
The Arduous Expedition

Was it a forgotten enemy seeking revenge or the dark magic of the crater? There are many questions to be answered! Amelia loves travelling and has had many great adventures and thought was on a similar expedition this time to but she was wrong. This journey changed her life forever! She will never forget this journey. Its about a crater on a remote island named "Minacious Island". Wouldn't you want to be a part of this journey and help her uncover the secrets that the crater was hiding within itself? Things start going wrong and her friends start disappearing! Who was causing this and why??

Shreya_Srivastava_ · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chp 6--going back to the nightmare

We all gathered at the breakfast table and sat there. There was an awkward silence and then I finally decided to speak, "listen both of you we are in this together alright, we will get Isabelle and leave."

"What if Isabelle is not there?" asked Liam. "What do you mean?"

"Maybe she wouldn't bring her, she never said that she will."

"She will bring her alright! Lets go," I said heading out. I got inside the car and started feeling weird, it was all my fault as I lead us to that island, I started all of this! I can't let my two other friends suffer too because of me, so I have 2 choices left-either I leave right now all alone or wait for my friends. Suddenly my phone buzzed, it was a notification from Isabelle.

"Meet me at the harbor---from you know who".

Of course I knew who it was but I didn't know what to do. I was sweating and grabbing the steering wheel very tightly. I saw Mia and Liam heading out and I looked at their faces and all of a sudden I knew what to do. I quickly turned the car around and drove off. I could hear Liam and Mia chase behind me but I didn't stop.

"AMELIA STOP! DON'T GO ALONE!" screamed Mia. "I am sorry but I can't lose you two as well," I said to myself. I drove faster and soon they were both out of sight and was all alone. I could hear my breathing as it was really fast. I was still panicking but what better choice did I have? I couldn't risk all of my friend's lives, that would be outrageous. I drove as fast as possible at full speed and tried to divert myself. After some time I reached the harbor and parked at the parking lot. My phone rang-it was Isabelle's number- I picked it up. "Come to boat number A-2378," said a scratchy voice, I guess it was Leyla's but there was something different about it. I got to the boat and was surprised to see what was there- a giant ship! They got a gigantic ship for this! I stood there just staring at it for a few seconds and then took a deep breathe and finally...entered.

Silence, nobody was there. It was like time just stopped and everything was still. As I was going to the top someone stopped me by my shoulder, I quickly turned around and saw Leyla. "Where are the other 2?" she demanded. "They didn't come."

"Where are they?" she asked again. "They didn't come!" She looked at me for a few seconds, narrowing her eyes but then went past, almost pushing me down. "Where is Isabelle?" I asked and she turned around. "Follow me." We took a staircase and reached the top and I realized that we had started moving. I asked her if she knew the way and she nodded. "Why are you so eager to go there?" I asked her. "Because I want to achieve whatever is up there, simple as that," she replied looking at me. "Its very dangerous and we might not even make it there or even home!

"I know but this is the only way people like me can get things, not everybody is like you!"

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Nobody knew your name before you went to the island and then when you came back...BOOM..everybody knew your name! I have always tried my best to fit around but this society will never accept me so this is the only way I have," she replied fiercely. I didn't know what to say as I have never seen anyone else go through this. Our society has 3 kinds of people-the lower class(poor and not enough money to survive), the middle class(has sufficient amount of money) and then the upper class(rich people). The world we live in is extremely wicked and disgusting but this is where we live so we have to make the best out of it.

"Go to the 1st floor, second room on the right, your friend is there. Stay there unless you are called, if you break any rules you know what will happen so don't try to be smart," she ordered. I moved quickly and followed the instructions as I wanted to see Isabelle. I reached the floor and there were so many men outside the door with guns. Looking at those guns scared me but I moved as fast as I could and reached the door. One of the guy came and opened the door. "Stay there." His voice gave me chills but I went in and finally saw Isabelle! She was lying on the bed and looked very weak but I rushed and hugged her.

"Isabelle, we were so worried about you," I said crying as she hugged me back. "I missed you guys and I am sorry that I caused this."

"No this is all my fault! It was me that was so excited to visit this island in the first place. All those who go there die but the people who survive have bad luck afterwards. I thought we were lucky but...we aren't," I said with tears in my eyes. She wiped of my tears and looked at me, "this is not your fault."

After some time, I asked her what have they been doing with her this whole time and she said that, "they are very eager to go there for some reason. They forced me to tell everything that I know and when I wasn't able to tell them what was up there they got me into a van and then I don't remember what happened...I fainted and then woke up here."

They certainly wanted to know what was up there so people will adore them and ask them about it. I got up but then the whole ship suddenly started shacking. "What is going on?" asked Isabelle from behind. I opened the door and there was a lot of commotion out there and I motioned Isabelle to follow me. Since there was a lot of commotion we headed towards the deck to see what was going on. We reached the deck and we couldn't see anything! There was this mist all around and it was making me feel sleepy. I tried to keep my eyes open but they closed tight shut and I fell on the floor with a thud. I heard a muffled voice behind me but I couldn't make out the words. When my eyes opened I was still on the ship but everyone else was on the floor, sleeping. I heard the whisperings again that I heard while trekking on the island. I turned around to see where they were coming from but I couldn't see anything so I decided to ignore it but it kept on bothering me but then someone grabbed me from behind again!

"Amelia! Get up!" said Isabelle shacking me. I opened my eyes and sat up. "What happened?" I asked.