
The Apex (A Marvel Fan-Fic)

Synopsis: Have you ever imagined what would happen if you appeared in the Marvel Universe? Also imagine that you have special abilities like those superheroes, gods and other amazing yet terrifying existence. This is a different world, a world full of possibilities. Follow Maverick and Venom's journey as they reach for the top, and of course, for the chocolates... and heads. [The world of this book is an AU that integrates classic events and plots from comics, animation, and movies. There are no fixed versions of all the characters. You can imagine their looks according to your favorite version. Readers who are very concerned or just like the movie universe should read it with caution. ] [Not very explosive in the opening, slow to warm up, but I'd say compact in structure, if you don't like slow pace, then this is not for you] [Single love interest, I'm tired of harem nowadays] === Hungry for more chaps? Then check out our pătreon! Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there. === I literally don't own anything here, all rights goes to their respective owners.

Baph0met · Book&Literature
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70 Chs

Chapter 12: Testing testing (2)

At this moment, the people on the ground also heard his shout, and they all looked in the direction from which the sound came.

As the shouting grew closer, people only saw a black figure, which, when about two to three meters above the ground, quickly bounced back upwards, as if a puppet on a string being flung towards the distant horizon.

"Is that Spider-Man?" The onlookers, witnessing this scene, discussed among themselves.

This figure flashed by, and the people on the ground didn't get a good look. However, this method of hurried travel seemed exclusive to Spider-Man. The crowd on the ground was bustling, and soon this little episode was forgotten.

On top of a distant building, Maverick, who had regained control of his body as soon as he landed, was fiercely shaking the head of Venom beside his shoulder.

"What the hell! I almost got scared to death! I just got out of the hospital this morning!"

Hearing Maverick's rant, Venom nonchalantly shook its head, said, "Oh dear, but you're fine, right? Your body is my body; why wouldn't I cherish it?"

"I just said I could retrieve you even if you broke into pieces. Besides, there's nothing going on now."

Anyway, it didn't have organs like a neck or a respiratory system, so even if Maverick continued to shake it like a windmill, it wouldn't affect it.

Seeing Venom's nonchalant attitude, Maverick had a sudden inspiration and smirked, pulling out his trump card. "Well, if I'm not mistaken, you must really like chocolate, or I should say, chocolate is a necessity for you."

"I was actually planning to prepare chocolate for you every day, but considering your recent performance, you won't be getting any chocolate for a while."

Initially fearless, Venom immediately whimpered and surrendered upon hearing Maverick's words. "I was wrong! I was wrong! Please don't do this. I promise I won't misbehave again."

Seeing Venom immediately surrender, Maverick snorted and turned his head to look at the night view below.

The orange traffic flow and the lights on the buildings formed the galaxy of the ground. Neon signs everywhere played advertisements and programs continuously. Although it was nighttime, it seemed busier than daytime. The light pollution was really bad in this place as you can't even see a single star in the sky anymore.

"Phew~" Maverick breathed deeply, his heart suddenly feeling less heavy after the thrilling bungee jump.

At some point, Venom had also stopped chattering and was now standing quietly next to his shoulder, both of them gazing into the night sky.

Although no words were spoken, they both enjoyed the tranquility and relaxation of this moment.

Under the moonlight, a strange scene unfolded: a figure with an indistinguishable face sat quietly on the edge of the rooftop, with a strange head growing out of its shoulder, like a two-headed person in a circus.

After sitting quietly for a while, Maverick began to experience other special abilities, such as the mysterious Spider-Sense and extraordinary strength and reflexes.

Since these abilities were now his own, it didn't seem appropriate to continue calling it Spider-Sense. After some discussion, Venom and Maverick officially renamed this ability "Venom Warning".

The reason for calling it a warning instead of sensing was to distinguish it from Venom's own perception abilities.

Sensing was a natural ability it already possessed, and in non-dangerous situations, Venom had a certain level of awareness of its surroundings.

After familiarizing himself with all the abilities, Maverick also needed to train his combat skills. Although Venom had gained some experience from Spider-Man and Deadpool, those things were not superhuman abilities. Even if you knew them, you still needed to practice to master them.

Fortunately, Maverick had learned many martial arts techniques before, combined with his extraordinary mental strength, learning and using these abilities wouldn't take too much time.

As for combat experience, no matter how intelligent Maverick was, he couldn't learn it quickly. It could only be gained gradually through future battles.

After wandering around the city for a while, Maverick embarked on the journey home. This time, he didn't entrust his body to Venom and relied entirely on himself to adapt to various abilities.

Whether it was swinging around, simultaneously processing the sudden influx of countless voices in his mind, or controlling his strength, all of these required him to gradually adapt and coordinate.

The time it took to return home was noticeably longer than the time it took to leave. Upon returning home, Maverick had Venom transform into the appearance of sleepwear. This was also one of the great conveniences of being a symbiote; there was hardly any need to change clothes.

After experiencing the magical power of Venom, Maverick's desire for revenge grew stronger.

Venom was also very enthusiastic about this matter. In its view, this was not only about revenge but also a luxurious buffet with so many fresh brains and organs, just thinking about it made it happy.

Thinking of this, it expressed its thoughts to Maverick and stated that all of this was necessary means for survival.

Upon hearing this, Maverick furrowed his brow and then rebutted with some difficulty, "Stop spouting nonsense. Have you forgotten what treatment you received inside my body?"

"How come you're being pickier now that you're out? Maybe you should just go back in," Maverick remarked.

Hearing Maverick's words, Venom immediately became unhappy. "What kind of talk is that? I've already come out, how can I go back? Besides, I didn't lie to you. I really need it," it retorted.

"Originally, due to the special nature of your body, I couldn't over-absorb your bodily energy. I've been in a state of energy deficiency all this time," Venom explained.

"For me, phenethylamine is the best food. That's why I like human brains and chocolate," it continued.

"How about in the future, if we encounter such a situation, I'll blur your senses so you won't feel anything?" Venom brainstormed solutions for its buffet business.

"Don't worry, I digest things very quickly. Those things turn into energy almost instantly. I swear by the honor of myself that you won't feel any discomfort," it reassured.

After listening to Venom's explanation, Maverick felt somewhat complex. He had never even eaten brain matter in his two lifetimes, and now he was going to bite into human brains directly.

Although Venom had said it would quickly turn into energy and hardly stay in his body, he still felt uneasy.

After a long pause, Maverick finally spoke with difficulty, "Will it really not make me feel uncomfortable at all?"

Venom immediately perked up at Maverick's question and hastily responded, "Of course not! I said you won't feel uncomfortable, and I swear by the honor of symbiote. It's a very popular ritual among you humans."

If it had a chest, it would definitely be pounding right now.

"That ritual doesn't hold much weight in modern times, and what is the honor of a symbiote anyway? I won't believe you unless you change it to chocolate, or else I won't trust you," Maverick narrowed his eyes at Venom, finding its recent behavior highly suspicious.

Upon hearing Maverick's words, Venom took a deep breath and then, after a moment of silence, gritted its teeth and said, "Fine!"


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