
Chapter 24

Kelly's P.O.V

Roseville is simply a small town in Greece but no matter how small a town is, if you are trying to locate a person it always seems a lot larger than normal. Finally, after running around for the past few hours, I've located my target. He was deep in the forest and apparently a house or some sort which he stays in. I have a hard time comprehending why was there even people staying so deep in the forest. He went into the house and disappeared for a period of time while I stayed hidden in the bushes after rubbing soil all over me, I know it is weird and most of you are wondering why I'll do this, actually, to be frank, I have no idea as well. Father always instructed Kaylin and me to hide our smell or some sort when we are out on missions but he never did tell us why.

After about an hour and a half Alvin finally got out of the house but he was in a car with several people, why must this guy make things so complicated, now I have to kill all the people in the car with him as well. As their car was moving out I went back to my car and quickly got on it and drove at a distance behind, it wasn't easy trying to tail them especially in this sort of surroundings. Because firstly, it is mostly trees around, it is a place where the birds don't even want to lay eggs at, secondly there is only my car behind them so it is obvious that I am following them and lastly I am not exactly the best driver, among all the training I did, I've aced everything besides driving, normally it is Kaylin behind the wheels and I will be the one doing the fighting. As the thought of Kaylin ran through my mind, my eyes hardened and my grip on the steering wheel tightened. Wait for me Lin I will surely save you. . .

Carly's P.O.V

I've got in the car and sat shotgun while Ricky drove, once we were on the main road, I typed the address into the GPS and handed it over to Ricky.

"Where did you get her address?" Alvin's voice rang out from the back of the car seat.

"I've got my methods of course," I smirked.

"You've abused your authority by making the school registration office lady give it to you didn't you?"

I shot him a look with my eyes narrowed and whispered, "You know nothing. . ."

"Yeah, right, like how I know nothing of when you had a crush on Ricky ever since we were kids or how you kept photos of him in your locker when you were 12 and had a diary with scribbles of his name all over, oh yeah I also know nothing on how you wrote in the diary that your greatest w-wish was mmghmgm." Before he could say that last part out I unclipped my safety belt and climbed to the back to use my right hand and cover his mouth.

"You better shut up or I will tell Emily that you peed on Sa-" Alvin had on a look of horror as I was about to reveal his deepest darkest most embarrassing past event. As of now, he had his hand covering my mouth to stop me from completing what I was about to say.

Ricky's driving was amazingly steady and he did not panic even when I climbed to the back seat to 'kill' my retarded brother, but once Ricky heard of Alvin speaking about my not so secret crush on him in the past there was a glow of interest in his eyes, oh gosh this means that he will pester me till no end about it later on, stupid Alvin I will surely get back at him for this! On the other hand, Ryder was startled from his sleep due to all the moving around in the back seat of the car.

"Ahh, who is stealing my cookies and cream!" Ryder yelled as soon as he woke up which caused all heads to be turned towards him besides Ricky who was looking at us from the rear mirror to see what was going on.

"Dude, no one is stealing your food." As I said that the bear plush in his arm caught my attention and I reached out to try and take it from him for a closer look.

"And you still dare say no one is stealing my cookies and cream!?" His voice got louder as he smacked the hand that was reaching out to the bear.

"I just wanted to see the bear and what cookies and cream there isn't even food on the car!" I sneered at him as he was being overly possessive of a toy and even accused us of taking his food.

"Who says there isn't food in the car?" Magically he took a bag of chips from under the seat and shoved it in my face. "Fine but this chip is soy chicken flavor, not cookies and cream."

"No, I don't mean the chips, cookies, and cream is this." He pointed to the bear he was hugging on to. Now my face was twisted with a weird look, like come on which guy actually calls their bear cookies and cream? Alvin's eyebrows were twitching as well when he heard what Ryder said.

"Why would you call that bear cookies and cream? And aren't you a little too old for teddy bears? Furthermore, it looks a little tattered." The bear he is hugging has chocolate brown fur, it has beaded eyes and the left ear seems partially torn. When he heard what I've said, the look on his face was as if I had said something wrong and it offended him.

"Cookies and cream is its name because it smells just like it and I am young at heart so leave me alone! Plus I've already washed it already so it is as fresh as a daisy." He even hugged it tightly to his face while sniffing it looking exactly like a pedophile, the sight in front of me sent shudders down my spine.

"Alright fine up to you, just stop doing that already, it is so weird," I exclaimed.

"Babe are you sure you've got the right place?" The car came to a halt which caused me to look out of the window all excited and couldn't wait to meet Emily, but something unexpected came into sight.

A huge lone mansion standing alone, it strikes familiarity as this is the mansion daddy always tells us to stay away from.

"I think there must be some mistake, let me call the office lady again." I rushed out.

"No need, we are at the right place." Alvin's voice rang out in our ears. We all looked towards him and my face stiffened, "How could it be? This is the place daddy always warns us about. . ." I suddenly felt my voice getting softer and softer. Alvin didn't reply and his face turned darker by the minute which caused fear and panic to start creeping into my heart bit by bit, now we were all sitting in the car debating what we should do next.

I really hope this is all just a mistake. . .