

I Rewrote this FF In Naruto : Reborn with Nen link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/in-naruto-reborn-with-nen_23397520005263705 Thank You

Novel_Guru · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 8 Bandit Extermination

Time waits for no One, It's been 3 Yrs since i became Shadow ninja for Hashi, I play auxiliary role when we do team missions, and I have already have elite Jounin chakra level and a few months ago i also became captain of my shadow team, ohh and Hashi has‌ 35 shadows who were finally selected and I was very shocked when I heard this, 35 excellent Hyūga is no small number since if we consider that even if 20% of survive till they grow up to full potential, then Hashi in future will have nearly 6 exclusive Elite Jounin Hyuga ninja who will die for Him anytime and anywhere.

We are given full access to Hyuga library and my GOD, Hyuga have nearly 60% copy of Ninjutsu that whole Konoha have, The same goes for every big family in konoha like Senju, Uchiha, Nara - Akimichi - Yamanaka 3 families, Hakate and many more , the rest 40% include clan speciality jutsu or abilities which are only taught to trusty elites or next clan leader, for example Sarutobi family is famous for their combination ninjutsu secret Technique, if other clan can do this they will lose all their value in konoha village.

Well these things aside for now, I already started researching on sealing Techniques and Nen Inscriptions from Hxh World which are strength enhancement , Stealth inscription, Nen transfer inscription, Weight Inscription, and 4 more unknown inscription that i didn't knew when my previous self purchased those inscriptions by nearly spending 29 Billions, ahh its really right i Was super rich in HxH world afterall i spent nearly 30 yrs there,

As for my sealing research, it's also coming up nicely. I already know some ready-made techniques and made some new one like Prayer Beads. Currently, the only thing they do is to absorb seals made from using animal signs a base, I also learned how to make storage scroll, I already learn barrier seals like Four seal technique,and seals like Naka shrine pass technique are pretty easy to master because it is used to encrypt most of scroll information and decryption need password set during seal formation, As for other thing i do is just metallurgy after all if i want to excel and manipulate in need supercomputer and unfortunately i have to make one myself so i have to do my research on alloys and its combinations to make best one in my capabilities.

When it comes to my Shadow work, We usually work in teams and our major work is to guard Hashi and assassinate targets who are likely to cause trouble for Hashi in the village or outside village.

Simply said, we are Hashi bodyguards and have to be excellent in all kinds of field from tracking to Medical expert to Information gathering expert and also trap expert so unlike other Hyuga ninjas we have no Taboo. And my favourite ninjutsu is the Paralysis technique which paralyses target tenketsu point making them immobile, I have developed this technique where I can paralyse the target for 5 min just by glancing towards it.

Every team is required to guard Hashi, and we take turns after every week so don't think that we have free time, most of our time is spent on information tracking and rest on killing targets who have sights on clan bloodline, even after that we get a week free time and this is out of 7 weeks.

We stay in allotted dormitory , every shadow has about 20*20 feet room size dormitory, and we also have free access to hyuga weapon distribution and medical distribution, the only downside is that there is a deadly spar between each member from time to time and if anyone loses continuously over 5 times, then they are killed on spot, because of this I nearly died 3 times.

1st one was nearly 2.5 years ago when i was paired with my teammate and he tricked me thinking that i won when he stopped his breathing for 2 min and played dead just i was going down from ring he silently appeared behind me and punctured near my right lung with kunai, i was in critical condition for a week luckily i am also a medical expert so i could recover swiftly and completely from this injury but there is still kunai mark on my right chest

2nd and 3rd one was because of my carelessness, in 2nd one i was paired with unknown Shadow who already poisoned whole ring and also mixed some sleeping powder so he had easy victory in 5 minutes and 3rd one was when Shadow I already spared, literally attempted double suicide method because he already had 4 continuous losses and he eyes already lost hope when he was paired with me for 2nd time so he detonated all talisman he had with him which severely burnt me and I had to forfeit just to stop him else even if i won it would cost me a lot.

