
Chapter 3: Birthday

Ayush woke up to the sound of his alarm, a sense of excitement and anticipation coursing through him. Today was his 19th birthday, and despite the dark cloud of the impending apocalypse, he was determined to enjoy the day with his loved ones. He stretched and got out of bed, ready to embrace the festivities.

His grandfather had been up early, bustling around the house to ensure everything was perfect for the party. The garden was a riot of color, decorated with balloons, streamers, and fairy lights. A large tent had been set up to accommodate the guests, with tables laden with delicious food and drinks. A massive cake stood in the center, adorned with the words "Happy Birthday Ayush" in bright icing.

Ayush dressed in a crisp white shirt and jeans, looking every bit the handsome birthday boy. He took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and a tinge of nervousness. Today, he would momentarily put aside his worries and celebrate with his family and friends.

The first guests started to arrive just as the morning sun began to warm the garden. His cousin Jatin was among the first, carrying a wrapped gift and a wide grin.

"Happy birthday, Ayush!" Jatin exclaimed, pulling him into a bear hug.

"Thanks, Jatin. It's great to see you," Ayush replied, genuinely happy.

They chatted for a while, catching up on recent events, until Jatin brought up the topic Ayush had been expecting. "Ayush, I heard from Grandpa that you're liquidating most of your assets. What's going on? Why the sudden decision?"

Ayush sighed, glancing around to ensure no one was listening. "It's complicated, Jatin. Let's just say I have some information that makes me believe it's the best course of action. I can't explain everything now, but trust me, it's for a good reason."

Jatin's brow furrowed with concern, but he nodded slowly. "Alright, I trust you. Just know I'm here if you need anything."

"Thanks, Jatin. I appreciate it," Ayush said, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude.

As more guests arrived, the garden filled with laughter and conversation. Ayaan, one of Ayush's best friends from school, arrived next. Tall and athletic, Ayaan had been his cricket teammate and partner-in-crime for as long as he could remember.

"Ayush! Happy birthday, man!" Ayaan shouted as he approached, giving Ayush a high-five and a hug.

"Thanks, Ayaan! Glad you could make it," Ayush replied.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. What's up with all the mystery lately? You haven't been yourself," Ayaan asked, concern in his eyes.

"Just dealing with some stuff, but don't worry. Let's enjoy the party," Ayush said, deflecting the question.

Rajveer, another close friend, arrived soon after. Known for his quick wit and infectious energy, Rajveer was the life of any party.

"Happy birthday, Ayush!" Rajveer said, handing him a gift bag.

"Thanks, Rajveer! Great to see you," Ayush replied, laughing as Rajveer launched into a series of jokes that had everyone in stitches.

As the party continued, Ayush mingled with the guests, sharing laughs and stories. His grandfather watched from a distance, a proud smile on his face. The atmosphere was filled with joy and celebration, a stark contrast to the serious undertakings Ayush had been involved in lately.

During a lull in the festivities, Ayaan, Rajveer, and Jatin cornered Ayush near the refreshments table.

"So, Ayush," Ayaan began with a mischievous grin, "when are you going to ask Samaira out?"

Ayush felt his cheeks flush. "What are you talking about?" he stammered, trying to play it cool.

"Oh, come on! Don't deny it," Rajveer chimed in. "Everyone knows you've had a crush on her since forever."

Ayush looked away, embarrassed. "She's just a friend," he mumbled, but his blush betrayed him.

"Yeah, right," Jatin teased. "You should totally ask her out, man. She's back in town, isn't she?"

Ayush nodded reluctantly. "She's in her final year of school. I don't want to bother her."

"Bother her? Please, Ayush, you're practically the nicest guy around. She'd be lucky to have you," Ayaan said earnestly.

"Yeah, Ayush. You should go for it," Rajveer encouraged, giving him a nudge.

Ayush shook his head, smiling despite himself. "We'll see. Maybe someday."

As the evening approached, the guests gathered around for the cake-cutting ceremony. Ayush's grandfather stood beside him, beaming with pride.

