
Chapter 4:The Calm Before the Storm

Time had flown by in the months following Ayush's 19th birthday. The once-lively streets of Delhi Have turned cold and now felt different to him, each corner hiding a shadow of the impending doom he knew was coming. His preparations had been meticulous. He had liquidated his assets, purchased a variety of vehicles, and stocked a hidden supply depot with enough food to last 20 years. Medicine and medical equipment were acquired in bulk, all part of the grim necessity to survive the apocalypse he knew was on the horizon.

Along with all these he with the help of Ravi has also planned how and till where they will expand their territories and also marked the people they will try to save this list includes doctors,nurses,and other such professionals who will be needed.

Ayush had summoned the rest of the MARCOS commandos gradually, ensuring each arrival was seamless and unnoticed.luckily 2 of them were even field medics.The commandos were his silent sentinels, watching over him day and night, prepared for the moment when chaos would break loose. But even with all these precautions, a heavy weight had settled on Ayush's chest. The nightmares had started a month ago—dark visions of a world overrun by the undead. Every night, he was jolted awake, drenched in sweat, the echoes of the screams from his dreams still ringing in his ears.

His restlessness had not gone unnoticed. Ayush had sent his grandfather to a secure safe house, insisting it was for his protection. It had been a tearful farewell, but Ayush knew it was necessary. Now, with five of his MARCOS commandos always by his side, he felt a semblance of security, though his heart was never truly at ease.

Also he has told his cousin Jatin to be ready with his family to leave their house and come to his safe house at a moment's notice.Jatin has asked why but he didn't give any concrete answers he just told that he has a bad feeling that things will turn bad citing the weird news reports they are seeing .His eyes become unfocused as he remembers those news reports


### News Report Compilation: The Rising Tensions

**CNN - United States:**

*Date: November 5, 2024*

**Anchor:** Good evening, I'm Jane Mitchell with CNN. In a disturbing series of events, several incidents of extreme aggression and erratic behavior have been reported across New York City. Witnesses describe seemingly normal individuals suddenly becoming violent, attacking strangers without any apparent cause. The New York Police Department has issued a statement urging citizens to remain calm and report any suspicious activity. Medical experts are baffled by the sudden surge in aggression, with some speculating that it may be linked to a new, unidentified virus. However, the World Health Organization has issued a statement denying the presence of any new virus, attributing the behavior to potential psychological factors exacerbated by the winter season.

**BBC News - United Kingdom:**

*Date: September 23, 2024*

**Anchor:** Good evening, I'm Mark Evans with BBC News. London has seen a sharp rise in cases of unexplained aggression and violent behavior over the past week. Several people have been hospitalized after being attacked by individuals who, according to eyewitnesses, "snapped" without warning. Authorities are investigating the incidents but have yet to find a definitive cause. Rumors of a new virus have been circulating on social media, causing widespread panic. In response, the World Health Organization has released a statement asserting that there is no evidence to support the existence of such a virus. They recommend that the public remain vigilant and report any abnormal behavior to the authorities.

**NDTV - India:**

*Date: December 10, 2024*

**Anchor:** Namaste, I'm Anjali Sharma with NDTV. Delhi has witnessed a series of disturbing incidents involving sudden and extreme aggression among individuals. Over the past few days, there have been numerous reports of people attacking strangers in public places, leading to several injuries and heightened public anxiety. While some speculate that a new virus could be responsible, the Indian Ministry of Health, in alignment with the World Health Organization, has dismissed these claims. "There is no evidence of a new viral outbreak," stated a ministry spokesperson. "We are looking into other potential causes, including environmental and psychological factors."

**Al Jazeera - Middle East:**

*Date: October 15, 2024*

**Anchor:** Good evening, I'm Lina Haddad with Al Jazeera. A wave of unexplained violence has swept through Cairo, with numerous reports of individuals exhibiting sudden and extreme aggression. The incidents have prompted a swift response from law enforcement, who are working to contain the situation and prevent further outbreaks. Amidst rising public concern, rumors of a new virus have begun to spread. However, the World Health Organization has reiterated that there is no evidence to support these claims. "We are closely monitoring the situation but have found no indication of a new viral infection," said a WHO representative. "We urge the public to remain calm and follow the guidance of local authorities."