About 2nd Ninja war has already started and it's already going in full swing and somehow Hyuga started having lot of casualties nearly 5 months ago, I heard from Hashi that somehow their location was leaked so most likely there is a traitor in clan, we were asked to pay attention to all suspicious clan members, But I knew this was just start of Hyuga demise, I will take them 2 years to find that this information leak is done from Danzo and Hiruzen side so that they can reduce Hyuga strength

Also I somehow admired Hiruzen Sarutobi because of how quickly he changed reputation of the three Sanins who recently lost badly from Hanzo the Salamander and Give them all speciality like Orochimaru the Ninjutsu Expert, Jiraiya the Toad Sage, Jiraiya the Hermit, Tsundre the Slug Princess from Tsundre the Senju descendant which will make ninjas forget about the glory of Senju clan as time passes, I have Also seen this in anime that only in Naruto anime latter stage I got to know how strong was this clan.

Basically, he made people forget about his student bad deed and even converted this defeat into something like 3 Sanins are proud to be Hiruzen Student, He used various means to to suppress news of their disastrous defeat, Hmm thinking about this only 1000 returned out of nearly 5000 ninjas from rain country battlefield, and from the intelligent report i read that most of surviving shinobi were sent to other battlefield frontline, Hiruzun just sent all those to frontline through various means like saying 'Frontline need an experienced shinobi like You who have survived on frontline' and those who were smart enough to figure out danger on frontline, Hiruzen pressured their families to keep their mouth shut about this defeat, He also spend millions of ryo's in blackmarket to increase reputation of his students. All in all he is a really qualified politician.

Currently we are going for a B rank mission and our goal is to exterminate A bandit camp which is possibly a group of rogue ninjas and are under the suspicious of colluding with kumogakure (Lightning Village) by sending information about the situation of Fire country and Hyuga is particularly disgusted with this village and won't leave a single chance to hurt them because this village is always staring at Byakugan, Its even written in clan history that one of the reason that Hyuga Joined Konoha in warring state era was just so they can damage current Raikage clan.

Oh between I have developed my Byakugan to a very High level, it currently has these features,

– increased Telescopic vision to 20 Km from 2 Km .

– 360° view upto 4 Km. I don't know Y but there is no blind spot in my Byakugan.

– Microscopic View similar to that of 2 tomoe sharingan

– Few basic illusion but nothing on expert level.

– Ability to see various energies because i don't need to activate my Byakugan to see chakra or Nen energy.

– X ray vision, I can bypass most of poorly made seals to block Hyuga clan members from spying on whole village.

– I can keep track on nearly 3K object in my byakugan range when I am serious.

– My ability to learn and understand chakra related problem have gone up exponentially.

– And Lastly Because of mutation I can directly interfere with chakra, This is also my Killer weapon

I have also noticed the more I train my eyes the more Blue it becomes and my eyes already have a purple hue in centre, I always wear contact lens I ordered in bulk when i was on mission and later killed lens owner, which made my eye look exactly like when i first awakened them just remove purple colour from them and on top of them i wear specially made sunglasses which hides bulge when i activate Byakugan , this is the only thing i hate about Byakugan i tried several methods so that i can activate Byakugan with no bulges but I couldn't find any solution till now.

So ohh I already saw the situation around bandit camp. There are around 38 civilians with no chakra and 3 elite jounin, 6 jounin rest are around 8 peak genin chakra signals but i didn't bother to alert them, we still march towards them silently and swiftly until we are about 3.5 km away from camp when #Shadow26 alerted our team informing about enemy intelligence hmm he missed 2 elite jounins which is something odd, I guess I have to find it in person.

"Team we separate and execute them silently until they find about us, I will handle Jounins on left side of base #shadow26 and #shadow18 form a team to finish elite jounin on back side of base remember no to cause too much noise while finishing them, #shadow5 and #shadow9 separate and execute rest of them" I stopped for a moment and said this to my team,

* They all nodded in response*

(A/N : i will in future represent Ren team #shadow(x) , x → 1 to 35 and this will be codename of Hyuga Shadows

Ren team have





#shadow5, Ohh and Ren's the captain of team


We then separated and i moved toward the location of jounin in reality there were 2 elite ninjas, 3 jounin and 2 genins in this camp area, I started walking towards them and separated 2 shadow clones who started preparing storage scroll and disinfectors and poisons and sleep medicines for slow execution.

I was already in Zetsu state which ‌greatly reduced my presence and coated 5 of my special kunai with Nen and In state which made it disappear and highly lethal and then spread sleeping powder mixed with slow acting poison with it and then waited for 5 minutes which was enough time for poison to take effect and then I walked into the room where few of them talking to each other after heating just enough to understand matter they were talking about I threw his thin specially made kunai towards them.

POV Change

"Boss from the information i got from black market , we are already targeted by Hyuga family and this time they will send some of there jounins to attack us "Jounin#1 saide to his Boss.

