

I Rewrote this FF In Naruto : Reborn with Nen link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/in-naruto-reborn-with-nen_23397520005263705 Thank You

Novel_Guru · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 9

Character Sheet

— Ren Hyuga (Branch Clan Member) —

Age : 8

Codename/Rank : Shadow#17 (Classless)

Chakra : Elite Jounin

Character : Dark, Selfish, Power & Authority Hungry Person, Hides his true Personality , Have no real bottom Line, Hates Physical work, Always suspicious and wary towards strangers.

Skills : Expert in manipulating People, Expert skills in information Gathering, Trap Making, Expert Assassin , Skilled Doctor, Poison master, Skilled Blacksmith, Expert Sniper, Excellent tenketsu user.

Weapons/Tools : Kunai, Shuriken, Senbons, stainless steel wires, Camouflage clothes, Smoke Bombs, Explosive Tags, Specially made Contact lens & Sunglasses.

Properties : Owns nearly 300 million Ryo worth Hideout in Fire capital, Owns a dormitory in Hyuga compound.

Talent : Have 200 Years of Extra lifespan( Got by eating Netero Rice ) , Very sensitive to gazes , Beastly Institution, Very resistant to Poisons and Have high Pain Tolerance, Natural Assassin, Superhuman Strength.

NEN Abilities :

Ren has mastered all known Nen Techniques.

Absolute Mindscape : Allows the user to manipulate memories according to his wishes and 100% control over his thoughts.

Deep-Sleep : Allows the user to put the Target (inanimate or animate) to ignore User existence For 3*(Lifespan consumed) Years, Incase user is brought into Target Perspective then Best result will happen from user POV0.

Soul-Fit : Allows user to reincarnate according to user requirement within ability powers and Increases User talent with each time Soul-Fit is used, When user comes into unknown energy which interacts with user soul then user is automatically adapted to this Energy, Every Use of Soul-Fit consume 5 Years of User Lifespan.

Kekkei Genkai : Mutated Byakugan → Ren has mutated Byakugan which he awakened during awakening ritual ceremony. During this process his Eyes sucked more than 12 times Kage level chakra along with some natural chakra in the surrounding and his Nen which resulted in Byakugan with light blue shade and a purple hue in the centre of pupil.

Ren's Byakugan Abilities :

→ Very powerful telescopic abilities

→ 360 View, No blind Spot

→ Microscopic View (Similar to that of 2 tomoe Sharingan).

→ Illusion poweress

→ Far better ability to see Chakra than normal Byakugan and Tenketsu points.

→ Ability to directly interfere with chakra.

Ren's Chakra Element Affinity : Wind, Earth and Lightning

Ninjutsu Mastered :

Gentle Fist

Reverse physic

Four seal technique

Storage Scroll Technique

Nara shrine Pass Technique

Chakra transfer Seal

Substitution Technique

Shadow Clone Technique

Transformation Technique


Self made Body Activation Technique.

Paralysis Technique

Chakra Scalpel

Mystical Palm Technique

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Reason For Rewrite :

Truthfully, I don't even enjoy reading my novel again. There is no pleasant conversation and scenario description. This makes me feel bored when reading chapters and It also makes me feel depressed. I just feel like reading the summary of FF rather than reading chapters.

Another thing I noticed is that sometimes my chapters are too long, so I don't really get the theme of the chapter and I always feel like I am rushing way too much with such little content. Also in many places I have used formal words instead of using words used in anime which does not me vive of reading Naruto ff.

I know my plot is great so is my imagination and You don't have to worry I will not drop this FF, I will keep posting chapter but maybe from now on it would consume more time to write a quality chapter, For now onwards i will keep my word count within 1000 - 1200 and i will try to update 3 chapters per week.

I would really appreciate that the reader would comment on any spelling mistakes and improvement that can be made. Just be frank when commenting I am a New Writer so I know little about writing novels.

Please Write review and please don't give this novel 1 star, that would really hurt my confidence level.

Power Stone are appreciated.