
The Astral Genius Technocrat Shall Rule the World

"The World's Greatest Mind shall the rule the world..." Following the downfall of a prominent company that developed AEGIS, Rusthania is now back to its former state. Artificial Intelligence which has a record of harming humanity was thrown into oblivion, erasing the traces of what seemed to be a collective memory full of dread. Aiden Agneia, son of the Former Anti-AEGIS leader, is a child prodigy who excels in Engineering, Computer Science, and Chemistry. Born in an environment without the usual spark of early modern technology, he aims to bring forth a new generation of system and AIs that utilizes Astral Magic to help the country and improve public service. But what if these AIs suddenly became sentient? What if they suddenly become alive and can act, feel, or talk like normal human beings? What if they opposed what they should follow? Will his technocratic mindset solves his country's conflict? Or will it become a curse to destroy their peaceful lives? This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, organizations, laws, etc. are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.

CyrixIsUplifted · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

A Warning

Nothing happened last night, I promise.

Before Diana could reach my pants, I shut her down with my phone and went back to sleep. Yep, nothing happened at all. No, you won't be able to write anything on my Wiki page about being absolutely devoured by an AI. There's no way I would let myself get pounced on by bots. That would be a low-res behavior fr fr.

Anyway, now that I have grasped the technology behind sentient AIs, I can finally work on my next project, which is, of course, creating another AI but different from Diana's nature.

The plan is, these AIs would serve as my personal caretakers and they will help me with everything that I will do including managing my work, schedules, materials, jobs, commission, and anything that I can think of and need help for.

It's pretty dangerous, of course. But I will not let them go berserk. At the very least, I need to develop a security system that will help me organize or lock them. Diana seems to be fine even though she is stronger than me. There's no error or virus in her system so I'm not worried but... What would happen if they stumble upon a virus?

Thinking about that, I conceptualize a cleaning system in my mind wherein they can bypass any virus by giving them the ability to self-clean and reformat themselves without losing their memories or data. A specific function where they could reset their system but it will only remove data that are corrupted or if viruses are inside their system.

"Hmm, I should probably call it WBC" [White Blood Cell]

Not original, but at least they have the same function. This will allow them to circumvent going berserk or getting controlled by any traceable system that is out of our perimeter. I won't let them get controlled as that would be actually really scary if I think about it.

Diana could become a weapon if some unknown terrorist group could control her or if they found out that she is an AI capable of destroying the city. That is a grave and major concern for me so I need to prioritize security first.

"Ugh, I should probably not sleep today..." I stood up from the bed. I just can't sleep whenever my mind is filled with worry and concern. It's like my brain doesn't shut itself down even if I force it to.

"I've been pushing myself hard lately... Will I last until the new term comes?" I asked as I drag myself up, but then...

Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me down again. "Eh...?"

I turned around and saw Diana sleeping right next to me. It seems like she's at peace right now and only pulled me out of instinct. I could like, feel her breath and asked myself how does that work. But, never mind. Now's not the time to comprehend my insanity.

Diana doesn't like me staying up and forcing myself and I feel really grateful that she is here to stop me from overworking. "I guess I really can't lose you after all..." I smiled and covered her with a blanket.

It's weird that I'm taking care of this bot like she's my girlfriend. Well, I mean, in the first place, I made her exactly to be like this as a test since I'm a growing boy on the verge of puberty. Sometime later, I would delve into adult things and that is inevitable for teenagers.

But I assure everyone around here that I'm not touching this bot. That is pretty much... crazy. No, it's beyond moral code and I'm not in the mood to discuss it right now.

Anyway, Diana's touch kinda calmed me down so I was able to get a good night's sleep.

Morning came, and it looks like I'm in quite a predicament right now...

"Ma'am Rena! Sir Cian! HELPPPPP!!!!"

Millie started calling my family in my room. I woke up from the sudden loud shout and dragged myself up. "Huh?"

"What's the matter?!" Papa was the first one to come take a look.

"What is it?" Followed by Mama.

"Did something happen to Big Brother?!" And then Lynn came as well.

"E-Everyone! S-Sir Aiden is..." Sarra and Layla also came to the commotion with Millie being on the front.

I'm still confused about what's happening but then...

[Hi, Aiden Agneia's family~! My name is Diana, and I'm his sweetheart. Nice to meet you!]

I turned beside me and saw Diana's half-naked body while leaning on the bed's desk. She had a seductive pose as she introduced herself.

"..." Mama, Papa, and Lynn were speechless.

"No way..." Layla covered her mouth.

"Even Sir Aiden hasn't touched me yet... How could this be...?" Millie said.

"Hey..." Sarra interrupted.

Everyone dropped their jaw. Their eyes looked straight at Diana and me. There was no words coming out of their mouth. It's pure horror. No, I'd say they are shocked beyond.

"WAIT NO! IT'S NOT WHAT YOU GUYS THINK—" I tried to pan the scenario but...



I explained everything that happened to all of them.

I called a large meeting for everyone who just saw us and we talked about it in the lounge room.

I told them that Diana is a sentient AI bot that I secretly made and explained to them how it worked including my Quasi-Astral State interference and the way I constructed the vessel and developed the system. I also told them how she was able to act, feel, and think and the reason why I decided to do it.