"Don't Panic we already have colluded with Red eyed clan remnants who had bloody feud with hyuga since warring state periods, I also have information from Konoha side I don't know why they leaked information but enemy are not over 5 hyuga shinobi and there is not a single elite jounin among them they will surely receive a big surprise when they find our real strength HAHAHA" Boss looked towards Jounin#1 and then looked towards another bandit who was dressed in an ancient japanese accent and had a kusanagi sword on his waist , he also had red eyes. Apparently he had his clan exterminated in 1st Ninja war and he was one of surviving members of that clan.

"You don't have to worry no hyuga would find this location , thissss *shooosh* *shoosh*x4 is nothinggg " He was just about to describe how great his eyes were, when all of of sudden his voice was stuck in b/w of his throat from the scene he was seeing when he turned around just to see all of them flop down on floor one after another with blood flowing from middle of their forehead.

"This is the my first time seeing dojutsu other than Sharingan and Byakugan hmm would you come with me alive or do i have kill you and take your body with me hmm what will you choose hmm you have 5 seconds to decide" He heard a voice not far away from exit door and saw a 10 yr boy taking about gouging his eyes, he was already in panic state and in his subconscious knew that there was no chance to from hand of this devil child so he rushed towards him with kusanagi sword, when he just moved few steps away from his position, he felt pain behind his neck and fainted immediately

POV Change

While Ren's shadow clone was talking to distract the enemy , He sneaked behind and hit tenketsu point behind neck just above neck with high speed, which immediately killed him doing no damage to his body.

"Poor guy, he didn't even know the strength of the enemy clan, don't worry, I will get the secret behind your eyes, about how you can evade Byakugan sight."

He made his clone collect everything inside room in storage scroll and then spread disinfectors and polished his special kunai with a cloth piece. After he cleared all his traces inside the room, he cleaned the rest of enemies. In the next 1 hour he had dealt with all enemies on his side.

"Hmm Konoha also knew about this bandit camp, they probably also knew about this unknown dojutsu guy, hmm i should start acting and can't let Team return unharmed and Hyuga must also have unknown enemy so that they can reduce konoha vigilance against and this mission of chasing this dojutsu guy should be given to my team because our team have already fought against him, and also i can use this guy transformation to deal with any annoying guy i find in konoha ." Ren started to think about what kind troubles will mission completion bring him, this has become his habit because he is just too paranoid.

"Hmm see even after death ninjas have so much value"

"Ren then transformed his clone exactly like dojutsu ninja one and then he started moving towards and threw a 10 kunai attached with explosion talisman towards #Shadow29 because Ren was suspicious weather he knew about number of bandits or just reported false information he knew, after that Ren's clone ran away from bandit camp and he released the clone"

*while all this was happening, Ren created false battle wounds on himself and released signal for reinforcement to his team, and slowly after this his team gathered outside the camp after wiping everyone inside bandit camp*

"We will share as usual distribute 35% of ryo in 5 equal part rest is to be submitted along the mission report to Lord Hashi and rest of material is stored in scrolls and then we take turns and about the escaped guy leave him according the info i have on him, he is remnant of some dojutsu clan which has ability to hide from Byakugan, I will write his info in report."

"Yes Captain"x4

*Every shadow quickly picked their share scrolls and finally departed towards konoha*

After 3 hours..

"Lord hashi this time we let one enemy escape, Please forgive us his information is already written in this scroll"Ren said to Hashi

*Hashi motioned him to leave after which he shushined towards his dormitory and then he make a clone with nearly 60% of his chakra and after making sure that his Byakugan couldn't find any flaw he reverse psyched himself and disappeared from his room.

"Ren have already made his secret base which is about 1.5 Km below Fire capital city and the only way to enter here is through reverse physic, He also encrypted his base walls with Stealth Inscription and exactly overlapping 4 Barrier seal, His base has many rooms which includes experiment room, his study room, metallurgy room where he experiments with different alloys, sealing project room where he works on seal any 5-6 more room, He came to experiment storage room and opened up scroll and stored that doujutsu guy in the medical container, And then went to his training room and put kusanagi sword in sword section."

"If this goes on like this i don't think i could finish my 4th Nen technique, Because i don't really have talent to develop this technique, I have to rethink about whole vows and limitations again, I was thinking of putting less vows after developing this technique but it looks like I can't develop without putting myself in danger "