**Reuters - Global:**

*Date: December 1, 2024*

**Anchor:** Good evening, I'm reporting for Reuters. Reports of sudden and extreme aggression are emerging from various parts of the world, including the United States, United Kingdom, India, and Egypt. Medical professionals and law enforcement agencies are struggling to understand the cause behind these incidents, which have resulted in numerous injuries and widespread fear. Despite rampant speculation about a new virus, the World Health Organization has issued a statement denying the existence of any such pathogen. "There is currently no evidence to suggest that these incidents are caused by a new virus," said a WHO spokesperson. "We are working with national health authorities to investigate these events and determine the underlying causes."

**WHO Official Statement:**

*Date: December 5, 2024*

**Anchor:** The World Health Organization is aware of the recent reports of increased aggression and violent behavior in various parts of the world. We are actively collaborating with health authorities in affected regions to investigate these occurrences. At this time, we have found no evidence to support the existence of a new viral outbreak. We urge the public to remain calm, avoid spreading rumors, and follow the advice of local health officials. Further updates will be provided as more information becomes available.

Flashback ends

These televised reports paint a picture of growing unease and confusion as the world grapples with the mysterious outbreak of aggression. Despite official reassurances, fear and speculation continue to spread, setting the stage for the unfolding crisis.

Today, he sat in a quiet corner of a small café, the comforting aroma of coffee and freshly baked pastries mingling in the air. He was waiting for his friends Ayaan and Rajveer, his mind a maelstrom of worry and fatigue. The door chimed as Ayaan and Rajveer walked in, bringing with them an air of casual cheer that Ayush desperately needed.

"Ayush! There you are," Ayaan called out, his voice cutting through the haze of Ayush's thoughts. "You look like you haven't slept in days."

Ayush managed a weak smile as they joined him at the table. "It's been a rough month," he admitted, his voice strained.

"Yeah, we can tell," Rajveer said, taking a seat. "But hey, we're here now. Let's catch up."

They ordered their drinks and settled into an easy conversation, the usual banter flowing naturally. Ayush's mood began to lighten as they joked and reminisced about old times.

"So, Ayush," Rajveer began with a mischievous grin, "have you asked Samaira out yet?"

Ayush rolled his eyes but couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips. "Guys, we've been over this. She's just a friend."

Ayaan laughed, shaking his head. "You keep saying that, but we all know you're head over heels for her. You should just admit it."

Ayush sighed, his cheeks growing warm. "Even if I was interested, it's not like now is a good time for romance. We've got bigger things to worry about."

"Come on, man," Rajveer said, leaning in. "You can't let stress stop you from living your life. Speaking of which, you know the old school's Christmas carnival is on the 25th, right?"

Ayush nodded. "Yeah, I heard. What about it?"

"Well, Samaira's going to be there," Ayaan said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "This could be your chance to finally ask her out."

Ayush chuckled despite himself. "You guys are relentless."

"We just want you to be happy," Rajveer said, his tone suddenly serious. "We've all been on edge lately, but that doesn't mean we should stop living. These days might not last for long. You should seize the moment while you can."

Ayush looked at his friends, feeling a swell of gratitude. They were right. In the face of uncertainty, it was important to hold on to the things that brought joy and normalcy.

"Alright," Ayush said finally. "I'll go to the carnival"


"Deal!" We will meet you there. Ayaan and Rajveer said in unison, their faces lighting up with excitement.

As they finished their drinks and prepared to leave, Ayush felt a sense of resolve. For a few hours, he would allow himself to be a regular teenager again, to enjoy the company of his friends and maybe, just maybe, find the courage to talk to Samaira.

As they stepped out of the café, the cool December air greeted them. They stood on the sidewalk, chatting for a bit longer before parting ways.

"See you at the carnival, Ayush," Ayaan said, clapping him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, and don't chicken out when you see Samaira," Rajveer teased.

Ayush laughed, feeling lighter than he had in months. "I won't. See you guys later."

As his friends walked away, Ayush took a moment to savor the feeling of normalcy. The calm before the storm was almost over, but for now, he was ready to face whatever came his way.