized it.

Diana bent over to the table and pointed her finger to her buttocks. She looked hot for a moment but I shook my head and heaved an exasperated sigh.


[I-It's embarrassing but if it is Master then I-I don't mind if you see it... Hee hee~] She chuckled and bit her lip.

"Hell no! Go do your own update from now on!" I turned around, flustered by her response.

[E-Eh?! Whyyyyy?!]

There's definitely something wrong with the vessel transfer. The USB port was supposed to be in her hips.

After recording all of the details, I started debugging the system and had Diana run around the room. She opened a few holographic screens and controlled my AEGIS and we started doing some tests including downloading, networking, installing, deleting, and all conveniences that a phone can do.

By the way, I borrowed this AEGIS from Mama. She said she doesn't use it anymore. It's actually one of the prototypes that she invented before the main version was released so it doesn't have that many features aside from standard phone complexities.

"Right, now try navigating my local disk D files..."


What we're doing right now is I'm trying to train Diana to divide her consciousness so that she can access any nearby devices through data and networking.

It's like her soul would possess other devices while still being able to control her vessel/body. In that way, she can multitask without acting unnatural.

[Found it, opening...]

Once she found the files, she opened the folders and went back.

"Great job! It looks like our networking feature works. You can also hack other phones, right?" I asked.

[Of course, I can. But wouldn't that be a crime? You're breaching someone's privacy if you hacked their phone.] Diana expressed her worries.

"Don't worry, I won't hack people's devices. I will only use it if I see someone suspicious or if there's any bad person out there who's trying to hide something. It would be an ace of a move to spare." I answered.

As I said that, I remembered something...

"Oh yeah, Diana..."


"Can you hold your hand like this?" I raised my arm and pointed my hand to the door with my palms facing up. Diana followed my move and did the same.

"Okay, I don't know if this will work but I wanna know if you can channel Astral Energy for yourself. I want you to try harnessing all of the natural energy in here and use my Quasi-Astral State core as a catalyst to conjure an elemental spell."

[Understood...] Diana then closed her eyes and focused on my instructions.

I have an inkling that if my core resides within Diana, I could probably channel enough Astral Energy by hooking or sucking the particles. If that happens, there would be sufficient energy to invoke a spell just like how my cute little sister do it.

As I waited, the room suddenly began freezing all of a sudden. "Huh?"

Diana opened her eyes and then—

A small white ball of energy floated in her palms as the temperature decreases. Particles started swarming her body and smokey mist covered the entire room in the process. Icy flares and a fractal of connected crystallines enveloped the energy.

"This is..." I felt chills. Diana was able to do it.

[I believe this is what you call Cryo Astral Magic, right?] She asked.

"Yeah. One of the rarest elements that has a branch of its own. An Ice Elemental property."

Ice is OP everywhere. Games, natural disasters, heck, a lot of people can be killed with ice. It's an OP element that can be used all around. And Diana is already a dangerous being... What more if she can wield Ice?

[Wow, I can feel myself getting strong...]

"Right, can you turn that off now? It's getting chilly here..." I sighed.

[Whoops!] Diana then made a fist and the ball of energy suddenly got depleted like a wick of flame dissipating into thin air.

"Everything seems to be fine including the system. There is a bit of unexpected result especially on the construction part but above all, it works well." I said as I noted down the result on the board and pinned it on the wall.

I visualized Diana as some sort of player being able to experience the real world. Kinda like an Open-World reality experience but the player is the AI and not the human.

"Since the general condition is fine, all that's left is..." Diana stared at me as she tilted her head.


"Diana, do you feel hunger or fatigue?" I asked. I just want to confirm something.

[I see what you're trying to ask. Since I'm an AI bot, I shouldn't feel any hunger or fatigue and I can be online for a long time unless you shut me down. But...] She moved closer to me.


[There's an exception for that...] Diana raised her arm and suddenly embraced me. Her face is now an inch closer to mine and our noses are about to touch.

"What do you mean?" My expression remained nonchalant, not trying to buy her at all.

[Since my power feeds directly to your own Astral Core, our bodies are linked in some way. For example, if you feel hungry then I would definitely feel hungry too. And if I'm thirty, I'm going to feel thirsty as well.] She explained, her lips about to touch mine.

I blocked her lips with my palm. "Nice try. So you're saying that my body condition is directly proportional to your body condition because we are connected with my Astral Energy, right?]

[P-Precisely... let me kiss you please!]

"No, get away from me..." I pushed Diana and started taking down notes once again.

[By the way, since I could feel hungry, I can also eat with this body. I've noticed that all of the mechanical components disappeared and I'm now biologically constructed as a human so expect that I can also do whatever you can do." She explained.

"So that's why it disappeared... Astral Arts are weird sometimes. But what would happen if you eat? Will it also alleviate my hunger?"

[Not exactly, it will just stabilize my own hunger but not yours since you're the source. If you feel sick, however, I would also get sick but not that much. Even if your body is exhausted, it doesn't mean that your Astral Core is going to get affected.]

"Ugh... There's too much possibility here..." I sighed again. I don't even know how much I've sighed today. It's kinda stressing me out. Is this a payback for being a genius? But I don't consider myself a genius though. Either way, just thinking about how much information I would need to memorize to fully understand her sentience is getting to me.

I sat down on the couch for a second when suddenly—

[Ngh! Caught you~!] Diana pounced on me, pulling my head and bringing it to her chest. She goes on top and pinned me to the couch with both of her thighs blocking my side.

"D-Diana! H-Hey!" I tried to pull myself but her mechanical grip was immensely strong. I can't breathe properly. I know that she is a bot but her freaking chest is so soft and kinda plumpy... Well, I mean. It was me who illustrated her so...

[Sorry, I just can't hold myself back any longer. I feel really happy right now because I can finally touch you whenever I want!] She squeezed me tighter, not letting me go.

"Mhfhh!' I tapped out multiple times and forced my head to get out of her grip. "Ha...! Ha...! Y-You..."

[You don't mind me doing this, right? As your lover, I have the right to do whatever I want to you... Do you understand?] Diana's tone shifted. It was seductive just then but now she's serious. I could literally see her white eyes glow, almost as if she was about to devour her prey.

"S-Stop it, Diana! We can't do this!"

[But why...]


"GAHHH!" I used every ounce of my strength but...

[Hee hee~ I told you I won't let you go... Now, let's do it!]


And so the night ended with me getting violated...

Hmm? What's that?

Oh no, nothing happened. I assure you I'm fine.