"Happy birthday, Ayush. Your parents would be so proud of the man you've become," his grandfather said, his voice thick with emotion.

"Thanks, Grandpa. It means a lot," Ayush replied, feeling a lump in his throat.

They lit the candles, and everyone sang "Happy Birthday" as Ayush made a wish and blew out the flames. He cut the cake, sharing pieces with everyone, the air filled with joy and celebration.

Later, as the party began to wind down and guests started to leave, Ayush found himself sitting with Ayaan, Rajveer, and Jatin. They talked about their plans for the future, reminiscing about old times and sharing their hopes and fears.

"You know, Ayush, whatever you're dealing with, we're here for you," Rajveer said, his tone uncharacteristically serious.

"Yeah, man. We've got your back," Ayaan added.

Ayush smiled, feeling a surge of warmth. "I know, and I appreciate it. Things are going to change soon, but I'm glad to have you guys with me."

As the last guests departed, Ayush and his grandfather sat together, watching the stars.

"Happy birthday, Ayush," his grandfather said quietly. "Your parents would be so proud of you."

"Thanks, Grandpa. I just hope I'm making the right decisions," "remembering the conversation he with him a couple of days ago"Ayush replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty.


A couple of days before the party, Ayush sat with his grandfather in the study. The old man's face was etched with concern as he looked at the stack of documents in front of him.

"Are you sure about this, Ayush?" his grandfather asked, his voice calm but filled with worry. "Liquidating everything except for this house... it's a big decision."

Ayush nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yes, Grandpa. I know it seems sudden, but I have my reasons. The money will help us prepare for... unforeseen circumstances."

His grandfather leaned back in his chair, studying Ayush intently. "You've always been a sensible boy, and I trust your judgment. But I need to understand. Why now? What has changed?"

Ayush hesitated, searching for the right words. "Let's just say I've come across some information that makes me believe we need to be ready for anything. It's about being prepared for any eventuality."

The old man's eyes softened with understanding, though worry still lingered. "I've lived long enough to know that sometimes, you just have to trust your gut. If you feel this is the right move, then so be it. But remember, Ayush, this house... it's more than just a property. It's our home. It's where you grew up."

Ayush smiled faintly. "I know, Grandpa. That's why I'm keeping it. No matter what happens, we'll always have this place. It's our anchor."

His grandfather nodded, reaching out to pat Ayush's hand. "Alright then. I trust you, my boy. Just promise me you'll stay safe and keep your head on straight."

"I promise, Grandpa," Ayush said,

"You are, my boy. Trust in yourself and your instincts. You've got a good head on your shoulders," his grandfather reassured him.

Ayush nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. The party had been a reminder of what he was fighting for—the people he loved and the life they had built together.

Flashback end

As he prepared for bed, Ayush felt a strange sensation. It was as if something inside him was shifting. He knew what it was—the Apocalypse System was about to deactivate.

He slipped away from the crowd and found a quiet spot in the garden. Closing his eyes, he focused on the system.

"System, are you about to go offline?" he asked internally.

"Yes, Ayush. The initial preparation phase is complete. I will deactivate now and reawaken just before the outbreak. Continue to prepare and stay vigilant," the system's calm voice replied.

Ayush felt a sense of finality as the system's presence faded from his mind. He was on his own now, with only his preparations and allies to rely on.

Returning to the house, Ayush felt a mix of relief and determination. The party had been a success, and he was grateful for the support of his friends and family. As he lay in bed, his thoughts drifted to Samaira, the beautiful girl he had fallen for. Their relationship had always been at the acquaintance level, but he couldn't help but wonder what might happen if he took his friends' advice and asked her out.

He thought about her smile, her kindness, and the way she carried herself with grace and confidence. Despite the chaos that was about to unfold, Ayush felt a glimmer of hope for the future.

With a smile on his face, Ayush closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift off to sleep, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The calm before the storm was over. The real battle was about to begin, and Ayush was ready.


AN- here's another chapter guys don't forget to leave behind your comments and power stones till the next time guys please join me on discord

Discord link- https://discord.gg/agtND7rv
