
The Arduous Expedition

Was it a forgotten enemy seeking revenge or the dark magic of the crater? There are many questions to be answered! Amelia loves travelling and has had many great adventures and thought was on a similar expedition this time to but she was wrong. This journey changed her life forever! She will never forget this journey. Its about a crater on a remote island named "Minacious Island". Wouldn't you want to be a part of this journey and help her uncover the secrets that the crater was hiding within itself? Things start going wrong and her friends start disappearing! Who was causing this and why??

Shreya_Srivastava_ · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chp 3

The closer I got to her the further she moved. I was also now running after her and it was like she was leading me somewhere. It was like as if I was chasing after her which I had no intentions to but I was dying to know who was doing all this and why.

After chasing after one-another for 15 minutes, I started realizing where she was taking me. This was the way to Isabelle's house! I was running out of breath now but I knew that I couldn't stop. We were on the main road now. We soon came across the bus stand near Isabelle's house and it was very crowded. I thought I lost her for a second but then I saw her again, crossing the road. I followed her but what I didn't know was that the signal was almost over and all the cars started moving. I was stuck in the middle and she got away. I couldn't see her anymore. After I safely reached the other end, I looked around hoping I would see her somewhere, but I couldn't.

I was devastated! I ran all the way for nothing?!?!

That couldn't be it. She wouldn't just make me follow her all the way here and then all of a sudden vanish! Maybe it was just me thinking that she was leading me somewhere, all she wanted to do was get away and she did. I decided to visit Isabelle as I was very close to her house already. I started walking towards her house. I was completely worn out and I was breathing fast.

I was very close to her house now.

I reached the door and rang the doorbell and waited for about 5 minutes but there was no movement. I was really worried about her now.

"Isabelle open the door now," I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping she would hear me and open the door. Still no response...

I waited for a little bit more but then I couldn't just stand there all the night hoping she would open the door. I started breaking the door now but it was no use. I wasn't strong enough to break open the door. I started going around the house, looking for a open window perhaps.

I saw the window of her room open and I decided to hop in. As I got in, I saw the most horrific scene that I have ever seen. Her room used to be the most organized room I saw anyone have and now it was all destroyed and the flower vase that I have gifted her on her birthday was broken into a hundred pieces, lying on the floor. I was confused and didn't know what to do.

"Isabelle....," I said quietly with tears in my eyes.

I started moving inside the house. It looked like something awful must have happened here. I was shaking and was wondering if Isabelle was ok but who am i kidding...looking around, anyone could tell that she was painfully attacked!

I started moving further inside the house and I really was in tears now. I looked around hoping to find something that might lead me to Isabelle or perhaps her body...

I looked around the house and found nothing but a note on her kitchen counter and I think it was meant for me. I unfolded the note and was startled by what was inside. There were blood stains of the paper and it said, "I was waiting for you to find this, if you want you friend back then solve this riddle." The riddle on the paper was, "What moves across the land but never has to steer, it has delivered our goods year after year." At the end "see you there," was written in italics and every time I looked at it I felt the cold air blowing up my spine. Where was Isabelle? And why was this happening? I was very confused and didn't know what to do so I called Mia and told her everything. "It didn't say that I should do all this alone so this should be ok, right?" I asked myself.

To be continued...

I know my recent chapters, including this one have been short but don't worry I am going to post longer and regurlarly from now on so stay tuned!

Thank you and have a great day ahead(:

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