
The Arduous Expedition

Was it a forgotten enemy seeking revenge or the dark magic of the crater? There are many questions to be answered! Amelia loves travelling and has had many great adventures and thought was on a similar expedition this time to but she was wrong. This journey changed her life forever! She will never forget this journey. Its about a crater on a remote island named "Minacious Island". Wouldn't you want to be a part of this journey and help her uncover the secrets that the crater was hiding within itself? Things start going wrong and her friends start disappearing! Who was causing this and why??

Shreya_Srivastava_ · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2-the beginning

I am currently living in New Jersey, writer as a career and the friends that everyone hoped were theirs as well. I have 16 books published by now, all about my past expeditions or about my feelings towards the crater and how it affected my life! People seem to love that a lot so I kept on writing. I am going to tell you my story step-by-step so lets go to the very beginning where things started getting worse-a month after we came back.

"Hey Amelia! What are you doing," asked Mia entering the room excitedly. "Working," I replied in a busy voice.

"Oh come on! Please don't tell me that you are writing...AGAIN!?!"

"Umm...I am." You see Mia is a short-tempered person and I didn't want to take any chances so I closed my laptop as soon as possible before she would have threw it away.

"You were getting on my nerves right there. Ok great as you finally seemed to be here now. So, whats up?" Mia asked finally calming down.

"Nothing was just working on another book. Its great seeing you. By the way have you heard from Isabelle lately? I haven't seen her for weeks and she doesn't reply to me or picks up any of my calls," I asked getting worried.

"Actually I was going to ask you the same thing. I also haven't heard from her for weeks. Wonder whats up with her? Should we go and visit her?" asked Mia.

"We should...I am worried about her. She barely talked to us since we came back."

"Well that crater did seem to leave long-lasting effects after all, I mean just look at you. The girl who hardly sat in one place,still, without moving is now spending hours writing!" replied Mia.

"I know...I never thought I would enjoy writing but when I write I will different, like I could express my feelings or share anything I want without getting judged..."I said.

"Aww I know. I think we should leave now for Isabelle's otherwise we won't be back by sunset."

"Can we go tomorrow? I really have to finish this chapter before I forget all of my ideas," I asked Mia. "Yeah sure. So, tomorrow 8 am we are leaving. Be ready!"

"Okay, bye."

"Bye," replied Mia heading outside.

After she left I got my phone and tried calling Isabelle again, maybe she would pick up. I called her at least 6 times and she didn't pick up. It would say busy every time I called. I opened my messages so see if she has seen any of my texts yet, but she didn't. I guess we will be finding out tomorrow whats bothering her.

Isabelle is a entrepreneur now, so she would be out of time most of the time and busy but this was the first time that she hasn't contacted us, or told us anything about what she was doing.

A couple of hours later.

I received a strange text from Mia saying that "Meet me behind the old abandoned factory tonight at 9.Come ALONE! Don't ask any questions and don't be late. I will explain EVERYTHING later."

I was shocked and yet scared. It was 8:30pm already by the time I saw it so I hurried up to get ready and left the house at 8:45 as the factory was far away. As she asked me to not tell anyone, I didn't inform anyone, even Mia. Throughout the ride I was having multiple thoughts, both positive and negative, and was really willing to see what all of this was about.

I reached the factory and it was colder there. It was 9:00 already and no sign of Isabelle. I waited for at least 5 minutes hoping she would come and then that's when I saw it!

A tall, skinny figure standing in the corner and I think it was waiting for me...

I started moving towards it as I thought it was Isabelle. The closer I got the colder it got. I was now standing behind it, about to reach out to see if it was Isabelle or not but then I noticed something. Isabelle is shorter than me but here this person was at least 3 inches taller than me plus had a tattoo on her wrist. Isabelle hates tattoos, so I knew all of this was a plan.

"Who are you and where is Isabelle?" I asked.


I could hear the wind now rushing throw my ears and through me. I moved closer so I could see who it was. There was something odd about this person...very odd.

"Hello who are you and why did you call me here?" I had many questions to be answered! She moved away from me and started running towards the road. At the road she stopped and looked back at me or I thought she looked back as for some reason I could sense that she was looking straight at me. It looked like she wanted me to follow her so I started heading towards her.