
The Arduous Expedition

Was it a forgotten enemy seeking revenge or the dark magic of the crater? There are many questions to be answered! Amelia loves travelling and has had many great adventures and thought was on a similar expedition this time to but she was wrong. This journey changed her life forever! She will never forget this journey. Its about a crater on a remote island named "Minacious Island". Wouldn't you want to be a part of this journey and help her uncover the secrets that the crater was hiding within itself? Things start going wrong and her friends start disappearing! Who was causing this and why??

Shreya_Srivastava_ · Fantasy
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8 Chs

5 Chapter

I was breathing extremely fast and tried to calm myself down as I didn't want to get caught. Liam was also shacking with fear. Wonder how Mia was holding on, the closet must have been really uncomfortable. The person finally entered the room. She was all covered in black, from the top to the bottom and headed straight towards the board. I couldn't see her face as she was mearing a mask and hood. She stared at Isabelle's picture and pulled out a red marker from her pocket.

"What is she up to?" I thought.

She opened the marker and drew a cross over Isabelle's face! I was alarmed. Liam let out a small gasp and she turned around to look what caused the sound. She was looking at the closet but luckily didn't open it. She took her face mask off and I instantly recognized her, she was the girl from that night! I knew what I had to do but that meant risking Mia and Liam's lives as well and I would never do such a thing. She sat back in her chair and doing something on her phone. Liam was panicking, hoping Mia was doing well. Just then a phone rang, it was Mia's...

She instantly got up from her chair and turned around. She headed for the bed first and I could see her feet coming closer and closer. This was it, we will be seen and she would kill of us just like she killed Isabelle! I closed my eyes tight shut in order to not see how she reacts.

But nothing happened. She had changed her mind and headed towards the closet and opened it. Mia was revealed. She instantly took her gun out and pointed it at her and said, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"I am Isabelle's friend and I am here to save her! Where is she?" Mia asked back boldly. "Oh so you have come for Isabelle, you will never get to her," she smirked. "You gave us a clue which lead us here, so for the last time WHERE IS ISABELLE?" screamed Mia. It was probably bad for me to stay hidden with Liam but what else was I supposed to do? She putted her gun down on the table and pulled Mia out. She fell on the floor with a thud. "Didn't you see the red cross on her face?"

"That doesn't prove anything," Mia replied back. "Looks like you don't care about your friend after all. Where are the other 2?" she asked.

"I don't know who you are talking about?"

"The other 2 idiots! You guys went to this island together right so where are those two? Tell me or else you won't make it alive out of this room." Mia didn't say anything and the gun was on her head. I couldn't let Mia die so I instantly revealed myself as well and Liam followed after me.

"Wow the whole squad was here. I thought you weren't smart enough to solve the riddle," she chuckled.

"Where is Isabelle?" I asked. "Why are you in a hurry? She is fine wherever she is, which I will tell you soon. We want you to do something for us and we will give you your friend back," she said.

"What do you want us to do?" asked Liam. "Take me to the island and bring me whatever the crater is protecting!" she demanded. "What is your name?" I asked.

"Leyla, now will you do it or not!"

"Leyla, that island is very dangerous and we don't know what is up there. Maybe its something dangerous that's why we can't reach to it since its protecting us," I replied trying to be persuasive.

"I don't care! Y'all will follow me to the port tomorrow and we will go to the island. I want whatever the island is hiding."

She sounded dead serious. "But-," before Liam could finish his sentence she spoke again, "Stop! Now let me put it this way, either you take me to that island and give me whatever is up that crater or you will never see your friend again or the daylight."

"So you will kill us too?" asked Mia weakly. "Yes, it would be my pleasure." Then there was silence and we 3 looked at each other with fear in our eyes. Going back to that island will be extremely hard. Last time we all almost died and no one knows what will happen this time.

"Ok we will do it but on one condition, you will have to climb up to reach the crater with us," I asked. Leyla looked at me, frowning but she eventually agreed on it. "Fine."

We three left and headed back home. Tomorrow morning we were going back to the nightmare we thought was long-gone but yet it was coming back. "If Isabelle was with us then I would have left the country today," said Liam. "We can't do that as they have Isabelle and we can't leave her," Mia replied back. It was just silence after that and I drove us back home, my home. We were spending the night together and living tomorrow early morning. We all went to bed instantly after reaching home.

*Alarm rings the next morning*

"Guys get up its time to leave," I shouted. All of us got up and dressed up. We all met at the breakfast table.

To be continued!

Hey guys! Hope you guys liked this chapter. What do you think is going to happen next? Will they succesfully reach the island? Why was Leyla so eager to go there?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Thank you and have a great day ahead(:

Shreya_Srivastava_creators' thoughts