All of them were shocked at first but they gave up listening to me in the latter half because they couldn't understand the technical terms that I'm saying. Except for Mama, she literally interrogated me because she understood everything and wants me to reveal it all.

Mama was serious all the time and I had to answer her respectfully with logic and facts, otherwise, I'm going to get killed.

Diana was sitting beside me and she explained the rest with a playful tone and asked their permission to be with us from now on. Everyone was having second thoughts at first but in the end...

"Isn't it fine, Love? I mean, our son has already conceptualized a system for security. I don't think this bot would endanger our family..." Papa vouched for me but I could feel like there's something more to the way he and Mama talk to each other.

"Our son is a genius, I know that. But that doesn't mean that we can just let him do whatever he wants. You know already what happened back then..." Mama narrowed her eyes and heaved a sigh. I could tell that she was frustrated and disappointed in me.

I could only avert my eyes from her and wallow in sadness. I never would've thought that my actions would lead to a situation like this. I don't want Mama to get angry at me. I just wanted to make her proud but... I guess that backfired and I can't do anything about it.

"That may be so but..." Papa continues. "Aiden is a kind child. He would never do something like what that man did. We raised him as a fully independent child but still managed to guide him in his life and gave him lessons. He's not like that man. This is our child... He's different." He smiled.

Mama turned to him as if processing what he said. "Won't you trust him?" He asked.

Mama made a small gasp before turning to me. "Aiden..."

"Mama?" My attention was one hundred percent active. I need to listen to what she's going to say.

"Although I'm not fond of what you're developing right now, I assume that you know what consequence it would bring if she were to be deployed in this world, right?" She asked.

"Yes, Mama. I am fully aware of what's going to happen. And I promise that I will take responsibility if I were to fail on managing her..." I stammered for a bit but I made sure that she gets my answer clearly.

"AIs are dangerous beings in this generation. It's the reason why this country fell into the Great Decline decades ago. I just don't want you to be the cause of our demise in the future. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes, Mama..."

"Not to mention, you said she is Sentient and could act whenever she wants. This is by far more concerning than the previous generation of AIs. I can't vouch for you unless you have something that could tie them if something happens. I will remain skeptical of your work until you prove to me that you can control them. Understood?"

"Yes..." I bowed and memorized everything Mama said.

"Well then, let's dismiss everyone, and let's have breakfast. I'm sure everyone is hungry, right? Layla, you may now go." Mama smiled and decided to end the meeting.

"Yes, Ma'am." Layla and the others started prepping our meal.

[Are we going to eat now? I'm quite hungry as well...] Diana spoke as if nothing happened just now.

"I have a question..." Suddenly, Papa raised his hand and turned to Diana for a bit.

[Hmm? Are you speaking to me?] She asked.

"Yes, I am. I'm just curious... Nothing happened between the two of you, right?"

I slammed the table. "No! Nothing happened, Papa! Why do you keep asking that?!" My face was painted with deep red as I blurted out the question in surprise. Why don't they believe me?

"Humu, so you're still untouched. That's good." He nodded.

"I'm pretty sure our son didn't make her alleviate his lust, right?" Mama stared at me.

[Oh, but he encoded me to love him. I think it won't be that long before Master accepts his fate.] Diana grinned.

"That was just an accident test! And besides, you are sentient now. You can already make your own personality without relying on the system's encoded factors!" I explained.

While we are discussing me and Diana, the trio maids finally arrived and served our meal.

[Uwa~! Is this the food that you're talking about? It looks really delicious!] Her eyes sparkled in delight as she examined the food.

"Aiden, my dear. I know that you're in that Age already so I understand how you feel right now. But... To make an AI bot to help you release is..." Papa sighed.

"No! I didn't build her because of that! It was just a test!" I exclaimed.

"Is Sir Aiden finally curious about what it's like to be an adult?" Layla asked.

"Is it finally here?! Are we going to do that?!" Millie asked but then...

"Do what, Millie?" Mama's ice-cold glare pierced right through them.

"N-Nothing, Ma'am... Hehehe..."

"Agh! You're all wrong! I didn't build her to satisfy me or help me with my needs! I was just curious about my magic so I created her! And for everyone's information, I have no interest in diving into sexual education or stuff like that." I shouted my explanation and everyone turned to me with an interesting expression.

[Eh~? Is that so? But you were amazing last night~]

"""WHAT?!""" The trio maid screamed.

"Shut up, Diana! I've had enough of everyone's teasing!"

I'm a twelve-year-old teen, on the verge of his puberty. I am growing, my mind is developing and my body is on its evolution. If you ask me if I have thoughts about being curious about the opposite sex's body, then the answer is yes, I am curious.

But that doesn't mean that I'm completely interested in it to the point that I will actually build an AI bot for it. No way.

I've been surrounded by beautiful women here in the house. Layla alone can make my heart skip if she wants to. Even Millie and Sarra is a bit... Well, I'd say they are attractive and cute at the same time but it their passive approach is not really making any reaction from me. If I told them that, they'll probably get assertive so I didn't mention it.

Mama and my little sister is also beautiful. Even Papa is handsome... I don't know if I should consider myself good looking though.

But I digress, this discussion should be stopped all at once because I'm not fond of it.

After our meal, I decided to show them what Diana can do and I explained to them the real power behind my Quasi-Astral State.

The rest of my day was consumed by training Diana outside and working with Lynn to improve their Astral Magic combat skills.