
The Apex (A Marvel Fan-Fic)

Synopsis: Have you ever imagined what would happen if you appeared in the Marvel Universe? Also imagine that you have special abilities like those superheroes, gods and other amazing yet terrifying existence. This is a different world, a world full of possibilities. Follow Maverick and Venom's journey as they reach for the top, and of course, for the chocolates... and heads. [The world of this book is an AU that integrates classic events and plots from comics, animation, and movies. There are no fixed versions of all the characters. You can imagine their looks according to your favorite version. Readers who are very concerned or just like the movie universe should read it with caution. ] [Not very explosive in the opening, slow to warm up, but I'd say compact in structure, if you don't like slow pace, then this is not for you] [Single love interest, I'm tired of harem nowadays] === Hungry for more chaps? Then check out our pătreon! Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there. === I literally don't own anything here, all rights goes to their respective owners.

Baph0met · Book&Literature
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70 Chs

Chapter 11: Testing Testing

In the mirror, he appeared enormous, with terrifyingly pale eyes emitting a chilling light. His enormous mouth, filled with sharp teeth, moved like a snake, and the sticky saliva glistened under the moonlight.

"You don't seem very satisfied with your appearance," Venom remarked, noticing Maverick's hesitation. "But don't you think we look incredibly imposing like this?"

"Enemies will be terrified just by facing us. Bwahahaha!"

Maverick didn't deny the intimidating effect of their appearance, but he also acknowledged the trouble it could bring. "Indeed, it's very intimidating, but appearing like this is equivalent to announcing to others that we are monsters."

"So, if we don't want to be captured for research or treated like monsters to be eliminated, I think we should tone it down a bit and contain the overflowing dominance."

Hearing Maverick's analysis, Venom continued, "I think you lack some confidence in our combination. Any enemy daring to provoke us will be crushed by us."

"However, what you said also makes some sense. To avoid trouble, we can be low-key for the time being."

Upon hearing Venom's agreement, Maverick nodded. Despite Venom's boastful remarks, they still reached a consensus.

"So, what's your idea?" Venom's head emerged from Maverick's shoulder while Maverick's face slowly showed as the black goo receded from it.

Maverick stroked his chin, looking at the mirror in front of him, and offered his suggestions.

"First, we can shrink our size to be similar to mine, which will make us more agile. If needed, we can always enlarge ourselves again."

"Then, the mouth is too exaggerated. It can be fully sealed, like wearing a mask."

Watching himself gradually transform, Maverick nodded in satisfaction. "That's better."

"However, something seems off."

Hearing Maverick's words, Venom quipped, "Wow~ very handsome, just like Spider-Man. How about changing the color too? What do you think of red and blue?"

Upon hearing Venom's sarcastic comment, Maverick also realized the issue with their current appearance.

Apart from some differences in height and body shape, this outfit indeed bore a striking resemblance to Spider-Man, even with a white spider emblem on the chest.

"Hey, wait a minute. The emblem on the chest wasn't part of the plan. Why are you adding your own ideas?" Maverick tapped Venom's head next to his shoulder and said.

Venom cleared his throat and explained, "Ahem! It was your idea that led me astray. We certainly don't need that."

"But it does look much better than what Spider-Man designed himself, right?" Venom added.

Maverick nodded, acknowledging Venom's point. "Spider-Man's costume indeed isn't very appealing. Mainly because the colors are too flashy."

"Just like his personality, he looks dorky but is quite sly," Venom added.

"Let's make some more changes, then." Despite their banter, they hadn't finalized their own design yet.

After several adjustments, they ultimately decided not to stick to the tight-fitting costume type and instead leaned towards a more normal, convenient, and discreet direction, considering Venom's ability to transform into various clothing styles.

The final image reflected in the mirror was a sturdy figure with a hood. Beneath the hood, only a pair of terrifyingly pale eyes emitted a cold chill, surrounded by darkness, as if all the light had been absorbed by those eyes.

The black fabric Venom transformed into had a tough texture, neither as tight as a bodysuit nor as loose as regular clothing. The muscular lines revealed with movement exuded strength.

(A/N: No pic, can't find one. If there's a good samaritan there, pls insert one)

If there were no special circumstances in the future, this would be their default appearance. Venom's favorite appearance probably wouldn't be used much.

"Not bad. Although it's not as imposing as the one I initially showed, it's still pretty close," Venom remarked, looking at the reflection in the mirror with satisfaction.

"In that case, Spider-Man's red and blue spandex suit is truly inferior," Venom commented, starting to mock Spider-Man again.

Hearing Venom taunting Spider-Man again, Maverick chuckled. "Considering his fighting style, a tight-fitting suit is indeed the best choice without special materials. We unintentionally leaned towards that direction just now, didn't we?"

"Just the color combination isn't very good, I think pure black might look cooler, and it would provide better concealment at night."

"Hmm, indeed the perfect combo, I agree," Venom nodded in satisfaction at Maverick's suggestion. It then merged into the clothing and continued, "Now, let's try out some other abilities."

After getting familiar with their current attire, Maverick stepped out of the house, letting Venom control his body to become accustomed to the surging power and various extraordinary abilities.

"Thwip!" A strand of web shot from his wrist and stuck to a nearby tall building. Then, he soared into the air, landing in the middle of the tall building.

Standing in the middle of the building, Maverick somehow remained parallel to the ground. He maintained a ninety-degree angle with the building and then began walking towards the rooftop.

As he walked, he broke into a brisk run and quickly reached the rooftop. Then, he leaped off the edge of the rooftop.


The exhilarating experience made Maverick involuntarily shout with excitement. Jumping from the rooftop, his silhouette merged with the moon in the sky. Like a fish leaping out of the water, his black figure rose to the highest point and then began to descend rapidly.

Maverick could feel the wind between the buildings being pierced layer by layer. The roaring wind passed swiftly by his ears, and the vehicles and crowds on the ground grew closer.

"We're getting closer to the ground!" Maverick shouted to Venom. As the ground approached, his heart raced.

Although Maverick's reminder was loud, Venom seemed unfazed, even changing positions to increase the speed of the descent.

"Haha! Don't worry, with me here, it doesn't matter if you break into a few pieces," Venom laughed recklessly, trying to reassure Maverick.

Hearing Venom's words, Maverick, who had already been on edge, exploded emotionally. How could really say that? What does 'it doesn't matter if you break into a few pieces' even mean?

The ground was now almost within reach. At the current speed, Maverick estimated that he would just become a pile of mud upon impact, something that couldn't even be put back together.

At this moment, Maverick couldn't control himself anymore and blurted out a string of expletives: "Ahhh! Venom! What the hell, man! Ahhh!!"


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Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction

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