
Chapter 25

Carly and the crew were in the car contemplating whether to go press the doorbell or not as they were warned about this particular mansion before, after hesitating for a long time, they've got off the car and went to the front door.

"Ryder you go first." Carly pushed Ryder to the front, he looked more proper now without the goofiness and bear but with just a glance anyone could tell that he was afraid.

"Why doesn't Alvin go first? She is his mate after all!" He ran behind Alvin and pushed from the back straight to the door front.

"Pussies." Alvin rolled his eyes and pressed the doorbell. A low ding dong sounded out but no one answered, they've waited for a while longer yet nothing happened.

"Are you sure Emily stays here?" Ricky questioned.

"Maybe the office lady was wrong after all," Carly said sounding hopeful but oh how wrong was she.

"I've sent her home before and the address came out from her own mouth how can she not know where she lives? Furthermore, I saw her getting into the mansion." A frown playing on Alvin's face.

"Guys, there is a place in here!" A familiar voice called out to them. They looked towards the origin of the voice realizing it is Ryder who called out to them.

"I thought you were scared? And when did you run over there?" Carly asked wondering how that happened.

Ryder simply shrugged his shoulder and gestured for them to follow him. No one understands how he got so brave all of a sudden and even found a way into the mansion without them knowing but they simply followed him.

They got into the mansion through a small back door, once they've stepped in it was like entering a labyrinth.

"How do we know where is Emily at?" Carly asked while opening the room door on the left revealing a toilet lavish toilet.

"I have no idea but all I know is that I want to get out of here," Ricky replied while pulling Carly back to his side. Alvin sniffed the air and found the sweet and appealing scent coming from deep in the house.

"Follow me. I can smell Emily." He signaled and they all followed him.

During the time where they were trying to locate Emily in this hell-like place, they've met with dangerous encounters such as arrows being shot at them from the walls, a hole opening in the ground filled with venomous snakes as well as almost being squished by 2 walls and turning into pancakes. Ryder goes around stepping into every possible trap ever made by mankind and everyone was clearly pissed at him and did not understand his actions at all, he started sniffing the walls and walking around in circles at some point as if trying to locate something.

"Ryder please stop doing that, you are activating every trap and making this tougher for us?!" Carly whisper growled so that no one else could hear her.

Ryder whimpered and went back to the back of the crew simply following behind them. They were all relieved with his action and continued on. Finally, after ages, they've arrived at a room where Emily's scent was the strongest but there were 2 guys sitting outside the door playing cards while guarding it.

"Okay so we need a plan, Ryder you and Ricky take the guy who has his back sitting against us and I will take the g-" before Alvin could finish what he wanted to say, Ryder and Ricky took action, they creeped up to the guy with his back facing them when the other guy was fully focused on his cards, before the two guys who are playing cards sense their presence, Ricky used the back of his arm and hit the guy with the back facing them hard on the back of his head causing him to faint.

"Wow, that was easy," Ryder said that causing the other guy who was focusing on his cards to look up and damn was he ugly, he has a distinct scar running across the top right of his forehead all the way down to the bottom of his right eye, he had on a scowl and a look of a classic murderer ready to kill his prey.

Ryder looked towards Ricky and back to the ugly murderous guy. "Hi?"

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" He grunted out and got off the floor throwing the cards all over the ground, charging straight at them. Ryder's reflexes were quick as lighting, just when the guy threw a punch forward towards them, he grabbed his hand and twisted it into a weird angle, his face totally voided of any human emotions and he broke the guy's hand as if snapping a toothpick in half.

"F***" the man crumbled down to his knee as his arm went limp while it was still in Ryder's hand. The door which was guarded by them opened and revealed a very sleepy Emily, she looked at the guy then at Ryder and then at the rest of the crew, her eyes were bulging out of her sockets and she seemed to be awake now.

"A-Alvin? W-What are you guys doing here?" She stuttered and a look of fear could be seen on her face.

"We are here for you of course." Alvin went forward and hugged Emily causing her to freeze in place.

Ryder was still holding onto the guy's arm while everything else was going on, his grip on the guy was tighter than before, as the guy was getting ready to scream for help after seeing how Emily isn't going to help him, Ryder glared hard towards him.

"If you dare let out even a squeak I will break your other arm as well" he threatened. Almost immediately the poor guy seemed to be like a docile little pet and kept his mouth tightly shut.

"You all aren't supposed to be here, hurry get out before father finds out." Emily tried pushing Alvin and the rest in the direction out of the mansion but Alvin wouldn't even budge.

"We aren't leaving this place without you Em." Carly who was quiet all along as she was still a little shaken up finally opened her mouth and spoke.

"Things are complicated if I leave. . ." Emily didn't even complete her sentence as the look on her face was absolute fear as if something horrible might befall on her if she completed what she had wanted to say.

Alvin had a pained expression on him after seeing Emily's expression of fear, nothing mattered to him at that moment as he carried Emily up just like the first time he did and gestured the rest to follow him out of this place.

"Alvin let me go, if you don't let me go, you will get hurt!" Concern rang through Emily's voice.

"Let whatever danger come at me, I will make sure they regret ever hurting you." His voice was hard and firm. Her expression softens and she stopped struggling letting him carry her away.

As Ryder let the man go he got up on his feet and ran a distance away from them leaving his friend who was still passed out on the floor. "Miss Emily, your father will hear about this, you traitor!" The man yelled and ran off worried that Ryder will do him more harm.

Alvin couldn't careless of whoever this 'father' is or will hear about the issue, all he cared was that Emily is safe in his arms. He stomped out of the mansion pushing all thoughts of the warning from his dad to the back of his mind as the rest followed behind.

Once they've reached the car, everyone got on, Ricky is driving with Carly sitting shotgun and Ryder continued hugging the bear while Alvin had Emily on his lap. Sitting there stiff from head to toe while he hugged her tight as if she will disappear at any moment and he buried his face at the nape of her neck sniffing her.

Emily's P.O.V

My brain is totally blanked out while I was on Alvin's lap, it felt so right yet so wrong, my heart is about to jump right out of my chest. His warmth radiating off him was warming me up and his cologne smell of refreshing cinnamon pine cones, soothing my senses. The only thing my brain could process was oh gosh there is a lot I have to explain later on, what am I suppose to tell them?. .