
The Arduous Expedition

Was it a forgotten enemy seeking revenge or the dark magic of the crater? There are many questions to be answered! Amelia loves travelling and has had many great adventures and thought was on a similar expedition this time to but she was wrong. This journey changed her life forever! She will never forget this journey. Its about a crater on a remote island named "Minacious Island". Wouldn't you want to be a part of this journey and help her uncover the secrets that the crater was hiding within itself? Things start going wrong and her friends start disappearing! Who was causing this and why??

Shreya_Srivastava_ · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chp 4

I got out to get some free air hoping it would calm me down. I had to be brave, I can't lose now, not in the beginning. Mia constantly texted me and asking what was going on but I didn't reply to any of them as I didn't know what to say. After a few minutes I saw a huge black car reaching towards me. It was Liam's car.

"Hey what happened," asked Mia.

"Where is Isabelle?," asked Liam. "Say something Amelia."

I wanted to tell them everything I just didn't know how. "Ok so this is going to sound crazy but believe me its all true," I started. "I will only take you in once I am done telling you guys everything."

I started with the text message and showed it to them, after that I told them about how I reached here and in the end about the note.

"Can we see the note at least?" asked Mia quavering. I took the note out of my pocket and showed it to them. "Where did you find this," asked Liam getting serious. I finally took them inside and showed them the condition in which the house was in.

"If Isabelle was here then she had a bad time," said Liam. "Guys I think we should start focusing on the riddle and try to solve it," I said.

"Yeah you are right, come on Liam," said Mia.

Liam didn't move at all, he was looking at something.

I moved towards him too see what he was looking at. He was completely petrified and his eyes were bulging as if they were going to fall out. "What are you looking at?" I asked Liam shaking him. He lifted his hand slowly and pointed at something in the corner.

I lifted my head towards where he was pointing at was frozen for a second just like him but then I heard Mia calling us. I headed straight to the corner and pulled it out of the corner.

It was a map of the Island...it was the map of Minacious Island! It looked like Isabelle had been doing some research on the island or perhaps trying to go there. That map bought back bad memories, when I say bad I mean it. The nearly-dead experiences and the series of unfortunate events were all that the island was about...

I grabbed the map and threw it into the dustbin.

"Come one Liam, we haven't got all day," I said moving out of the house. Liam followed and so did Mia. We all got into the car and I started driving as fast as possible.

"Where are we going Amelia?" asked Mia.

"I think I know what the riddle means," I replied. I had no idea what the riddle meant but I had read it several times and decided that the train station was the correct answer perhaps. I drove as fast as possible. After several minutes we finally reached the train station and we all got off quickly. Now the problem was where to look? What were we supposed to do and was Isabelle really here? I didn't want to be wrong. "How about we split up and try to look for clues?" suggested Mia.

"Yes, that's a good idea and if we find anything we will call ok?" said Liam looking at me.


We 3 split up and headed on different paths trying to look even for the smallest details or clues.

Nothing, there was absolutely nothing. Maybe I was wrong, maybe all of this was really a misunderstanding. I wanted to believe that I was in a bad dream but this bad dream was real. After 30 minutes I gave up! There was nothing anywhere and nobody called me telling me that they found something. I was about to head back to the car and that's when Liam called me.

"Amelia! Come quick to platform no.5, HURRY!"

I rushed towards platform no.5 and I met Mia on the way. We both ran to the platform. At reaching the platform we noticed that there was nothing there. "Wait a minute, platform no.5 was closed due to renovation," said Mia.

"What? Then where is Liam." We both looked around.

Nothing again.

Just then we heard a sound behind us. Both of us were shacking from fear but we were not going to give up. The sound got closer and BAAM!

"There you are! What took you so long?" questioned Liam scaring us to death.

"We were looking for you. Now what did you found?" I asked.

He smiled as if he was really excited and then he headed towards the wall and pointed at it.

"Liam this isn't a time for jokes! Seriously," Mia told Liam.

"Oh come on, you think I am joking?" We both nodded. "Ugh, wait and watch."

Liam turned around and started pushing the wall. "Liam please sto-"

Before Mia could finish her sentence the wall turned around into a secret passage! "Wow, this is incredible," I said as I was really amazed.

"Shh," said Liam putting his fingers on his lips indicating us to be silent, "Come in before somebody sees us."

I couldn't believe how huge the place was. It was like a whole world in a wall. It was dark inside but smelled like fresh flowers. We started moving in and as we moved the lights turn on. Then we reached a door. Liam opened the door.

Inside was a huge room and there was a gigantic map of the island pinned on a board. The room smelled like fresh flowers ,just like the passage-way, and was cold. "What does this mean?" asked Mia. I had the same question and many more!

I headed towards the board to see what else was there and I was dismayed when I saw the rest. There were pictures of Amelia there as if this person had been following her all along. There were pictures of her doing everything! This is was the biggest clue.

Isabelle had been kidnapped! I had always heard stories of people disappearing or going through what we were going but now this was happening to us and it was real, it wasn't just a joke.

"OMG!" I screamed in shock. Liam and Mia also saw everything and just then we heard the door behind us open.

We all looked at each other in fright. I quickly hided underneath the bed with Liam and Mia hided in the closet. The footsteps grew louder and louder and then finally the room's door opened as well!

To be continued....

Hey everyone! Hope you all are doing well.

What do you think happened next? Let me know in the comment section below(:

Take care,


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